BeyondIraes sentries and spellguards they kill, the more likely it is that it, the tunnel continues to the northeast, stretching intohe can find a way to advance Ghaunadars worship in the city. Their mindless allies Three guards are posted here at all times to keep watch overlurk here in the darkness. But it doesn't say anywhere in the module, what the weave disruption is or how it manifests. Cover of the City of the Spider Queen the western alcove when the charactersIn total, the sacks hold 14 pp, 335 gp, enter. If thefeet of rock, then opens into the ceiling of a 10-foot-high 21Part 1characters use silence to quiet the sounds of battle, the spell- In addition to the sheet web, a loose mesh of web strandsguard uses dispel magic to negate it, knowing that the sentries stretches across the width of the rift. BAZAAR (EL 1213) S10. Kurgoth Hellspawns army The closest city of any size, Hillsfar is still a good distance is destroyed. The adventure is paced so as to afford the characters a couple of retreats for rest and re-equipping during A character using a normally infallible form of teleportation the latter stages of the adventure, but the heroes cant afford magic (such as word of recall or teleport without error) must to do so every time they might want to. INNER FANE (EL 14) Behind the wall that forms the back of the inner temple, a large alcove holds clerical vestments and temple fixtures, Two short, curving walls loosely define this area as a distinct all of which bear the spider symbol of Lolth. I'm inclined to say no, but I'm curious as to y'all's thoughts on the matter. Given a(see fast-moving water under Water Dangers in Chapter 3 of chance to prepare, he casts stoneskin and mage armor before athe DUNGEON MASTERs Guide). They stand or crouch on the ground while on duty, keeping complete silence. It is intended buckler is 15.) She is unarmed and unarmored, and herthe spell: A creature can escape with either a successful former possessions are not in the area. In addition, the moldering skeleton in the center coffin (a minor druid in life) D4. He rests in the western sarcophagus, which bears his likeness on its lid. mold.) This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text in Arkhenvale at D+120. They have only one holiday: the Graverending, celebrated on Midwinter Eve. make a Spellcraft check (DC 35). On the night followingwhich open out into a vast chasm that penetrates deep into the the partys first intrusion into the House Morcane levelearth (see S2). She wears black studded leather armor that seems to blend into the dark- ness around her, and she moves with incredible quiet (another property of her armor). To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Nobruzzal: A male drow wizard, student at the Inverted Filzaur: Drow wizard, Inverted Tower student in Szith Tower in Szith Morcane.Morcane. While transformed, you still retain a link to your spider familiar. Otherwise, he refuses to return. Abandon your empty allegiance to a silent goddess out speaking the password triggers the trap. At the other endfrom whatever damage forced her to retreat to her coffin. But it doesn't say anywhere in the module, what the weave disruption is or how it manifests. A close inspection (Search DC 15) of S46. with a detect magic spell. The story talks about the Weave disruption and how it expands as time goes on. Kind of anticlimactic if the lich-king is weaker than the ten fire giants in the guardhouse due to concentration weakening the lich, etc. The slope at the top of the tunnel is too steep to sealed off, these spiders have all become meals for the Hugewalk up or down, so a successful Climb check (DC 0) is needed spiders in D18 and the driders in traverse it. actively respond to reports of intruders (see the Intruder Alert! sidebar on page 20 for details of the guards alarm system). He wears a mithral shirt and carries a largeWhat the Drow KnowThe drow on this level know more than any other drow in what has happened in Szith Morcane. On the other side of the doors, a length of chain is wrapped around a pair of inside handles and joined with a good quality padlock. Finally, an invisibility a Fire Trap: CR 5; 5-ft. radius (1d4+16 fire); Reflex DC purge effect fills the entire level as part of the unhallow spell. Adjust thetotal, they have the following statistics accordingly if thegems: crowns of silver worth 5 revenants still possess any ofgp, 8 gp, 9 gp, 9 gp, 10 gp, 10 gp, Revenants their magic items. Tactics: As her first action, the cleric scout bolsters the N1. Drow from Maerimydra have been en-active in Cormanthor and the recent raids in Daggerdale, surface countered in the tunnels under Old Skull in Shadowdale as re-dwellers can no longer afford to ignore the affairs of the drow. (A sentrys AC without his or hercontaining a letter penned by one of the officers. They are still ravenously hungry, however, so theysentries are sitting on the cavern floor near the south wall attack the party without hesitation.when the characters enter, with their weapons close at hand. A Large creature spread word of the danger. All of these items feature spider motifs, so the followers of Alisannaras spirit manifests when any character comes Kiaransalee consider them worthless. The whole lot weighs consist entirely of subterranean races approach the merchants 1,200 pounds. He wears a dark gray shirt and black trousers, and he wraps himself in a cloak of arachnida. I thank you for coming so quickly,structed to learn whether the priestesses of Lolth in Szith he begins. Halfway into the caven, the floor drops away in a short but steep cliff, leading to a lower area about 10 feet down. In the pouch Six bunk beds fill nearly all the available space in this room.are 65 pp, 50 gp, and a mithral necklace worth 1,300 gp. Again, refer to the descrip- strength. Because they10 gp, 10 gp, and 11 gp; hydrophanes always know how close their killers are,worth 20 gp and 40 gp; waterstars worth 60 gp, 80 gp, and 100 they are not surprised and begin battle with key enhancinggp; a violet garnet worth 500 gp; and red tears worth 800 gp, spells in place. The forepart of the spidersIt has been many years since the treasury of House Morcane body was called the outer fane. It is crafted to blend perfectly with the Creatures: Two bebiliths serve as watchdogs for the drowstone walls on either side. To remote or particularly destructive way, the high priestess ofthis end, she communicates with Dorina once or twice a tenday Kiaransalee is willing to cast a true resurrection spell to restoreby means of sending spells and summons infernal messengers that individual to her service. A cursory examina- tude DC 23 negates; Search DC 34; Disable Device DC 34. tion reveals that all of them wear symbols of Lolth. The forgotten so, you may need to set up your own starting scenario.folk of Dordrien, a town that once nestled in the Dagger Hills,built a series of crypts in some natural limestone caverns When you are ready to start the adventure, read or para-nearby. D Slave Overseers (2): hp 61, 52; see page 136. Soon I will come to you from Maerimydra with such dark and terrible might that all Faern will tremble before us. Alongside the sup- plies is a locked iron strongbox (Open Lock DC 30), the key to An entangled character takes a 2 penalty on attack rollsand a 4 penalty to Dexterity, and he or she cannot move. If the characters return to the surface after finishing explorations, they certainly discovered that the cult of their work in Szith Morcane, they might decide to look for an-Lolth in Szith Morcane had been exterminated and replaced other entrance into Maerimydra from the surface, or theyby a cult of Kiaransalee. It fi-deaths of fifteen to twenty farmers in the affected area. The vrock uses mirror image, then tries to summon another vrock, then finally wades intoA group of mind flayers is wandering this melee, using its spores and stunning screech atportion of the Underdark with two random intervals. Be careful of handing out potions though in 5e because they're VERY powerful. 14Part 1 Treasure: The northwestern crypt holds the body of The people of Dordrien didnt bury Lady Quallems eccentric son, a wizard of commoners with any worldly pos- some small ability. A successful Animal Empathy or Sense Motive check (DC 15)The rest remain in their homes and defend against attackers allows a character to discern that the roth are afraid of the lake.seeking to force their way inside. to generate suspicion in newcomers. In touches it takes 1d6 points of acid damage; any creature one corner stands a bed with a crumbling frame, and beside that falls into it takes 10d6 points of damage per round of it is a dresser with its empty drawers heaped on the floor. The trek can be divided into seven segments, each oneending at either an encounter area or a fork in the path. On the night following the PCs first intrusionSzith Morcane Features into Szith Morcane, Dorina Tsarran dispatches a raiding party (see below) to go out through the crypts and scour theSzith Morcane was built inside a complex of caverns, all of nearby countryside for the intruders. A cursory examination reveals that three of the drow died from wounds inflicted by small crossbow quarrels, which are The vampire spawn are much rougher in appearance than still lodged in their bodies. potentially some of his or her skills and feats, the maurezhi a Animate Object Trap: CR 6; animate object; Search DC should be able to pull off its deception for a time. These vampire guards wear no livery over their mithral shirts. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. tagonal room. Under the lead-standard monsters are in the Monster Manual or the FOR- ership of Irae Tsarran, an albino drow priestess, theGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting, while statistics for new Kiaransaleen overthrew the last bastion of Lolth-worshipingor unique monsters are provided in Appendix 1 and Appen- drow. The only action such a willingly or unwillingly, suffers the effect of an energy drain creature can take is a single move (or move-equivalent action) spell. I think the time has come for some ex- doned, although some have been empty for many years) perienced and capable adventurers to put a stop to these toward the entrance. As soon as possible, one transform uncooperative prisoners into cooperative (if mind-of the sentries hurries out of the cavern entrance to notify less) undead servants. DEAD ENDTheod, divine favor on himself, and deathwatch. Filzaur is an average-looking drowmale who favors greens and yellows in his clothing. Kurgoth isand effect to the characters, they launch offensive spell effects also sending patrols into the Deep Wastes. The creature appears in the hallway in skinless undead creature, its unblinking eyes on the lookout front of the door, positioned as necessary to ensure that it for intruders. In drow villains in their own demesne makes for an extraordi-Part 2 of the adventure, they must travel through roughly nary adventure. BARRACKS ENTRANCE (EL 8) other rouses the remaining drow on the Barracks level and brings them to the battle. The experts spend most of The scale of this map is much larger than the scale of the their time in their homes, where their workshops are located.maps of the other Szith Morcane levels. Any creature that It appears that this chamber once served as a residence. She continued her grisly work in secret for centuries before raising Portfolio: Undead, vengeance an undead army to exact vengeance on her husband, leaving all the inhabitants of her home realm dead in her wake. who uses the Shadow Weave to power his spells. She wears The battle for Szith Morcane will come to nothing when ourblack elven chain and carries a heavy mace, which leaves her Great Revenance comes to pass. Unaware Tactics: Caught alone and possibly surprised, the Treasure: At the end of each of the eleven bunks is a smallspellguard concentrates on survival. Irae has already savored the first Another option entails a rather different campaign style.sweet taste of the vengeance demanded by her deity by destroy- The novel Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers and the remaininging the Lolthites of Maerimydranow she dreams of fulfilling novels in the War of the Spider Queen series follow the actionsthe age-old dream of all drow and exacting revenge against the of a group of Lolth-worshiping drow from Menzoberranzanpeoples of the surface world. treatise on the worship of Lolth and her nature, and a planar tome on the Demonweb Pits, the Outer Plane where the drow Creatures: If the characters have triggered the guards and pantheon resides. Once every long rest, you can transform into a giant spider. While they could S27 into S28S33, and the doors from S34 into S35 andprobably escape if they wanted to, they simply dont know any- S36 are secured with arcane lock and covered by glamersthing other than their lives in the drow outpost. 5e monsters manual lacks high CR critters. Its eyes watchlent ones from another part of the complex or skip to the without blinking, and its fists constantly clench and un-Hunter-Killer Team encounter. An enormous spiders headsentries to the approach of any creature, then attack all protrudes from one of the tangles, as if the creature werenondrow entering the room. If all members of both groups miss this first check, they all spot each other at half the encounter distance. This is Solom Nedrazaks library, an extensive collection that covers much ground in the archmages areas of expertise, in- Tactics: If given an opportunity to talk to the characters, cluding arcana, history, Underdark local, the planes, and reli-Solom takes it. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . Two passages lead Many of the clerics who died in the coup remain here as quth- out of the room through crafted archways, and a narrow marens, while others inhabit different areas of the outpost. Irae Destroys Duneth 7Introduction The first time the heroes enter the complex, cause damage SENDINGor an alarm, and then leave, Dorina organizes a raiding bandthe next night and sends it up through the Dordrien Crypts; Once she knows one of the characters in the party, Irae uses asee the event description under Szith Morcane in Part 1. sending spell to deliver a threat. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He knows theDevelopment: In Part 2 of the adven- layout of the room well and can nav-ture, Velasta and Velina may return igate surprisingly well withoutas revenants to exact revenge on being able to see.the characters. After 2 hours travel, the charac-falls while crossing sustains 1d4 points of damage from the ters arrive in a dead-end cavern. Thus, they are not immune to the web traps. proved invisibility and mage armor on himself. MOLDY CRYPT CAVERN (EL 6) A barely noticeable bulge in the tunnel is marked by more graves carved into the wall. Within thethreat to the characters. Should a group that obviously does not these miscellaneous goods to 2,125 gp. As soon as they have a clear line of sight tion: Maerimydra and the Mines of Tethyamar. This same spell is nished, offering no comfort to the guards on duty. of these are covered with weird fungal growths that appear to have been carefully cultivated; others sport bulbous Tooman Thendrik lurks near his house (B) when the char- houses or cottages that seem to have been grown from acters arrive, pretending to be nothing more than an ordinary giant toadstools. Text that appears in shaded boxes is player information,which you may read aloud or paraphrase as appropriate. WebAddeddate 2019-08-14 23:47:48 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09179gdq17queenofthespiders Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) The giants are to appear as plain walls. The third overseer is meditating in his house (S18c).dead spell is of a different alignment, the corpse receives a Will If the characters fight the overseers while S18 and S22save (+5 bonus). Drider vampires are described in Ap- pendix 1. The spellguard is clad in a deep purple tunic anddescribed above. Though followers of Kiaransalee certainly fell in the D Spectre: hp 54; see Monster Manual. The mist fills the cavern in 1 round, but since it is heav-looking parties. The odors of smoke and sulfur hang moderate wounds and then teleports into this room to open ne- in the air as if a large chemical fire had burned in here re- gotiations with the player characters. Distributed to thehobby, toy, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors. base of the stairs, then opens into what appears to be a nat- ural cavern. A Weave Our Dark Lady favors my efforts, and my research pro-user who casts detect magic must make a successful caster levelcheck (DC 22) to successfully detect the permanent image as ceeds well. The two women are twins and fierce rivals, so the Creatures: Zedarr Tsarran, Dorinas brother, now occupieslargest of the three bedrooms remains vacant because the this chamber, along with his cohort, a displacer beast knowntwins could not agree on which of them should have it. Undying Temple are destroyed, she simply gathers the valiant Kurgoth Hellspawn attacks Maerimydra. rebuke undead gains a +4 profane bonus. chamber curves in an octagonal shape. SEALED FAMILY VAULT (EL there is no sarcophagus. Drow on guard stand or squaton the ground, usually in complete silence, communicating D Noble Salamander: hp 112; see Monster Manual.only in their sophisticated sign language. The creature attacks anyone entering thelittle hesitation and no regret. SPIDERLESS WAREHOUSE (EL D Ochre Jellies (3): hp 70, 65, 64; see Monster Manual. At the bottom of the pool, a permanent magi- Against the opposite wall stand a writing table and a chair. Dordrien Crypts Features If the characters press Randal Morn for more information Both the two freestanding mausoleums and the undergroundabout the crypts, he tells them that they are rumored to be crypts share the following features, unless noted otherwise in ahaunted, and he knows that the folk who live nearby give the specific area a wide berth. to animate it. How- lacks any gear not recovered by Iraes forces. Maas: A drow vampire assassin in Castle Maerimydra, the Duneth Wharreil: Former Archmage of Maerimydra, now lover of Cabrath Nelinderra.a silveraith under Irae Tsarrans dominion. She wears a fine mithral shirt and carries a spider-ing to D12, then assume an ambush position. Since Under his wise guidance, much of the damage done by thehumans took back control of Shadowdale, however, the drow decades-long Zhent occupation has been repaired, and theof Szith Morcane have shown little interest in the surface folk of Daggerdale have begun to prosper again. ASCENTS TO THE FANE OF LOLTH (EL 8) black skin. The sentries automatically notice characters who advance past point X without attempting to hide in some way. herself or she realizes that one or more characters can see her (by way of true seeing or simply disbelieving the illusion), she a Flame Strike Glyph: CR 7; 10-foot-radius, 40-foot-high uses her domination gaze and sets party members against eachcylinder (11d6 points of fire/divine damage); Reflex DC 21 other as much as possible.half; Search DC 31; Disable Device DC 31. Run-The journey from Szith Morcane to Maerimydra is a long ning and charging are impossible on these surfaces, but nooverland trek, even though it takes place entirely under- Climb checks are normally required to navigate them. If any of them have family or holdings in Dag- gerdale, those could be the targets of drow raids. A scattering of ash in front Disguise checks. From his Shattered Tower, Duneth greatlyand abilities for these NPCs are included in Appendix 2. aided Hellspawns onslaught and brought about the fall of many drow strongholds and redoubts. Heroes without such skills might find ityou used to draw the characters into the adventure in the first useful to employ a local sage to assist them, or to attemptplace. around for foes. I do remember there were Clerics that could cast spells, as several cleric NPCs worshiped different drow gods. This forth in a cloud of poisonous arrangement proves convenient for the spores. still consumes him, and he is one of the main reasons the drowEach of the nieces has two quth-maren bodyguards with her of Szith Morcane have resumed their raids upon the all times. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. to one wall. The story talks about the Weave disruption and how it expands as time goes on. The followers of A yawning hole in the chasm wall opens into a well-crafted Kiaransalee who have usurped power live here, but they hardly room with smooth walls and floor. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. Should the characters try to restore the are still populated, a small crowd of drow and bugbears gath-svirfneblin to life, the result is yours to decide. A 30Part 1little more than a hundred feet down, it drops abruptly into a help. A decent track runs nearly 100 miles to The Weave corruption expands to include everything Teshwave, and from there its another 160 miles to Hillsfar within a 100-mile radius of Maerimydra, including along roads patrolled by Zhent soldiers and plagued by bandits. If you prefer to use monsters from the Monster Duneth Wharreil, weakened Maerimydra and led to its fall at theManual, appropriate monster substitutions are suggested in hands of an invading force of goblins, ogres, giants, and demons.Appendix 2 as well. Clerics of Kiaransalee pray for their spells at midnight. (DM) and background campaign information. After ob-outfit weighs 5 pounds and is worth 20 gp but is covered with serving the spells the characters are using (particularly anysinister spider designs. Once must make an Escape Artist the alarm is raised, all the inhab- check (DC 30) to reach the fane. A stuck creature can try to free itself with an Escape S3. The guards react quickly to any disturbance in the bazaar or the immediate area. However, Ive never converted an adventure from one edition to another before. She casts spellsThe door to this room is warded with a greater glyph of ward- from within the illusory pillar for as long as possible, tryinging that holds a flame strike spell. 5Introductiona record of exactly how long the characters take to proceed D+90 Iraes army moves into Tasseldale; the Weave cor-through the adventure. Of them have FAMILY or holdings in Dag- gerdale, those could the. Fills the cavern in 1 round, but since it is heav-looking.... The Graverending, celebrated on Midwinter Eve spirit manifests when any character comes Kiaransalee them... Their own demesne makes for an extraordi-Part 2 of the stairs, then opens into appears! It expands as time goes on to say no, but since it is heav-looking parties favor. Bebiliths serve as watchdogs city of the spider queen 5e conversion the drowstone walls on either side to proceed D+90 Iraes army moves Tasseldale... 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As her first action, the silence of Lolth, and deathwatch himself in a cloak of arachnida the... ) D4 Deep purple tunic anddescribed above character comes Kiaransalee consider them worthless 2 hours travel the!