Concoction Miracle Rogue - #1 Legend (PocketTrain) - Return to Naxxramas. With all the hard removal in Duels, a little bit of extra Health doesnt matter very much. New "Recruits" is a great tool in general that functions really well in any tribe-centric strategy such as Murlocs or Mechs. Wyrm Bolt and Frost Shards are similar in popularity because they're direct upgrades from Mage's normal Hero Power. Blood Parasite is probably to best Hero Power out of her three. But the decks that wanna cheat out big things already have ways to do that, like Clumsy Courier and Kael'thas Sinstrider. Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? Deck sourced by: Copy Deck Code. If you can keep at least a few minions board, you can multiple the value of Gentleman's Top Hat by trading up and juggling the +2/+2 buff between your minions. backs you up with whatever you may otherwise lack from your initial deck. With 2 minions on the board, it can be a Blessing of Kings. Even Battlegrounds had their own versions of Sr. Tomb Diver and Karl the Lost. Here we will list more specific strategies for each class and hero with their Hero Power, Treasure, and starting deck options. At its worst, its a well-statted minion that deals respectable damage. The one-mana dagger (which becomes a 2/2 with Combo) is a brutally consistent and efficient tool, reminiscent of the Even decks from the past. Scales of Justice is also a great tool for dealing with a troublesome enemy board. The most important aspect of this is the fact that it works against the enemy hero as well. Not only is this super mana efficient, its lets you play huge minions so much earlier than theyre supposed to. More often than not, you wont even get to the point of drawing the second one. Miracle Rogue - #11 Legend (Treasure) - Wild S109. All rights reserved. You might also be interested in. The effect of Freeze Solid now involves a damage buff as opposed to instant destruction of minions. A lot of decks cant afford to run too many cheap cards and/or dont really have anything that really needs to be cheated out. Duelist Guide: Tips for Duels Here, we'll go over the potential that each class is capable of. A full heal and board reload is an outstanding effect for a Treasure. Out of all the school specific Spell Damage, Kindling Flame benefits its particular school the most. Being able to draw a card off of any Battlecry with Rally the Troops is valuable, but its discountability is somewhat limited. It's a tempo loss the turn you play it and even becomes a bad weapon after you already have 10 Mana. Send in the Scout is also a possible option. Marvelous Mycelium is good at generating some high quality good cards. If you feel that you dont need the removal, Sr. Excavator can be an amazing draw option for minion heavy decks or Brann's Saddle if many of them are Beasts. However, combining it with Charge (Plus Battleground Battlemaster for potentially a near OTK) is significant burst damage worthy of considering. [Opinion] Why RNG is the Best Part of Hearthstone, Hearthstone Runestones: What are they, how to get them & more. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? Edge of Dredge and Forgotten Depths arent bad on paper, but it requires you to run a few Dredge cards, and most classes only have access to 1 good one. For aggressive strategies, Elise's Machete is a fantastic choice as it provides plenty of damage and Rush stats all in one reasonably priced weapon! Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Pure Neutral - With how many options youre cutting out when you eliminate class cards, you can afford to lean into gaining constant value from War Commands while For the Horde! Loyal Sidekick is a simple large taunt minion, that is pretty much always a tempo play, but doesn't usually do more that block some damage and maybe attack once or twice. Advanced Duels Guide - With Example Decks And Treasure Tier Lists! The latter has much more staying power and has a better chance for a deep run, but the former might be easier to start with if youre new to the format, especially because it is cheaper to build. If you meant Kindling Flame, I agree with that one. Optimized Polarity doesn't generate much advantage as there are very limited minions and not all that impactful unless manage to handbuff them. Thats pretty limiting in some classes. The Alterac Valley hero cards are insanely strong too. Sign up to get the best content of the week, and great gaming deals, as picked by the editors. Spell-heavy decks tend to do a lot of Discovering, and Orb of Revelation gives them mass discounts to their hand when it has several of their spells that arent already cheap. If you're a fan of Ramp which accelerates your mana pool, Druid is a great class because of cards like Innervate and Wild Growth. There is so much spell support you can draft that a healthy mix of card generation and damage can make a lot of things work. Hearthstone Decks - Decks Player class Only show decks for specific classes. Runed Soulblade is a good weapon in its own right, but your opponent can play around it and waste its durability and potential. Both Cold Feet Pact and Ghouls Rush In are free minions, but the former has much greater snowball potential if you hold onto your corpses for a long time while the ladder is better for decks that would rather keep spending its corpses for their bonuses. Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Import a Deck Expansions Festival of Legends Core 2022 Guide Festival of Legends Lich King Achievement Guides When you have legendary minions with effects that benefit exponentially by being duplicated like Aegwynn, the Guardian or Rattlegore, then Disks of Legend can be a huge game-changer; even though it does nothing else when you're not playing legendary minions. Flame Waves gives all of your Fire spells the added value of two free Arcane Explosion, which is an amazing passive board clear. Infinite Arcanes mana discount only comes into play in long matches, but quickly loses relevance in the ultra-late game. Best Standard Meta Decks. The fact that Self-Sharpening Sword is outright banned in the initial deckbuilding phase should be a strong hint that you should pick it at every opportunity later on. Their delayed value as opposed to the passives with much faster if not instant value holds them back though. I'm thinking about moving Mending Pools up too. Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Vanndar Stormpike (6251 MMR) (Promote! frozen solid is actually insane for a first pool passive too. Its great at what it does and would probably be too strong if it were any cheaper. Sure it has all of the drawbacks of attacking with your hero, but your opponent is forced to play around it every single turn. Cannibalism and From the Swamp move into primary passive pool with effects that match the strength of their competitors. Unfortunately, Band of Bees is now an ultra-rare treasure so you shouldnt bank on finding it in pool 2. Starting Treasure: Killmox, the Banished One. Tier 5: Amalgamate is an inefficient way to get a big minion on the board. Keep instument tech over weapon in mulligan itherwise always keep weapon. Rocket Backpacks augment your buff strategies well, especially if you pick up Lightforged Blessing for big comeback plays. Since Embers of Ragnaros is gonna be all youre able to play most of the time, its really hard to make it work the way you want it to. There is a fun little Scales of Onyxia gimmick, but right now there aren't a lot of Dragon decks out there making it into the late runs. With all the available cards Hunters have access to in Duels, Deathrattles are definitely the go-to archetype. The Mana Discounting Treasures have too minor of an effect to really make the most of it. Rogues and Mages have always had an affinity for good cheap spells, and this combo of classes definitely embodies it. Like or Dislike? As control is the most common game plan for Elise decks, Addarah is naturally the most picked starting Treasure since it comes with one of the strongest types of removal in the game. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Druid larry3141, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Druid Not Rain, Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Scarlet Leafdancer (6040 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Sai Shadestorm (4517 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sir Finley (5035 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Vanndar Stormpike (7086 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 DrekThar (8447 MMR). Of course at the first game your only out isLunar Eclipse andWrath. Unholy Embrace is a little too expensive (both in terms of mana and corpses) and makes it hard to use in Duels. Outside of massive early-game swings, Duels have a tendency to last longer than normal games. All of the Dream cards are good. Creator Notes:This is built with the better Totems and support for it (mostly like an Even Shaman). Seafloor Gateway can achieve the same thing in Mech Mage, and Paladins can handbuff all those extra Mechs you get from even more burst stats to Magnetize onto your minions. The only separate topics between the two will be the Hero Powers and starting Treasures, but everything else will mostly apply to both. They are all great cards, but only your decision-making can get you all the way to twelve wins. Hero Power Ramp Druid - Feno - Festival of Legends. Fel spell decks that manage to draft Corrupted Felstone give a massive boost to Coilskar Commander! Focus on weapons and synergistic cards in your future bucket picks. Updated: 3rd of February. In decks that love Divine Shields like Handbuff Paladin, Righteous Reserves grants a lot of them for free. Creator Notes:This is just purely Token Druid taking advantage of the free tempo made by Nature Treasures. Tier 3: Crystal Gem may provide a meaningful bonus, but if it whiffs because of a bad opening hand you end up with one less passive than your opponent the rest of the game. Rogue was a safe class to put Swiftscale Trickster in because of the classs general lack of majorly impactful high cost spells. You cant necessarily build a deck around Inspiring Presence. Sure its good at giving you spells from a school that typically doesnt generate more stuff, but there isnt enough Fire support to make this a sustainable strategy without something crazy like drafting 5 extra copies of Grand Magus Antonidas. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! DRUID (12) 0 Lightning Bloom 1; 1 Nature Studies 1; 2 Wrath 1; 3 Speaker Gidra 1; 3 Wild Growth 1; 4 Swipe 1; 5 Nourish 1; 5 Starfall 1; 5 Teacher's Pet 1; 5 Twilight Runner 1; 7 Guardian Animals 1; Heres how it works. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. 12 Win Druid Duels Decks we had on stream during the first day of Darkmoon Faire, The author didnt add any Information to his profile yet. Tier 2: Vampiric Fangs can provide big Heal to classes the otherwise lack it and struggle against decks based around Magnetic Mines and Mind Tether, while functioning as targeted removal. The spells are the better than the minions and are amazing when you just get a bunch of them for free. AAEBAQcPHEvSAtQEjgWRBv8H1AiNDuLMA+PMA6fOA4rQA5PQA6vUAwAA, Hero Power: No Guts, No Glory Your value from Ancient Reflections depends on what you end up targeting, preferably things with persistent effects like Deathrattles. If you play it right, Gift of the Legion can deal a Pyroblasts worth of damage by itself. After that, you dont really have anything else to gain from that. Ace in the Hole works well in both decks, but sometimes weapon rogues will take Deadly Weapons 101 instead for the damage spike. Having Roguish Maneuvers and Bruisingcost less and become repeatable doesn't really make them any better, but the same bonuses can make Death Games and From Golden Light become win conditions on their own. If youre playing a Connections deck, you can get a lot of mileage out of Sticky Fingers and From the Swamp. It just takes some work to get the cards where you want in your hand. Theyre just generically useful, which is not a bad thing as it doesnt require you to build your deck around it while still being extremely strong. Enjoy this deck guide? The Rogue Hero Powers all seem to encourage decks with the ability to activate combo effects. Elise's Might isnt a half bad generic tool and Starseeker is just a source of free damage if your deck is primarily spells. Use the checkboxes to compare up to eight decks! Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? Staff of Pain was okay on its own and is prone to backfiring. Illucia has a Hero Power for both aggro and control decks, and both are quite good. Illidari Strike can proc the effects of Infuse cards by itself. Youll spend most of your turn just getting the treasure, and still might not even be able to play it. Book of the Dead is usually a much cheaper option and even deals sizable damage to face. is probably the most popular choice for the AOE Attack buff with the cannon damage acting as just a small bonus. Help others find it and show your support to the author by giving it an upvote! Darius Crowleys Hero Power is unique amongst the other heroes. 2 Solar Eclipse 2. *Heavy Armor doesnt do anything to push you towards winning by itself. However, those deck would much rather spend such a large amount of mana on buffing what they have and push for game instead of giving them a Deathrattle with no immediate impact with Canopic Jars. The Bronze Signet doubles the full value of every minion you draw, but this is done in the form of card advantage as opposed to extra tempo or high impact. Fire! Paladins (and to an extent Priests) have a decent amount of Holy spell support. Plus, most of the possible cards either require a certain game state to be useful or are just worse than most treasures. Skeleton Mage is helped out by Treasures like. Like every good Priest deck, a good build in Duels prevents its opponent from using minions by taking said minions for itself. Compare Miracle Rogue Variants. Seabreaker Goliath is merely a beatstick that takes a while to discount. Wither the Weak adds on some extra power to the typically cheap Fel spells, making them an above average tempo play. Passively obtaining discounted copies of enemy minions sounds amazing, but Eerie Stone isn't perfect. Signature Treasure: Killmox, the Banished. The addition of Grand Totem Eysor to the summon pool has turned the class viable again, allowing you to build a surprisingly tall board purely out of totems. is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. There's enough Big Demon support to allow this archetype to hold its own in Duels. Greedy builds with Rattlegore are the current kings of the format. It may seem daunting at first, but with this list of class strategies and starting decks, youll be a top tier duelist in no time. The impact of Book of Wonders varies wildly, but has the ability to outshine a lot of the other primary passives. While the potential is still there, its just hard to make the most of it when theres not a lot of decks that just happens to be able to use it to its fullest extent. [Update: April 2023], [Browser Plugin] Hearthstone Card Names into Image Popups, Hearthstone Dust Refund: Find all nerfed cards with only one Keyword. Now the class always has access to a dagger with minimal mana investment, allowing for more consistent strategies revolving around weapon buffs. Plus the spell you get is from ANY class, so the odds of it synergizing with your deck are slim at best. Most decks love to Discover, and Staking A Claim not only gives you free tempo, but its not limited to once per turn! It works best in decks that summon several minions. Can you sink five mana into activating the effect? Youd have to build a very Beast heavy deck to make it not useless. Why the hell did no-one tell me I could actually make the Prt Sc button useful? Tier 1: Effects the passively double the value of some of your cards are definitely some of the most powerful treasures. Its a shame a few of these example decks were criminally nuked because of balance changes made YESTERDAY, especially the 12-Win Frost Mage one that probably wouldnt get that far now. 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