But sometimes, an early cold snap or late-season frost can catch your Crape by surprise, shocking it with freezing temperatures before it has a chance to get into the safety of its hibernation. Crepe Myrtle aphids feed on the sap of Crepe Myrtle trees and are the most common Crepe Myrtle pest. Servicing The Dallas & Fort Worth Metroplex. However, many issues can result from Crape Murder. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Thanks for the helpful advice! Once the cause has been identified, gardeners can take steps to address it, such as treating the plants with an appropriate pesticide or fungicide, adjusting the watering schedule, or amending the soil. If so, you should cut them off to make a clean stump for your new growth. In part this may be because when the "newer" cultivars were developed they were introduced to market before the original plants had matured, and the stated heights were a guess based on the heights of the parent plants. Additionally, be sure to water your crape myrtle regularly to ensure it is receiving the necessary moisture it needs to thrive. We are a member of several affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to external sites. In the landscape these cultivars got larger than anticipated. Finally, gardeners should look for new leaves. Prune New Growth: Continue to remove any new growth or suckers that sprout up from around the cut over the coming weeks or months. There are ways to save a sick or dying Crepe Myrtle tree. In addition to leaf discoloration, another sign that your crepe myrtle may be dying is a lack of new growth. Then proceed along with everybody else to step 3. To reach our ISA Certified Arborists for professional tree maintenance and tree services, or even if you just have some questions, give us a call today attel:(817) 592-6846, To learn more about How To Save a Dying Crepe Myrtle Tree, call our Argyle and Southlake based teams. Crape Myrtles are hearty plants, but they may still be susceptible to various diseases and fungal infections. Thank you for your feedback! In the next section, well dive into how to help a murdered Crape and how to correctly prune from here on out. Then, when the plant goes dormant during the winter months, choose three to five strong and healthy branches that are spaced apart well enough to become your new trunks. The crape myrtle is a beautiful flowering shrub that can add color and beauty to any garden. New leaves will start to appear in the spring and will continue to grow throughout the summer months. Crepe myrtle pests include aphids and mold. If the infection is minor, you may be able to treat it with an appropriate fungicide or insecticide. Why Choose Plants from Southern Living Plant Collection. In a few years the new sprouts will have thickened to nearly the size of the original trunk. Since fall is the time to plant spring blooming bulbs, here are the answers to some common questions about bulbs. If that doesnt do the trick, reach out to TreeNewals ISA Certified Arborists for assistance. For best growth and production, crape myrtle should receive at least one inch of water a week. If the Crape Murder has been ongoing for a while, it may be difficult to correct the issue using this method. Prune to the desired shape Depending on the type of pruning youre doing, you can prune the crepe myrtle to the desired shape. Whether it lands on the leaves or branches or is absorbed through the root system, it can be very damaging or fatal to your Crape Myrtle. For a more natural look, vary the height of the cuts a bit. The crepe myrtle requires significant sunshine in order to bloom. In spring the trunks will sprout new growth. Decided I wanted to take out the Crepe Myrtle to plant something di. To do it right, here are some steps you should take to properly prune a crepe myrtle. Finally, you should consider using a mulch around the crepe myrtle to help retain moisture and discourage weed growth. Here are some of the reasons control can be difficult. In addition to visual inspection, you should also pay attention to any changes in the plants behavior. For best growth and production, crape myrtle should receive at least one inch of water a week. Gardeners should ensure that the soil is well-draining and that the shrub is planted in an area that is sheltered from strong winds. Here are some signs to look out for that indicate that your crepe myrtle needs fertilization. It is not frost-tolerant and can suffer damage if temperatures drop below 20 F (-7 C). Will a Crape Myrtle Damage Your Home, Yard, or Foundation? Here are some recommended fertilizers for Crepe Myrtles that will keep your trees healthy and vibrant. No? Crape Myrtles dont usually die after severe pruning, but they never grow to their full potential or look as beautiful as they would be otherwise. In more severe cases, you may have to do a major rejuvenation of your Crape, which is a drastic measure. It is preferable that the temperature stays between 58F and 62F at night and reaches 68F during the day. Poor drainage can cause root rot, also a potentially fatal condition. Do that by following the careful pruning instructions we discussed earlier to help your Crape Myrtle grow back into its natural shape. Newly tended plants require more water compared to mature and established plants. You dont want a bunch of new mangled growth crossing into the center of the canopy. Rejoice! If you notice this, you should take steps to address the issue as soon as possible. Crepe myrtles bloom on new growth and should be pruned in late winter or early spring. Crepe Myrtles are also relatively disease resistant. Thank you for your feedback! CL0118 | NC Irrigation Contractor's License No. Crape Myrtles and Pollinators: Are Crapes Good for Bees? Dig around the root system to see if the roots are dead or alive. Here are the basics: Stand back and look at the tree. Signs that your Crepe Myrtle is dying or dead. Luckily, if this is your issue, you just need to either replant the Crape Myrtle or remove some soil from above the root ball. Another good way to use prevention as part of crepe myrtle blight treatment is to encourage air circulation around the plants. Gardening enthusiasts, have you ever wondered how to revive a crepe myrtle in your garden? When the roots are too far underneath the ground, your Crape Myrtle will have trouble getting water, nutrients, and oxygen. You'll receive two emails a month packed with resources to help your trees thrive. That beautiful bark and the elegant trunk and branches that show it off do not develop to the fullest potential when "murdered". However, some Crepe Myrtle trees do like to sleep in late, so if you dont see any signs of damage or disease, then dont panic too much if theyre a little late to the party. This is a more recent addition to our list of potential ailments, as it was first identified in Texas in 2004; however, it has quickly made its presence known and is now one of the most common Crepe Myrtles pests in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Generally, crape myrtles tend to produce leaves relatively late in the season when warm weather returns. But dont worry, your Crape may still be salvageable! Check for dead or broken branches on the shrub. Branches. Slow Growth: If your crepe myrtle is not growing as fast as it should be, it may be a sign that its lacking essential nutrients. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. But in most cases, theres still a little life left in the root system to coax your Crape Myrtle back to health with some extra TLC. If you spot any signs of disease, such as brown spots on the leaves or bark, or if you see pests such as aphids or scale, it's important to take action quickly. I'll try pruning it back and see if it helps. The saved shoots will become the new main trunks. Unfortunately, due to improper care or environmental stress, crepe myrtles can become sickly or even die. Heading, or topping, is when you cut branches back to a shorter length. If you see live, green tissue underneath the outer layer, youll know your Crape is still alive but dormant. With the right fertilizer and a little bit of TLC, your Crepe Myrtles will be healthy and vibrant for many years to come. Compare the dead looking trees on the . Rest easy-in most cases you can repair previous poor pruning. Sooty mold doesn't harm the plant and . Crepe myrtle needs full sun to thrive. Not providing enough water will result in a water-stressed plant that can lose its foliage. Youll want a pruning saw, loppers, and pruning shears. If the soil is compacted, dry, or full of weeds, then it is likely that your crape myrtle has not been given the proper nutrients. This could be due to a lack of water, a nutrient deficiency, or a pest infestation. Like other sap-sucking insects, they do not fully digest their food and leave behind a sticky liquid called honeydew. This practice, which cuts back all large structural branches of a tree is extremely damaging and weakens trees in the long run. Here are the common ways your landscape is telling you it needs help. Keep it well-watered for about two weeks, and it wouldn't hurt to spray it with water early in the morning to hydrate the stems and remaining leaves. Remove suckers at the base, twiggy growth, crossing branches, and branches growing toward the center of the plant. I find the smell of dirt pleasant. Using a special nozzle to reduce drift and clearly marking your sprayers can help reduce accidental herbicide injury. Were a little different than the average tree services company. With the right care, your crepe myrtle should be thriving in no time! Even when your Crape Myrtle is leafless, continue to water it as though it were growing normally. The crape myrtle is an excellent choice for gardeners in search of a hardy and colorful flowering shrub. The first thing to do is to punish yourself appropriately. If your crepe myrtle is infested with pests, its a good idea to fertilize it to restore its health and make it less attractive to pests. It may be necessary to remove the too-large crapes and replace them with a variety of a more suitable size. An excellent slow-release fertilizer for Crepe Myrtles is a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer. If its brown all the way through, its likely your Crape Myrtle (or at least a section of it) has died. Remember, just because your Crape Myrtle isnt thriving right now doesnt mean its dead or dying. Remove any side branches that grow from them towards the center of the tree. If you're heading or thinning, make sure to make cuts at a 45-degree angle just above a leaf node or bud. Look for brown, wilted, yellowing or missing leaves to determine if the crape myrtle is dead. Eventually, the root system will start to develop root rot, which can be a fatal condition if not addressed. Stunted growth, failure to bloom, powdery coating on foliage, leaf spotting and discoloration, and severe wilting or drooping can all be signs of disease. Understanding How Much Water Your Myrtle Plant Needs, The Best Fertilizer for Growing Myrtle: How to Choose the Right Nutrients for Maximum Growth, The Best Strategies for Controlling Pests on Myrtle Plants, Caring for Myrtle: Protecting Your Plant from Pests and Diseases, Troubleshooting the Top Challenges of Myrtle Cultivation. However, if the topping and lopping have been going on for many years, you may find the task more difficult. Fertilizer or other nutrient-rich products, such as compost, will be easy to spot and will likely be visible near the base of the plant or in the soil around it. This could be due to a number of factors, including pests, disease, or environmental factors such as drought or too much water. If your Crepe Myrtle already has powdery mildew, its probably best to call in the professionals. Additionally, you can use an organic fertilizer such as compost or manure to provide additional nutrients. If crape murder is necessary because the tree is too tall if left to its own devices, you have to face the hard truth that the cultivar that's been planted is too large for the spot it's in. The best way to get rid of sooty mold is to get rid of the insects causing the honeydew. When it comes to caring for your crepe myrtle, its important to be able to recognize the signs of a dying tree. If youre not sure how much fertilizer to use, its best to start with a small amount and then gradually increase it over time. Crepe myrtles need freezing temperatures followed by warm weather so that it will know when to break dormancy. Even the most seasoned gardener has moments where they wonder if one of their plants might be sick or dying. TreeNewal. Gently scrape the bark with your fingernail or cut one of the branches back to check inside the limb. Dont wait until your summer annuals give up the ghost to plant your fall pansies! A naturally growing, correctly pruned crape myrtle has a beautiful vase-shaped form with gently arching branches and lovely cinnamon- and silver-grey mottled bark. Common treatments for disease and pests include chemical sprays, as well as natural remedies such as neem oil or insecticidal soaps. It will take a few years to reverse the damage but here's what to do: Prune off the knobs, leaving clean trunks. Continue this process each year, cutting away dead or crossing branches, and removing anything growing toward the center of the trees canopy. New Garden Gazebo3811 Lawndale Dr. Greensboro, NC 27455 (336) 288-8893 LINK TO STORE HOURS, New Garden Landscape Services & Administration5577 Garden Village Way Greensboro, NC 27410 (336) 665-0291, New Garden Winston-Salem1312 Old Salisbury Rd. Prune back deadwood Start by pruning away dead or damaged branches. While Crape Myrtles arent too picky about soil type and condition, they dont do well in areas with poor drainage. Lets discuss the most concerning. Now that you have paid your debt to society in the most horrible possible ways, Grumpy presents a step-by-step recovery plan for the victim of your woeful boobery. Learn more about TreeNewals ISA Certified Arborists! Sooty mold is a fungus that covers the leaves and looks like you dumped the contents of your fireplace onto your Crepe Myrtle. What if it's too late and your crape is already murdered? Additionally, if no new leaf growth appears in the spring, it is a sign of a dead tree. Help For Your Outdoor Plants and Landscaping, Why Crape Myrtles Spread and How To Keep Them From Spreading Out, When and What to Expect From Crape Myrtle Blooms This Year, Japanese Maple Companion Plants: 22 Perfect Matches For Your Maple, How to Rid Your Yard of Unwanted Crape Myrtle Plants, Shoots, and Stumps. However, it can re-occur each year if you have a Crepe Myrtle tree that is not pruned for proper circulation or getting enough sunlight. The best way to ensure your crape myrtle is being properly fed is to use a good quality fertilizer or other nutrient-rich products, such as compost, on a regular basis. Most experts agree that peer pressure is the culprit or a monkey see, monkey do mindset. After the initial prune, youll have to wait. Still, that doesnt mean theyre invincible. I'm so sorry to hear about your crape myrtle! Train the saved shoots to grow up and out. Keep an eye on your Crape Myrtle for signs of distress to help prevent bigger problems. Additionally, check for signs of fungal growth or other issues that may be affecting the health of the plant. Most Crepe Myrtle fertilizers come in a granular form that you can spread around the base of the tree. That's great to hear! How do I know if my crepe myrtle needs fertilization? The winter months are the ideal time to correctly prune crape myrtles, for maintenance purposes and for reversing the damage caused by topping or "crape murder". This will help encourage new growth in the right direction. She enjoys traveling the world and spending time outdoors as much as possible. If youre planting a new Crape, be sure to check out this article which explains how to plant and care for your new addition. New Garden Landscaping & Nursery feels that Boxwood Blight could have a major impact on landscapes containing boxwood in the near future. This is especially likely if you live in areas where crepe myrtles are iffy, like the Mid-Atlantic states or the lower Midwest. It's already looking so much healthier! To start, look for any new growth on the branches of the tree. Remove any side branches that grow from them towards the center of the tree. Crapemyrtles do not require pruning and simply shaping and thinning will do. The Scientific Name and Characteristics of Areca Palm. Another sign that your crepe myrtle may be dying is discolored leaves. Healthy crepe myrtles should have bright green leaves. If you find that it has not, then be sure to provide it with the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy and vibrant. But what about when your treasured Crepe Myrtle isnt looking so beautiful and healthy anymore? It is easy to care for and can thrive with minimal effort. Most issues can be handled easily if you catch them early enough. Has the crape myrtle been given any fertilizer or other nutrients recently? At the same time, add an iron chelate along with the fertilizer. This topping technique refers to sawing off the tops of mature branches. Blueberries make great container plants! If not handled, this can lead to sooty mold. It is important to make sure the soil is moist, but not soggy, and that there are no signs of pests or disease. 71037 | NC Landscape Contractor's License No. Thats right, youll need a good clean pair of pruners or a nice set of loppers and some patience to get through this task. It could be sick or even dying, and if so, you must act fast. The best place to start is by spraying the tree down with a strong blast of water from the hose. Crepe Myrtles have thin bark, which you can scratch with your fingernail. While this may seem counterintuitive, its sometimes the only option in more severe Crape Murders. So, why do people continue to chop down these lovely trees despite all the information out there advising a less is more approach to pruning Crape Myrtles? Finally, if you notice that the bark on your crepe myrtle tree is cracking, peeling or falling off, this could be a sign that the tree is in distress. Is the crape myrtle located in an area that receives enough water and sunlight? Overwatering, whether its due to irrigation or an exceptionally wet rainy season, can cause big problems for your Crape Myrtle. Be sure to use the fertilizer or other nutrients according to the instructions on the product label. Gardening can be a tricky business. Input your search keywords and press Enter. Crape Murder is one of the many gardeners sins. We will update our content. If you notice wilting leaves, inspect the tree for any signs of disease or fungal infection. Scratch the base of the stem just above the soil line and your should see that it has a tint of green and alive. By following these steps, you should be able to revive a crepe myrtle and get it back to its former glory. Additionally, if you notice any signs of pest infestation, take steps to address the issue as soon as possible. This is part of the tree's natural growth cycle. Select one or two sprouts per trunk only and prune off the rest. Train the saved shoots to grow up and out. Controlling fall and winter weeds is a constant battle. If it is green on the outside but brown on the inside, it has suffered cold damage from late freezes. You may be wondering if your crape myrtle is dead or if there's still hope for it. Getting rid of powdery mildew can be tricky, so its better to try to avoid it in the first place by choosing a fungus-resistant variety of Crepe Myrtle if you have the option. Good container plantings require little maintenance aside from watering and can enhance your home through the spring, summer, and fall. If you do find signs of damage or disease, make sure to take action quickly to prevent the spread of the infection. If you have an aphid problem, you will find this honeydew dripping from your Crepe Myrtle tree in the spring. Remove any small sprouts that develop near the base of the shoots you chose to keep. It looks like someone Silly Stringed your garden, but it's actually a whole lot weirder. Good-you're done. Still, its important to be careful when applying herbicides. Back in the day when we didnt have resistant selections, powdery mildew was the #1 complaint people had about crepe myrtles. This will ensure that your trees have a steady supply of nutrients throughout the growing season. Finally, you should look for signs of fertilizer or other nutrients on the surface of the soil or around the base of the plant. Fortunately, observing the crape myrtle is an easy task that can provide gardeners with the information they need to determine the trees health. In this article, well discuss how to tell if your Crape Myrtle is suffering from something more severe than minor health issues. These unsightly molds are caused by several species of fungi. Here's why some plants flower during warm winter days. Winston-Salem, NC 27127 (336) 771-7799, NC General Contractor's License No. Be sure to take extra care when pruning and fertilizing, as these treatments can be damaging if done incorrectly. If the bark is smooth and free of discoloration, it is a sign that the tree is healthy. Abbie is a plant-loving freelance writer from Florida. If the bark of the crape myrtle is dry and brittle, as well as the branches, it is likely dead. Roots that are sitting in oversaturated soil for too long will eventually drown. Additionally, it is important to watch for signs of disease and pests. Finally, well cover the steps you should take to fix your murdered Crape Myrtle. The new growth has almost matched the older trunk and soon won't even be noticeable. Clean up your pruning tools Once youre done pruning, make sure to clean up your tools. Dont panic if you got a little overzealous with your loppers and cut off way more of your Crape Myrtle than you should have. Go back to deep watering for the first two years, a soaker hose circling the trunk will direct the water to it and not all over the rest of the bed, or you can get one of those tree root waterers that attach to the hose and are shoved into the ground. Crape Myrtle aphids and bark scale insects are the typical culprits in those cases. How to Fix Crepe Myrtle Knots If you have only one or two knots, you can remove the entire branch at the point where it attaches to the trunk or a main side branch. Crepe myrtle is affectionately called the lilac of the south by Southern gardeners and is valued for its long blooming season and low maintenance. It is showy, tough, drought tolerant, and subject to few plant pests. When that plant makes its comeback, new growth will come from the ground leaving behind seemingly dead tops. Rooting for Blooms is reader-supported. Growth. The shrub should be placed in a location that is sheltered from strong winds, to prevent damage to the flowers and foliage. Thanks for the advice! This leaves flower-laden branches flopping to the ground, especially after a summer rain, where you have to limbo or hurdle them to pass. I'm glad that this article was able to help you out. If the distress is due to environmental factors, such as too much or too little water, you may need to adjust the watering schedule or amount of water the plants receive. Branches removed should be removed back to the larger branch or trunk, leaving no stump. You should also make sure to water the tree regularly to keep the soil moist and encourage new growth. Fertilizing your trees is an important part of the care process, and choosing the right fertilizer can make all the difference. Look for brown, wilted, yellowing or missing leaves to determine if the crape myrtle is dead. The next step is to examine the soil around the plant. That's great to hear! Quick tips for avoiding the fungal disease Brown Patch in lawns. There are two forms of crape myrtles: trees and strubs. Location: Central Texas, zone 8. Eventually, the Crape Myrtle will return to its natural form. Is there any way to fix what I did?. Thinning is when you remove entire branches from the plant, while rejuvenation is when you cut the entire plant back to a certain height. You may have a beloved crape myrtle in your garden that you've been caring for and watching bloom for years. The saved shoots will become the new main trunks. One of New Garden's core principles is to practice correct and beneficial horticultural techniques, and improper crape myrtle pruning is one incorrect technique that our maintenance crews see and must correct frequently. Most of the time, the roots can survive under the soil, and your Crape Myrtle will come back next summer. Proper care and maintenance are the best ways to ensure your crape myrtle stays healthy. 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