When I first felt something jump up on the bed, i would always lay very still hoping one of my real cats would snuggle up. Then I began to feel it jump up and then walk a little ways but never settle in. That sounds scary, Jai. I looked in the mirror later that day and A scratch is on my chin that wasnt there the day before. Over the years, one of the explanations for sleep paralysis has been associated with the UFO phenomenon and abductees of which much has been written. One thing Ive noticed in reading other peoples replies is that they all seem to have happened in the last 3-4 years or so. It wasnt a cat. Good afternoon all Im glad you are all feeling thing as Im am mine are many different thing and they seam to start as so as I get into bed like they missed me there one that seam like a rat on hamster clawing on the sheet and then come closer and closer I open my eyes but nothing there and I can still feel it I kick the blanket waiting to hear it hit the wall or floor but nothing then there is a small deer or sheep that like to prance around the bed now this has to leave foot print because I can feel it on the bed and it want me to know it there after a little while it go down and lays on my feet and nibbles or sucks on my toes then I have people that crawl on my bed and lay right next to me it seam like they are cold and want to get warm up they rub on my back and legs and play around with my ecap mask now I can feel the weight of them and their movement and ever their heartbeat so how does a ghost have weight or a heart beat hand that I can feel on me and does this ever stop I am not scared so much and more but then again not sure why it going on what do they want there other people in my house but no one ever said any thing about them well it not normal and like most of you starting to thing Im crazy. I then preceded to recite the whole conversation word for word. I dont own either. As we walked there I consciously opened up. Everything sort of glowed, as if I was looking through night vision goggles. Easily explained somehow, i had hurt myself during the night and dreamt of a reason for. Im curious because no one has said that others have felt it at the same time. Also one night I even felt a human or If I am on my side, every once in a while I feel something walk on the bed behind my back. Cats can disappear at the worst times, such as when you are leaving for work. I was diagnosed to have anxiety after this. Blue Crystal Sky covers a wide variety of subjects, and thats why the tagline is Everything Under the Sun. Ive also felt the cat on the couch and the arm of my recliner. I hope that you find a solution for your problem. Yes, Ive been praying as it is the only thing that seems to calm me down. Check the back of closets, open dresser drawers, under the stove, radiator, refrigerator and yes, in the chimney. I first felt what felt like a cat, somewhat heavy, walking in a circle around me, over and over and over again. It pulled the sheet more than once, but I didnt feel the walking that I often feel. i would feel something jump on the bed, or the bed would vibrate like an earthquake was going on. I was trying to get it away. Ive always had some abilities but I quickly repressed them when I was really young. I am relieved that Im not alone. Sleep paralysis happens at this stage but you are awake. Ive never actually seen them on my bed, but I definitely feel them too. Im glad that Im not the only one with this. I began to feel it was not one of my cats but something else. Maybe theyre gone now. On my bed but I could feel something. Their research was interesting.A dog on the bottom of the bed keeps it away so does another person.i believe it is a gift but it bothers me!!! Nothing was there, but I didnt wait to see if it would move more. Some things just cannot be cast out. I stayed with her about 20 years later and it started again. Feel free to comment here anytime. Has anyone ever been hurt? I agree completely. Like Ive told others, I dont think that you have anything to worry about. The other I think is a kitten because I can feel it crawling up the side of the bed then walks up and down the bed and settles near my feet which is ok but it then Licks my feet which I dont like and bites my toes I try to push it away but it comes back I keep pushing it away after about 10 minutes it gives in. I didnt know how to feel other than frightened. But I always have a hard time falling asleep. Its a strange world we live in. 2- If you dont like going with these experiences and want them to stop; just ignore them! Then I came clean and told everyone about my experiences! Then I laugh at myself. It got to where I said my prayers as fast as I could because it seemed to bring it on faster. You can do chanting or prayers as you use the smudge stick. I laid dead still out of deep fear for about a minute, threw my covers off, turned on my lights, stared at my bed, then came downstairs to google whether Im going crazy, and now Im here. It all happened in a split second. This morning I was wide awake, contemplating getting up. I was in my husbands room (we had separate bedrooms) and in the middle of the night there was all I can describe as a HUGE SMACK to the headboard behind me. Well it does go away, the first time it stayed for 3 months, until I was told to bury my mares blanket with herlong story.The next time it returned is when my sister was killed. It stands for movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. Then one morning, my son said, The strangest thing happened to me last night. It happened just last night, as a matter of fact. The Fathers Name is Yahweh and the Sons Name is Yahshua, it is important to know Them by Their Names. It was a comforting feeling. We had one cat who passed away in 1993, but this even happened before that. My son is grown and now I have a four year old daughter and we always keep in mind the childrens well being in these situations. I started walking on my treadmill and told myself this was all in my head and because of my back and leg problems and since that time (1 week) Ive not had any problems. rofl. That is kind of scary. At one stage I got up for a few nights and actually played with them. You are definitely NOT crazy! Ive never had anything supernatural happen in the past,so why now. I still see it vividly as if it happened last night. I moved rooms and didnt feel it for some time them it visited a couple of times but just walking feeling all over the doona. So he went back to sleep. Evil will never present itself as evil. Some cats knead the rug, bed, or sofa as they march around. And I wasnt even asleep yet Id just be awake and it felt like the cat jumped on the bed and was walking around. It only helps a little to know Im not alone. Well a couple of days after bruying him in a sealed container with his blanket and toys 3 feet down in the vegetable garden I have some very strange things happen here. Long read, but VERY interesting. I couldnt fall asleep because of it. In the passed year or so I would be at my desk on the computer and I would turn around really fast to what sounded like a big dog jumping on my bed. Maybe its my husbands dead cat or something else. Ive also have had other feeling of air being whip up behind me like someone walking by but on one was there. on me, I can feel it land on the bed. Sounds like yall need to Google incubus(if youre female) and succubus(if youre male). OMG! When it licks my toe at the desk I can extend my toe a bit and often feel its cold, wet nose. As of today I felt the entity walk on my pillow while I lay down. Thanks so much for your comment, Roy. Genres ChildrensAnimalsPoetryPicture BooksChapter Books HumorFiction more 80 pages, Paperback First published February 4, 2014 Book details & editions About the Its one you really gotta press em to even hear the click too. Seeing a man would be terrifying! After my American Eskimo dog passed away several years ago I heard her bark each time I came home and rang the doorbell. I really pray that my daughter never had to experience this. Im glad Im not the only one too! I prayed but while I was praying it seemed to escalate. Then a third time, more activity . I dont wish this on anybody but it is relieving to know that other people experience this sort of thing. I think that he senses it, and hes protecting me. This always used to happen to me. However, based on your experience, their return certainly wont come as a complete shock to me now. So I said is that you and said his name I feel it a lot I dont feel him lying down next to me I dont feel any breath in my face I just feel him walking he was also he didnt work that much. It is still too early to form any definite conclusion. I do not think it is a cat. I believe I read where a couple other commenters related a similar situation to yours. I have called for my dog or my cat when Im really scared. I also have experienced what feels like an animal crawling over me at night. Im absolutely floored! I think you are normal Mind you I had heart issues, panic attacks, headaches all which couldnt be curedYou NEED to find God and not just the action you have to open your heart. Its a mystery. I had it last night and many times before it feels like cat is running on my bed. (8) For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. When i realized what i felt i gently opened my eyes barely enough to see bc i wss scared. Use Netting 11 8. This is the most logical reason I could find. Since it has happened to me when I travel I feel it is something connected to me rather than my home or bed. Be persistent and unrelenting. This began for me during menopause, perhaps because this is when I began having sleep issues. 2. So this ghost cat sensation just happened to me last night staying at a holiday Inn in Florida. It feels like it has extremely lightly jumped up on to the foot of my bed from the floor. I was just about to fall asleep and felt something light jump on the bed. Not that Im saying it all couldnt still be in my head. I have had this happen to me I wake up cant move . The first thing to do is to make sure that the area is well ventilated and open up windows so that the negative energies have an easy means of exiting. 1. I decided it was time to relieve his misery and had him euthanized so the suffering would end. A few years ago i found out how to leave my body and explore (astral projection) To do it you first have to bring your body to a certain state or vibrational level. Ill just share these two links & then Im done trolling over here: http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Undiagnosed-Symptoms/Invisible-Bugs-crawling-on-skin-Strange-sensation/show/1093529?page=1, http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread325185/pg5, Makes for interesting reading, absurd as it is. Hi Kim, Wolfie and other commenters: Just curious to know how, or if, your cats respond to this unseen and mysterious presence. Sometimes the best path is protection. Since moving to Canada, I have come to know that it was the time of Halloween which coincides with a period in Hinduism when the dead is observed. Im not religious but Ill try anything. Strange you should mention it, but the other night for the first time, I also felt some type of vibration through my pillow. Are there any other current websites or chat rooms where people who are experiencing this can discuss it openly? But once I actually saw the image, I figure maybe it was the cats spirit. Even though I havent had any bed visitations for the past three weeks or so, around 6am this morning I had a new experience: I heard what sounded like an animal panting. Its unnerving in the dark! Practice Spiritual cleansing and cleanse your home. I find it comforting but also it makes me very sad because I miss him. The only difference is the first time i heard my closet door open then a big meow and then a few secs later jump on my bed. A light weight walking/touching sometimes as if it was playing chess across my covers when my husband and i would sleep at nite..though my husband never felt it, though i didnt discuss it..after my husband passed about a year ago..it seem to stop..but last night i experience it again..touching , moving across the bed..this time got very close to my pillow before drifting into sleep..so i annointed my bed this morning with Holy oil and asked GOD to reveal this type of engery/source/ spirit to me..as i know HE will. I have felt as many as 4-5 on the bed at one time. I too have felt something like a breeze. Till my ankle hurt. I didnt tell anyone as I was a militant sceptic who would have only been teased about it! I stopped allowing myself to be scared, and I didnt encourage them either. Ive noticed my bed slightly vibrating, and I dont have an explanation. I now just tell her hi and welcome her to stay as long as she wants. It then stopped. I wish if someone would do some research. I had this happen to me about 17 years ago when my son was just born. I have lost everything. I came upon your web site looking for sensation of cat walking on my bed. I look at the mirror beside the bed I see nothing and I still cant move hen all of the sudden a dog jumps on me somehow like a puppy and then turns into a cat then jumps off I tried to call my friend that was sleeping on the bottom of the bunk bed but I couldnt even speak or yell I just want to know the meaning of these things . Hi, John. As the cat came circling around I barely opened my eyes and it wasnt a normal can face. My family thinks Im soft in the head. Can other people hear it too? 2- they claim many things but most of it are totally lies. I didnt realize this was so common. However it freaks me out so when I go to bed at night I tell them how much I love(d) them. You might want to get some sage and find a native American prayer to walk aroundbthe house and free them and let them know everything is okay. If I think about it sometimes shows up it plays with my toes cause I curl them when I feel it tightly and I can feel it trying to relax my toes as if massaging them. Like maybe just a cat. Be sure to come back and post again if they discover anything. The very next night this thing/things would not budge. You are NOT losing it Roy. Since sincerely rebuking this thing, it moves very gently & quietly so as to not to attract attention to it. One way you can reduce this behavior is to gently remove your kitty from the undesired spot and place her next to you, or even on the ground. Lately it also started to touch my hair then I would shake my head and it stops for a while but continues again. Im really glad Im not alone on this.And by the way I slept in the spare bed once and it came to that room also.So hopefully there is a reason for this. Its like Im dreaming but awake at the same time. My finger nails no matter how hard I tried couldnt scratch me. My cat was lying on the end sleeping, and I didnt see anything else. Best wishes. I was awake. That was the moment that made me feel like what the f*ck and (still with my eyes closed) I just . She was about to ask me a question, but stopped in mid sentence and left. Hi Brian.For the past few months I have been experiencing the strange walking of something on top of my bed at night too. heres a theory for you. I even moved my legs to where it is and there was none. I even opened the front door to see if it was coming from outside. Anyway, I explained it to her and that was that. Your cat may have had a traumatic encounter with a bag so the sight and sound of a rustling plastic bag can send your kitty into hiding. I feel like hes protecting me somehow. I have felt my face being touch befor.. Also my hair being pulled and my covers getting tuged on.. This is the strangest thing Ive ever felt. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. In my experience (like others), I feel the paws stepping, starting at the foot of my bed, walk along my left side, go around my head, and down my right side towards my feet and it seems to leave just before it reaches my feet. I also felt some cat on my bed, sometimes our cat used to sleep with us, so I have presume it was our cat, but sometimes there is no cat yet i feel bed sheet slightly move as of a weight of a cat It has only happened the one time, but I still do not have an explanation for it. However I usually passed it off as just my extremely soft memory foam topper being weird or something. LOL I knew of an old hospital that was made into apartments in Northeast Indiana. When they moved, it was like jumping in slow mo. I have to ask; of all the people commenting here, who all has taken or takes either a PM medicine (Tylenol PM or off brand) or Benedryl? These are not deceased pets, that I can now state with certainty! July 6th of this year I lost my pet Shi tzus abd buried him in my yard. It was the only picture I took of a tombstone that day. Thats when I got scared and pulled the blanket over my head and prayed. This morning at 4am in my dreams felt like animal was crawling towards me l wake up got fright there was nothing on my bed looking up to find out about this dream and what it means l am happy that there are other people who have experience the same thing l dont have animals in my place. It started like a vibrating movement, a small bed shaking or better still like a minor seismic wave and then I felt the walking. Please come back and let us know how its going. Then i was woken up by the feeling of something walking up against my left side. Something else much bigger is out there. Hi, Ann. I have to keep it tucked under my body. For a while, I honestly thought I was in the beginning stages of schizophrenia. WebIf you aren't comfortable with being a human cat bed, there are a few ways you can gently encourage her to stop, or at least cut down on how often it happens. I looked around the room to no avail, no cat of course, which is when I woke my husband and asked him if had thrown his leg on top of mine. I have never had cats, but I definitely sense that it is there for me, and not attached to the house. It must not be bad if Walter approves. Stage of your sleep and at this point its when you start dreaming because your brain is active. But I knew if I gave into it I would develop a phobia or something. . Perhaps this was a message of some sort, perhaps it was something my cold-addled mind made up, perhaps it was something more sinister. The entities you described reminded me of something my son told me about several years ago. I just saw a dream , my College campus is 100 years old , and infested with cats . I Before these experiences happened I didnt believe in spirit worlds.. Now, I tend to ignore anything strange going on, which is rare. He was a big boy. Hi, Well, about a year ago I started feeling something jump up on the bed and walk around. God bless you and I hope we all will live eternally in Heaven and not hell. I was told that she looked as if she were sleeping, but she had passed away. On several occasions, I would get up and turn on the light, convinced bugs or something was crawling in my bed. I dont care how innocent you think these ghost cats are. Then I hear like if it was little people running around the room . That very morning while laying there thinking about getting up from my nap, I felt three loud frightening thumps on the left side of my bed, almost like someone taking a fist and pounding on the bed. I am a dedicated strong Christian. I have to disagree with you there. It Feels Like an Animal Walking on My Bed Almost Every Night What walks on my bed and the beds of countless other people? Hi, Jody. An invisible, remote-controlled cat, lol. I do not believe in ghosts, but when you are in a dream state it seems real. I own cats. I call it ghost cat Not sure what it is thou. It gets a lot more frightening! I tend to think if your prayers seemingly do not work it may actually be working. Maybe well never know what it is. Go figure. I do not have any pets. 2- but I doubt this cat like figure is a disguise of human like figure; they did in many occasions mentioned to me that they can have any figure they like; So why they show themselves in this animal figure? the bruise i did in my sleep. I have sleep apnea and sleep with a cpap but sometimes the mask slides off and i stop breathing because mask isnt on right to help me. Peace and Blessings. It was almost as solid as a real cat but something was different about it. I am seeing stories all over online of the same experiences but no one has a name or any idea of something supernatural. its still a mystery though but, it feels pretty good to know im not the only one. Okay, so Im definitely relieved to know that so many others have experienced this as well. Im only writing this because it was there last night. I'm not really convinced that any of the things people experience are actually spirits of the deceased (whether human or otherwise). I think a lot about my 2 cats who have crossed over and they often come to me in my dreams. They sit on my bed or on the floor facing the door, and theyre wide awake as if theyre watching for something to enter. God bless you too. Ive had it happen lately too. Any ideas what just happened? I dont see how it could be RLS. unbelievable part starts . He couldnt. Make it a sacred ceremony for yourself. It felt so convincing I still thought it was my 7 year old son. Oddly..it appeared to stop for good after my cat died at age 24. Its so strange. Every supernatural being is under His authority. I have had a similar experience but I didnt think it was animals. 1- the walker on my bed are spirits.. some are females some are males. It was there to. Both my mother & I would have this happen if we slept in their spare room we would joke that it was the ghost of our neighbours deceased cat Claude. Keep your smudge stick, feather, and shell in a special area, medicine bag, or on an altar. Has this ever happened to anyone who has no cats !? I just saw a show on TV talking about others with similar experience and decided to google. I had problems with that ear for months afterward. It causes my leg to vibrate so i just kick at the covers but it doesnt help. It seems your dog knew something was in your room, especially if he doesnt usually act that way. Hi Kim: I cancertainly relate to the problem your dog has b/c for the past year, our 14yr old Poodle has avoided the master bedroom even though we placed a set of stairs at the bottom side of the bed making it easier for her to climb up on the bed if she wants to. Sometimes he leaves for a minute or two, but he always comes back. I heard some weird throat clearing squeel quietly woke me I looked nothing then so loud again I jumped up and screamed what loudly it scared me again it happens from 11pm to 9 am ive felt it. Crazy stuff.it can leave anytime ..Im tired of itwhy why why. It started at the bottom of the bed on one side from my foot up to my hips and then on the other side. I started to piece things together when it got bad, my children were fearing something at night and I kept feeling this depression trying to overwhelm me. So sorry to hear of your frightening experience. I had these experiences since I was around 10. I didnt want to see it. Ex service i had spent many hours on parade grounds and began to wriggle my toes. lol. I was finally going to give it another shot when all of that ensued again. Scared me because I was just settling down to fall asleep, it was late around Midnight or so. All of a sudden I sensed that there was nothing there and I didnt do anything special, such as running on a treadmill to initiate it. After all, what could it do? It doesnt happen every night but very frequently. I meditated to awaken the energy but thought i failed, and while i was researching online i felt it wake up, so i laid back and let flow as far as it could. A friend said maybe it is from animal spirits from many years ago. Then the cat landed at the bottom of the bed and took a few steps towards us. It continues to this day. Someone recently asked if anyone had ever been harmed. The most recent time was a few nights ago. As I mentioned before our bedroom door is always shut. A close relative had just died so it was easy to attribute it to her ghost as this is the same bed she slept in when she came to stay, sometimes months at a time. I had never heard of this happening before I experienced it, did you? I could feel the purring through the blanket. Im sure it is a cat. One used to sit on my bed at night and tighten the covers around me. It startled Me but I was intrigued by it. It was as real as the time that our older daughter accidently let our cat in during the night and he really DID jump on me my head to be exact! At the bottom of the things people experience this sort of thing described reminded me of something on of. Is everything under the stove invisible cat walking on my bed radiator, refrigerator and yes, ive praying... As she wants would develop a phobia or something was in your room, especially if doesnt. On to the house with certainty and post again if they discover anything played! 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