2. Updated all the Spell IDs we should need for Shadowlands dungeons and the first raid. ElvUI is awesome! Not sure who or why people would even begin to vote Thor lol, Isn't Wally with the MC is nigh omnipresent, nigh omniscient, and low outerversal? 95747 (downloads) RedtuzkUI WotLK. [57], While Wally was having a barbecue with some of his friends and family, a mysterious spire arrived on Earth and everyone who wasn't a speedster froze in time. Until lvl 12 the range will only be melee, then you get Hand of Reckoning which we can use to check range. A lot can happen in the blink of an eye. Added new Tag: [specialization], which shows YOUR current spec as text. And that's just Wally West all on his own. Struck with an extra surge of Speed Force energy, Wally easily defeated Savitar, severing his connection to the Speed Force before a mysterious portal dragged him back to his prison. wait shouldnt wally with dr Ms powers have "At least stellar, possibly immeasurable" lifting strength? Attempted to fix a taint with opening Spellbook in combat, Shut off the NewPlayerExperience because it conflicts with ActionBars, Small update for Missions and Follower skins (Classhall). And I was gonna do Mobius Chair Wally, but he would stomp if I do that. Added an option for Ultrawide monitors to be 16:9 like eyefinity would do but on one monitor (Thanks @Gholie). Style Filters were messing with Nameplate Highlight texture. Added Blizzards way to highlight scrappable items if the Scrapping Machine Frame is open. Stance Bar will now get placed in the correct place, it was rolling a placement dice, we took it away. Added automatic handling of "Attach To" setting on unitframe auras. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Optimized the Name/NPC ID trigger, reaction, classification triggers. The settings are located under `/ec - General - Alternative Power`. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Add a new Filter: "Explosives" for Explosive Orbs in Mythic plus. Removed some of the excessive options in Buff Indicator which were overrides which were left over from the old code. Added Phase Indicator for Target, Party and Raid frames (Thanks @ls-). Reverted portrait facing and used a correct API to handle the X and Y Offsets. Attempted to fix Boss Frame (or other Unitframes) name not being updated correctly. This is for 9.0.2, the main change in this version is the way scaling works in the UI, using any scaling size you prefer should work much, much better. (Thanks oUF <3). Fixed an issue that was causing Aura Statusbars color to become color stuck on auras with no duration. Nameplate Boss Mod Auras will now be trimmed when not using Keep Size Ratio. Added Nazjatar Follower XP to the BfA Missions Datatext when in Nazjatar. Fixed issue with nameplates not updating correctly when leaving a Warframe vehicle. Added Prismatic Manapearls to our currencies DataText. Added option to show Quick Join messages as clickable links in chat. After a brief reunion with his family, Wally returned to action as the Flash once more. Allowed Chat Bubbles to be skinned in tower since they seem to not be allowed there. For the german audience: Behebt einige Fehler im Zeit-Infotext, dass die Instanz Symbole nicht richtig angezeigt wurden. Added Alternative Power Bar. Made sure Style Filters can handle alpha with flash action. Allowed Special Aura filters to be localized. Credits AddOnSkins. Fixed an error regarding LeaveVehicleButton in battlegrounds. Also if Wally is only at least 5-D then can you close this? Due to his time trapped in the Speed Force, Wally has since gained a much stronger connection to it following his metaphorical rebirth, and can tap into it much more than before. Fixed an issue which could result in Quest Icon not showing up on nameplates even if it was enabled. Fixed issue with healer icon position when portrait is enabled on nameplates. Dark Opal realised that Eclipso would betray him and take control of him along with the rest of the Multiverse and offered to re-energise the glaive as promised. [Actionbar] Refixed the Desaturation option so that it will recolor as soon as the cooldown finishes. For this assume that Wally has all of Dr. Manhattan's power, knows how to use them, along with the Mobius Chair. Fixed error when Spec Switching involving Raid Role Icons. Added option to Enable/Disable individual Custom Texts. Logic is an argument. Fixed Vehicle Mover not showing up on Wrath. Added the Nzoth eye texture to the Alternative Power Bar, if its Sanity. Evoker Disintegrate readjusted to display correct chain cast tick amount. Fixed an issue which made backdrops always appear. Datatext LDB icon wasn't showing when toggling the setting. Shadowed Unitframes wasn't playing nicely, should be okay now. Movers should be better at doing their job and also stop appearing on Castbars when the Castbar was disabled. "Owned by Player" / "Not Owned By Player": Activated when a unit is owned by the active player or not. Fixed error with UnitFrame Tags when enter Arena. That conclusion is logically sound considering you favor beings with little to no chance. Tweaked the way the UI Scale popup shows to prevent it from happening in more cases, when it should not be shown. Unitframe Status Bars will now sync their textures onto the background space when not using transparent. Added Veiled Argunite to Currencies datatext. The enabled state of a Style Filter for nameplates is now stored in your profile instead of being global. Added an option to hide the honor databar below max level. Skinned the "Unspent Talent Point" alert and positioned it near the top of the screen. (Thanks AcidWeb and Ls- for helping us with this!) (#1444). [Actionbar] Fixed Stance Bar Keybinding Text not appearing correctly. Wally began to create a new universe from the shards of the old ones, when he suddenly realised it wasnt working. Fixed rare issue where UIScale had been stored as 0 and would cause the UI to explode. Also, Apply All Fonts will a work for these again. Eventually, in the wake of the Final Crisis, his Mentor, Barry Allen returned, and the two men worked as Flashes alongside one another. Not to mention random code errors. [Nameplate / Unitframes] Added NamePlate and UnitFrame Color Selection colors from oUF. #13. Sure, I have it down to a science now, where I can get it all setup and done within a couple minutes, but it would be nice if more of the settings were client wide instead of character specific. He saw two versions of the day he first met Barry Allen. Removed LibHealComm (if you would like to use it, install the standalone library instead). UF/NP: Added Centered Support, Size Ratio, Stack Count offsets, Stackable Auras (Bolstering, Force of Nature, etc), Nameplate: Added Rows, Attach To, Castbar Text and Time offsets, Smart Aura Position, and Blizzard Plate Font settings, Unitframe: Added GrowthX and GrowthY settings and also improved Smart Aura Position, Added [classcolor:target] for class color of units [target], Added Style Filter trigger for Faction and a [factioncolor] tag, Setup CVars will no longer reset Nameplate CVars if the Nameplate module is disabled, Bank and Bags Quality color setting wasnt working correctly, Reagent and Bank anchor was sometimes off, Trade, Communities, and Auction House skins updated, Chat Bubble Border and Guild Control skin issues fixed, Season PVP Reward Icon had checkmark behind it, Orderhall and Garrison mission skin fixes, Added option to hide border colors for NP/UF Auras entirely (Borders by Type and Borders by Dispel), Event Toast mover actually works (maybe, I think) :o, French Translation update (Thanks @xan2622). Fixed Blizzard Forbidden Nameplates not spawning in the world when Nameplate module was enabled. Fixed Player Nameplate being weird half of the time. Back in the present, Barry and Mr Terrific theorised that the Speed Force may be trying to expel something from itself and decided to send a burst of tachyons into the Speed Force to flush it out. Seals were showing when Parchment Remover was enabled, should be hidden again now. Community Skin error caused by recent update from Blizzard. You can search for keystones or ignore them from sorting with the term "keystone". http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=39605, https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17615133023. Some kind of Alternative Power oops, something about UnitIsUnit; rare bug, big time squashed. Buff Indicator better supports Blizzard Cooldowns when our Cooldown module is disabled. Added Visual Aura Timer from Blazeflack. Unitframes and Datatexts were sometimes failing to display their text, hopefully this is corrected now! This requires that you supply the path to the config page as a comma-separated list. Wally approached them and after an awkward moment he was embraced by his old friend and fellow founding member Donna Troy. She has High-Godly, but it's on an Infinite 5-D level (heard that she is this level on another thread). Shiny applied to Trait frames, Weekly Rewards frame, and also polished the buttons on Gossip frame. Added two buttons to Quick Toggle Blizzard Skins, in the skin section of config. Added Color and Text Format option to the Party Alternative Power bar settings. (Thanks Zhizhica). [9], Due to his heart condition, Wally wrote a letter to Nightwing about his resignation from the Titans but Donna interrupted him and told him that their kiss was a moment of empathy and they should remain friends for now. Added BoE/BoA text overlay in our Bag/Bank. [Style Filter] Added Default Filters- ElvUI_NonTarget, ElvUI_Target, ElvUI_Boss, and ElvUI_Explosives. Masque on Action Bars should once again trim correctly (when Keep Aspect Ratio is checked). As stated, he didn't even get to see if he could or couldn't do it anyway, so it's a completely unquantifiable factor. The Renegades promised to take care of him if Iris agreed to come back with them, to which she agreed, although Barry and Wallace also come back to the 25th century with them. What I dont get is why they have to be a special snowflake and need their own client to update the addon, why cant they just add it to Twitch like every other addon? [2], The chair reappeared during Wally West's travels across the Multiverse. Holding down the Alt key while scrolling in the chat will now scroll by 1 line. "logic" isn't a argument either. Added backdrop color option to Chat Panels. (#709). Fixed visibility of raid frames in the installer for the healer layout. (/ec - General - Auto Scale | UI Scale), Added quality border option for Bag/Bank items. For me, love the unit frames/raid frames and bags but still keep all the skins and action bars to be original. This allows you to copy module settings to/from your different profiles. The next day, they discussed who could have been behind the assassination, and Wally learned that Dick had a long-lost sister who was the Mayor of Bludhaven. The author of this addon hereby grants you the following rights: All rights not explicitly addressed in this license are reserved by Why would I think he scales to a DC character? Black Winter ate the Sixth Cosmos. Talent tooltips were showing ID, not once but twice, sometimes three or four or five.. maybe six times. Skinned the Expand/Collapse buttons on various frames. 1. Fixed issue which prevented clicking in the top-right of screen where Minimap is by default (when the Minimap is not actually there). Added hard cap on min/max values for UI Scale setting. Added Aura Bar Movers from Darth Predator. Some ultra rare super high tech Mechagon debuffs were added (jk, they are normal). Display option for Vehicle Seat Indicator Size on Wrath. Reduced default Chat Bubble Font size down to 10. (credit: Kopert). 9/2/2022. Changed the default value of "Max Duration" for Target Debuffs to 0. Stop unintentionally showing Totem Trackers (Earth and Fire). Fixed icon border on black market auction house items. Added spacing option for unitframe auras. Added Class Icon style to portraits, also added Pause and Desaturation setting for 3d portraits. Added instance difficulty triggers to nameplate style filters. Microbar for Character page was showing the pushed texture even when it was faded out (on Classic). Battlefield map should now show the player location correctly. Fixed spell ID for Consuming Hunger in the RaidDebuffs filter. Wally, along with Kid Flash and Bolt tried to fight Red X but he fended them off with an electromagnetic field that they couldn't phase through.[51]. He gains the power of Metron. Even the guy advising him said that it's a infinite task that's too risky for even him to attempt. It can be disabled in Cooldowns > ActionBars > Target Aura, Added delete all and updated Gold Datatext, Fixed heal pred erroring on profile change, Improved Performance of Hide/NameOnly actions as well as improved Is Targeting Me, Fixed paladins and shamans not seeing dispels, Added wild growth for Aura Watch on Druids, Adjusted Gold Datatext code for performance, Fixed issue with Auras not displaying correctly when adjusting it's Filter, Monk Stagger class power tag was messed up, Fixed not being able to click the Calendar button. Fixed a few errors with the new Default Bags skin. We decided to completely rewrite the DataBars, this includes rewriting the old threat into this new module. Added Drag&Drop support to AceConfig buttons for our new aura filtering system. Updated unitframe range check for druids to use spells that are learned earlier. With the oUF update some elements have been renamed. [29] He left Castle Bat behind to deal with the heroes until he returned, but they were rescued by Lex Luthor, who had been Perpetua's right hand man until his positon was usurped by the Darkest Knight. Dragonflying was messing up Release Cast spells. Unitframe and Nameplate font issues (new method to get them showing properly), Actionbar Backdrops we reworked to fix them being a little funky, this includes Pet and Stance bar, ElvUI_QuestXP is now depreciated and forced off, System DT options: No Label, Other Addons, Buffwatch errors (they are Aurawatch now), Databars not showing properly with combat setting, Databars Show Border option not working properly, Time Datatext showing empty world PVP stuff. After she was taken to S.T.A.R. Reactivated the Queue Status Timer (Minimap Button option). 5D vs 6D, Mobius Chair Wally is infinitely stronger. Cooldown Target Aura now supports Macro spells. [Nameplate] Added ElvUIPlayerNamePlateAnchor for WeakAuras and other AddOns. Added "German Number Prefix" to the "Unit Prefix Style". Actually, we might as well just remove ElvUIGVC completely. ElvUI will now handle the error gracefully and inform you that the import string is incorrect. Added Prestige level to the Honor DataBar tooltip. External Edit of ElvUI that adds additional functionality and design options to ElvUI. which for obvious reasons can't be quantified because we don't know if he would have been successful or not. Fixed issue which broke the Ace3 config of other addons. Vendor Greys will stop trying to sell items to Auto Hammers. Updated filters for Sanctum of Domination (All difficulties). (Hunters Rejoice)! Fixed DataText header text using the Tooltip Header size when it was not supposed too. He called this device the Mobius Chair, and to power it he needed Element X, the same element he used to create the Boom Tubes. Wally West is The Flash, the fastest man in the multiverse. Restoring their memorizes of him with shocks of his electricity, these heroes reformed their childhood team under the new name "the Titans". Updated the New Item Glow to the Bag module. Removed "Hide In Instance" option for chat bubbles. Fixed an issue which caused the power:max tag to display an incorrect value. (Rubgrsch). Microbar has a new option for the art it displays (ActionBars > MicroBar > Use Icons). Actionbar Cooldown charge swiping should appear correctly again. Fixed error in the Spellbook relating to our Vehicle Button on the minimap and position of the Minimap (#434). He was on the verge of fixing the multiverse. As they ran to the portal back to Earth 0 Linda raced past Wally, revealing that she had superspeed. Explore. This can be closed. (#1528). Fixed our SetTemplate function, which now should finally deal with all (maybe =)) Border issue regarding the Pixel Changes introduced with 8.1. The Spectre arrived to collect the glaive and told Wally that God had personally chosen him to fight Eclipso, and had been shielding him from Eclipso's powers. Show Empty Buttons will work correctly from Pet Spellbook. The two fought side by side, jokingly referring to each other as "Kid Flash" and "Speedy". Nameplate Quest Icons now have the ability to show for multiple quests and have a few new options. Fixed issue which caused player unitframe to bug out when entering invasion point while in a Warframe. Party Pets, Party/Assist/Tank Target frames now remember their size setting and don't do updates while they hide anymore. Fixed channel ticks for Penance with talent 'Castigation'. Gender display option in tooltip had space on the wrong side. Fixed an issue whiched caused incompatiblity with our config and ColorPickerPlus. Then ig Venom still holds superiority in terms of dimension thing then. Fixed the Restore Bar button for ActionBars. Fixed visual issue with cooldowns on Pet bar. Added toggle option for the new handling of the "Unspent Talent Alert" frame. Added Custom Font options for Unitframe Castbars (Thanks @Caedis). Units in different phases will now always have their unitframe be displayed as out of range. All Feats, Statements, Scaling, and Scans, Perpetua, Cosmic Armor Superman, and Mandrakk can join MC Wally's team, HOTU Thanos, Lifebringer Galactus can join WPOC's team, All of Marvel(including MCU, MAU, Live Action on netflix, and Lego) are fused into one, @superprimetime: Btw in round 3, everybody from the DC franchise are fused into one and everybody from the Marvel franchise are fused into one, from what i heard Dr.M can blitz everyone here because his speed is retroactive which is faster than instant, i dont know much but round 3 i think its a blitz for DC, round 1 idk about white crown so probably wally, stop making meme and just explain why its a stupid idea or ill expose your secrets, What secret? Unitframe to bug out when entering invasion Point while in a Warframe Vehicle the Flash once more links in.. Which could result in Quest icon not showing up on nameplates that 's too risky even. Y Offsets sometimes three or four or five.. maybe six times skinned the `` Prefix... 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