The extra damage is applied to attacks successfully executed while the assassin is hidden or invisible. Once you've thoroughly explored the maze, head up to the Hall of the Dead Wind. At the seventh level, it is increased to 2d6, and at ninth level, it is increased to 3d6. To the Asabi Camp B. The chests on either side of the tomb contain some gold, gems, and jewelry. In order to prove his conversion, Musharak will give you his idol. The eastern section of Hilltop is a huge swath of land occupied by exactly two houses--and one of them is abandoned. Quest: Spider Infestation Leave Nimaldor's Tomb and return to the main hallway. Speak to him, and he will tell you about his love for Jendra, who has been kidnapped. The path of the arcane archer is fairly restrictive. You can then set some simply guidelines for how he or she will advance. A. Rope to Gnoll Cave B. They will offer you gifts, no matter how you treat them. Namely, a good majority have been turned into undeadine. Note that if you attempt to barter him down to one gold piece, and fail the check, he will not leave at all. You can talk to Gilford, the exhausted priest of Ilmater. To Hilltop Foothills B. You can also ask him to protect Hilltop himself (he will only do this if he swore an oath during your first visit) or to leave Hilltop alone, and you can get some loot, including the mask, one of the four artifacts you're searching for. As you enter, the minotaur statues will cause insects to attack the party as they cross through the center. The Maze C. Skeleton Chieftain D. Throne Room E. To the Hall of the Dead Wind. Once you've spoken with Garrick, the path to the Valley of Winds will be open. They are everywhere, and they need to be dealt with. . Next, choose "Klumph, have some respect for your chief." When the lich is dead, search his body for the dark wind. There a few places of note along the way. The Arcanist's Tower C. Shield Guardian D. To the North Fragment. You'll get to see what she's been hiding under that hood, and the interlude will end. Your fellow students are rushing to his aid, and you should follow suit. This room is full of traps and undead. This guide assumes some basic knowledge of the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition rules. You will definitely be attacked by groups of asabi, and you'll need to fight your way to the large stone structure at the opposite end of the ruin. Choose whatever reward you wish, because he will give you several if you perform the deed. Rest up, and make sure you learn the most powerful offensive and defensive spells you have. He is badly hurt and needs healing, but Valana, the nurse, has no magic. Open Lock/Disable Trap Traps and locks. After the conversation is finished, choose your henchman. Fight your way through the caves to the four cells in the western area. When the protective circle disappears, focus all your energy on the wind (and note that when the circle reappears, all undead within it will be killed). Once all four elementals are dead, you will receive a magical token and the door to the ancient hall will open. Sport news, results, fixtures, blogs and comments on UK and world sport from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice The skeleton blackguard is the toughest opponent you've faced. You can either try to get him to pay the "kobold defense tax" (just as you can with other NPCs in town) or donate money to help those hurt in the attack. So head into the workshop proper and examine Drogan's crystal table, located in the center of the room. He will request a bottle of Ao wine from you. Shadow Evade: At the fourth level, the shadowdancer gains this ability, which increases concealment and improves as the shadowdancer gains levels. When the tomb is cleared, open the coffin and get your reward: a sash of shimmering (+12 spell resistance). Now enter the temple. Again, you must flip the switches to proceed. They are fairly tough opponents--15th-level constructs with a strength of 22 and the ability to cast Melf's acid arrow and fireball--but you will most likely be able to defeat them with some effort. With the desert's fury in hand, it's time to head into the Tomb of Kel-Garas. To the Oasis of the Green Palm B. If you ask him how you can trust him, he will give you his oath, and this will come in handy later. If you drop a token into the pool and then press one of the buttons, you will receive an item that will summon an elemental of that type. You're about to enter the homestretch, and this is your last chance to buy items. This summoned shadow is difficult to turn, and it becomes more powerful as the shadowdancer gains levels. At the fourth level, the extra damage is 1d6. Stock up on any items you need before proceeding (you will have to keep the tower statue, but you can sell the other three artifacts if you want--you will lose them at the chapter's end). If you decide to free the slaves, you must clear a path to the exit for them. A. . Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor Skill Points: 6 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). He will present you with a riddle: "A woman has five children and half of them are sons. If you're having trouble, lure them out of the main hall, shut the door, and pick them off one by one. When you roll the dice and attempt to disarm a trap, for instance, the DC is the number you must roll (in addition to any modifiers) to disable the trap. This ability is granted at the third level, and it can be used once a day. Cast three different spells at it, and you will be rewarded with the spellstaff, which can cast flame lash and gust of wind once a day. It will highlight everything onscreen you can interact with, allowing you to quickly scan a room and see where the treasures might be hidden. A. Best PS5 Headset In 2023 - Top Options For PlayStation, +1 AC bonus, Divine Favor (3x/day), heavy armor, evil or neutral only, Camouflage (1x/day), Displacement (1x/day), +3 to saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells, +3 to saving throws vs. sonic damage, Protects user from the poison trap in the Elven Crypt, The Spirit of Nimaldor will explain the purpose of these helms, Invisibility (3x/day), Ultravision (3x/day), Immunity to Fear, Nether Mountains. You won't learn anything from him, so just do your shopping and get out. Battle Horror C. Helmed Horror D. To Second Floor. Clear it out for experience, and grab the dragon egg from the treasure pile in the back cavern. It's up to you to fetch water from the bedine, who have had an altercation with the caravan in the past. all i got was some dubstep He will also tell you the history of his people, and that a helpful artifact can be found in the catacomb of Al Rashid. They will settle on a deal, and ask you to meet them at the big rock. By choosing this class, characters will devote themselves to the art of the bow, and for their devotion they'll receive several powerful bonuses, making the arcane archer a very deadly adversary. While treacherous, the first floor of the temple is fairly straightforward. Primarily, you now have control over their equipment. Inside you will find the desert's fury--a weapon that does 1d8 fire damage and offers a +1 attack bonus and a +2 bonus against the undead. The maximum level for the shadowdancer prestige class is 10, but after level four no new abilities are granted. Your conversation with Tymofarrar will be lengthy and involved. Enter the temple and speak with William, who will agree to help you catch the wise wind. Tymofarrar will make a deal with you to kill J'Nah (which begins the Tymofarrar's Revenge quest), and in exchange offers you a reward of your choosing. Note that the staff, in addition to the attack bonuses, also allows you to cast flame arrow three times a day. Proficiencies: simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields Skill points: 2+INT modifier REQUIREMENTS: lawful alignment, dwarf race, BAB +7 or higher, feats: dodge and toughness Abilities: see. Head into the southwest cavern and watch the surreal door mechanism in action. Druids and rangers can speak with Farghan's dog, Bethsheva. Wizard Spells Spreadsheet: 52kb: Download (Ext.) Darkness: At the fifth level, the assassin is granted the ability to cast darkness once per day. The final riddle involves wizards and fruit trees. There are a few ways to save Becka, though. If you plan on fighting the gnoll chief, which isn't necessary, you can enlist the aid of the kobolds through persuasion or intimidation. Slightly to the northwest of this same head, there is a pixie lance (a +2 dagger that casts sleep on a successful strike). Henchman Management As noted above, selecting a henchman who complements your abilities is very important. Drogan hopes that Garrick will be able to identify the strange artifact found inside the tower statue. And then also gains access to Red Dragon Disciple and Pale Master. Elves and characters with search skills will be able to bypass the danger--there is a secret door directly behind the statue of Jergal. Rest up, and be wary of the traps blocking the stairs to the inner catacombs. It can multiclass with an awful lot of 'high offense' classes for decent results, such as Fighter, Ranger, Blackgaurd, CoT, even Paladin or Dwarven Defender if Alignment isnt an issue. You can kill Karsus, if you choose--he's a 15th-level wizard--but you'd be wise to let him live. At the bottom of the rope, you will find yourself in a strange room--there are four pedestals, a magic pool, a level, and some goblin bones. There is very little to see here. Seeker Arrow: Granted at the fourth level, this ability allows the arcane archer to summon and fire a single magic arrow that will not miss once a day. If you cast a spell for Talissica, she will give you a ring of protection +3. There is an easy way to turn the tables, though: Elves and characters with decent search skill can find two secret doors on either side of the small hallway just past the opening room, allowing you to get to the archers quickly. There is only one shield guardian in the east fragment, residing in the library in the southern section. If you don't persuade them to swap hostages, you can either let them go or ambush them. The maximum level for the blackguard prestige class is 10. Other classes will have a chance to speak with Kel-Garas, who will try to bargain with you. She knows very little about the kobold attacks, but if you've spoken with any of the stray dogs you can ask her about her treasure. You don't actually need to know the rules of D&D to enjoy the game. By the time you make it to the top floor, it will be too late. If you have the formian crystal, you are advised to use it. It's a particularly good idea to stock up on cure critical wounds potions and any potions that enhance your primary statistics. Quest: Kobolds in the Kitchen Again, there are several ways to solve this. Speak with Haniah. Note that if Szaren has set up his shop in Hilltop West, you can sell the baby for 500 gold, but if Adam is still alive and you attempt to leave with the baby, he will attack you. In addition, the shadowdancer gets the hide in plain sight ability, allowing him or her to move into shadows even when being looked at. Ali will inform you (though you have probably noticed for yourself) that the oasis is dry. Look at the lights shining on the tiles. Kill them all, and destroy the egg sacs. Sleep: At the second level, the harper scout can cast sleep once per day. Unfortunately, the kobolds have taken the cook, Mara, hostage. Head into the barn and kill the two kobolds inside. Equip the ring and disable the four shield guardians in the north fragment (there are two located by the door to the asabi camp and two in the rooms in the northwest section). Hide in Plain Sight: The shadowdancer is able to use the hide skill even when being observed. The answer is "20." A. Open it, or destroy it, to find a portable door. To East Fragment C. Golem Emporium D. The Crypt Tower E. Shield Guardian F. To West Fragment (O4). Master Drogan will be revived, and you can proceed to the interlude. When you're finished in the temple, head into the Valley of Winds. The stampede will kill everything in sight. If you kill the kobolds, search Urko's body for the mummified hand, ending two quests with one kill. Most importantly, get Mystra's hand. Anyway one of my favourite class combinations is a Fighter/Rogue/Weaponmaster if devestating critical is allowed and you are able to reach epic levels. Becoming a blackguard isn't difficult, though you will need to waste a fair amount of skill points boosting your hide skill if you are a fighter before selecting the prestige class. The stone butler will tell you of a ring that makes disposing of the guardians much easier. Then choose "I want to adjust your equipment." Quest: Fled Into the Crypt The southernmost doorway in the eastern hallway leads to the kobolds' hideout. 3xDiamond, 2xIronwood and 2xSpecial Holy Water for use by Barun Silverblade in Chapter 3. As a reward, he will tell you how to operate the strange machine in the next room and explain that the machine will provide you with a power stone when used correctly. The benefit of this shop, other than its low-level magic items, is that Szaren will give you a much better deal than Fiona. HoTU: How in the heck do you defeat the third guardian of the path in Chapter 3. Once you defeat him take the Book of Helm from the heavily trapped bookshelf. The item Tymofarrar gives you is extremely helpful in fighting J'Nah, and you will have to fight her eventually (see the next section for details on finding and fighting J'Nah). A powerful undead priest has set up shop in a tomb nearby, and his power has somehow drained the water. There isn't much to do here, other than head straight for the kobold cave. The easternmost of these contains the spirit of an elven warrior who will ask you to find his stolen sword. If you choose to attack her, however, be warned that she is a 17th-level sorcerer, with Isaac's greater missile storm, horrid wilting, and other nasty spells. Shadow Daze: At the third level, the shadowdancer can cause an opponent to go into a daze for five rounds. Quest: Rescue Glendir Glendir is a half-orc imprisoned in a single cell in the eastern section of the caves. Import the erf, overwriting all when prompted. Shield Guardian. Head into the southernmost cell and speak with Master Jumper Klumph. Also search the chests and nearby racks for some random, medium, and high-level treasure. Fixed some errors. She will also provide you with a supply of wine for Musharak. Trapped Hallway C. Trapped Chest D. Door Puzzle E. Kobold Commoners F. Wolf Pen G. Prison H. Chief's Cavern I. As you approach the altar, Kel-Garas will appear. Finally, you can get Piper to stop his doom saying by retrieving his sword from Fiona. Uncanny Dodge: Granted at the second level, the uncanny dodge ability insures the assassin retains his or her dexterity bonus to his or her armor class, basically assuring that the character can not be caught flat-footed by hidden assailants. The priest burial room contains four coffins, each with some decent treasure. Eventually, she will call for a truce and the formians will stop attacking you. Important note about this walk-though: When compass directions are given, they refer to the map provided, with north being the top. When all the shield guardians are dead or disabled, return to Ashtara. Invisibility: At the fifth level, the harper scout can cast invisibility once per day. Allow your henchman and other associates to distract her. As you enter Blumberg, a dying man will approach you and say that the town has been overrun by gnolls. The persuade skill helps immensely with this. You can't open the glowing chest, ever. Shield guardians, created by spellcasters and controlled by means of a special amulet, are predominantly defensive in combat, protecting their masters with unswerving loyalty. You will be transported to a wood. Note that if you already spoke with J'Nah and agreed to kill Tymofarrar, he will try to make a counterproposal. In a weapon rack in that same southeastern passageway, you'll find a shadow sword, a +2 two-bladed sword that does 1d8 damage and adds 1d4 acid damage. If you speak to Telnix first, and agree to ignore the others, he will give you a cloak of Ao, which provides +1 for constitution, +2 for AC, and +1 for saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Do so, and your alignment will shift toward good. He is a tough opponent but nothing you can't handle. The shield guardian will assume you are a fellow guardian after you assist it in killing the slaad. However, she only has an AC of 20, so even with her 135 hit points, you should be able to do significant damage quickly if you or a henchman can get in close and start swinging. The ruins are a dangerous place. If you've activated the trap, put on the protective helmet and stand on the pressure plate near the door. Inside the temple, you will find Garrick. ***** VERSION HISTORY v0.7 The beta version of the NWN SoU FAQ/Walkthrough (July 9, 2003) v1.0 The full version (July 11, 2003) Corrected some information. Garrick will tell you about the nearby excavation and the true nature of the crystal found in the tower statue. Additionally, at the fifth level, it gives the assassin a +1 to reflex saving throws against traps, and at the 10th level, it increases that bonus to +2. Apart from the prestige classes and the campaign, the rest of the content added is also available in second expansion pack Hordes of the Underdark. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Eagle's Splendor: At the fourth level, the harper scout can cast eagle's splendor once per day. Entrance From Portal Room Antechamber B. However, if you successfully help Szaren in the Thayvian Enclave quest (which begins on the road in Hilltop East), Toman will be kicked out of his house and Szaren will set up a decent shop inside. When the dead wind is defeated, grab it and go through the doors at the north end of the hall. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Hide (5 ranks) Feats: Cleave. Try to lure the undead toward you so you can disarm the traps at your leisure later and then rest up once the room is cleared. The hobgoblin merchant has some decent items for sale, but he will offer to find you something really special for a small deposit of 100 gold. The poison trap is handy against the kobold chieftain and his henchman. This will likely be your main weapon until you recover your equipment (depending on choice of weapon you may find better weapons along the way, though). The gnoll chief, Gishnak, is slightly more reasonable than the kobold chief. - Summon Shadow: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per day. If you do kill him, wait until he has given you the inkwell, or take it from his corpse. One of the major additions to Shadows of Undrentide is the fact that you now have much more control over your henchman. There are two battle horrors, each 13th-level constructs, and two helmed horrors, also 13th-level constructs. Examine the ark of the winds. Remove the arrow and cleanse the wound, and this will stop the bears from attacking you in the foothills. You must meet some requirements in order to. When you return to him later, he will offer you the calian belt for 40,000 gold, but you can talk him down to 35,000. A. Caravan B. Musharak C. Jasmeena D. Temple of Ao E. To the Valley of Winds. Among her spells are incendiary cloud, summon creature VII, and delayed fireball. Note that you can now choose a new henchman: Deekin the kobold, who is a bard/healer. J'Nah is a 12th-level sorcerer, and Quemozeng, her quasit associate, is a third-level outsider. Place the dark wind, the dead wind, and the wise wind inside to gain access to the temple stairs. Climbing down will require a dexterity check, and if you fail you will fall and sustain some damage. You'll be fighting undead along the way. Even if you have animal empathy, there's no way to bring these trained killers back. You can always come back and pick a different henchman, but your basic choice should be easy. If the arrow successfully hits, the target must make a fortitude-saving throw. From First Floor B. Bloodied Altar C. Tentacle Beast D. North Lever E. East Lever F. South Lever G. West Lever. There are several ways to do this. The fire emitting from their body will harm you, however, so try to avoid them. Kill the zombies and speak with Ali Ibn-Musud. Once inside, you have several choices. Congratulations! Heurodis is a sixth-level humanoid/18th-level wizard. Help the others kill the kobolds that have invaded. When you receive the message that you hear strange sounds nearby, you will be close. If you're having trouble, try to isolate the monsters and attack them one by one in the hallway. As you make your way through the ruins, you will pass numerous statues. She'll tell you a bit about the town's troubles, and give you the An Excess of Prophet quest, which requires you to rid the town of Piper's doom saying. Note that you can avoid it all together, if you want, by following the side passages. If you tell it to leave, your alignment will shift to good. You convince the kobolds to take you as a hostage instead of Mara, which requires an easy persuasion check. The good stuff is at the back of the room. A. Magical Pool C. Elemental Pedestal D. Water Elemental E. Fire Elemental F. Earth Elemental G. Air Elemental. Note that once Mara is safe, she will tell you that the Helmthorn Berries, needed for A Cure for Drogan, are in the pot on the stove in the kitchen (the berries will still be there if you don't save her). The sarcophagus in the center of the western wall contains the armor of command (+3 to AC, +5 to persuade, and +2 to charisma) and a stack of 13 arrows of the vampire (+2 vampiric regeneration). You will find yourself in a cavern with four tunnels extending in the cardinal directions. To navigate, you'll need to travel back and forth from the plane of shadow to the tower, until you reach the stairs at the opposite end. As you leave Drogan's farm, you'll see a barn nearby, as well as some tracks leading into it. Once you have all three ingredients, bring them back to Ayala for some experience. or does it depend on the character you play? Require a dexterity check, and Quemozeng, her quasit associate, is slightly more reasonable than the kobold and! 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