This book will show the scope of scalp acupuncture in treating many kinds of disorders and diseases, based on years of clinical experience. Jia Huai-yu reported on 1,800 cases of paralysis due to stroke treated on the Motor Area by scalp acupuncture in 1992. Accessibility Her tongue was purplish with a thin, sticky, yellow coating. According to Chinese medicine, trauma to the head (or anywhere else in the body) causes the blood to extravasate outside its normal vessels, obstructing the flow of fresh new blood to the area. The ear points Heart, Liver, and Shen Men along with the Head Area and Chest Area on the scalp were needled. Scalp acupuncture, on the other hand, applies more of a Western medicine approach, where patients with the same diagnosis usually receive the same or very similar treatment. Scalp acupuncture treats and prevents disease through the proper insertion of needles into scalp areas. During our lectures around the world, we are often asked why, if it is so effective in treating disorders of the central nervous system, has scalp acupuncture not spread to the whole world and been applied widely in practice? At that time her leg and arm muscles were so much stronger that she was able to write and make phone calls. At another scalp acupuncture seminar in Phoenix, Arizona, later the same year, the audience was waiting to see Barbara, whom we had treated several months before. His aphasia, dysphasia, and paralysis on the right side had shown no further improvement for the past two weeks. Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Qi stagnation and blood stasis in the channels, kidney qi deficiency, Primary area: Upper 1/5 Motor Area and middle 2/5 Motor Area, Secondary area: Foot Motor and Sensory Area, Chorea and Tremor Area. The principle of scalp acupuncture is very straightforward; the aim is to stimulate the diseased area of the brain in order to facilitate a return of function in that area. The most common symptom of esophageal dysphagia is the inability to swallow solid food, which the patient often describes as becoming stuck or held up before it either passes into the stomach or is regurgitated. Commonly used points are Feng Chi (GB 20), Yu Zhen (Bl 9), Nao Kong (GB 19), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Tai Chong (Liv 3), and Tai Xi (Ki 3) for lower limbs, and Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limbs.19 Electrical stimulation is very helpful if the practitioner has difficulty performing needle rotation more than 200 times per minute. She was able to count from one to 20 without breathing. 5.3, 5.23 and 5.24). When evaluating a patient with paralysis, the practitioner should follow a systematic approach that includes inspection of muscle, palpation and percussion of muscle, manual muscle strength testing, and assessment of motor function. Paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic injury of the brain or spinal cord are the most commonly seen problems in our practice. Common MNDs include amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), primary lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, and poliomyelitis. In advanced stages, both regions of the body are affected. Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing. For additional effect, thread a long needle from Yang Ling Quan (GB 34) through to Yin Ling Quan (Sp 9) and from Kun Lun (Bl 60) through to Tai Xi (Ki 3). Select either the Chorea and Tremor Area or the Foot Motor and Sensory Area, depending whether the patient has muscular spasms or other abnormal sensations such as pain or burning. Third, manual manipulation is very difficult to learn and master without detailed description and demonstration. Scalp acupuncture is an effective treatment for Bell's palsy. If balance, dizziness, or vertigo is present, select the Balance Area or the Vertigo and Hearing Area. As a contemporary acupuncture technique, many of the specific treatments put forward in this book are also new, at least for a work that discusses Western medical concepts along with Chinese ones. At his last visit, Fred said, Thank you very much for giving me back my normal life.. A few minutes after being needled on her head, Sherry felt a whole-body hot sensation, which then moved from her hips to her feet, stronger on the left side. Scalp acupuncture is a modern acupuncture technique combining traditional needling method with western medicine knowledge of representative areas of the cerebral cortex. When told that it was time for him to show off, he stood up straight with great stability and even stood on one leg for several seconds without losing his balance. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. Progressive muscular atrophies are a wide group of genetic disorders characterized by primary degeneration of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, resulting in progressive muscle weakness. And fourth, the names of stimulation areas are different from the standardized names given by the Standard International Acupuncture Nomenclature of the World Health Organization, Section 3.6 on Scalp Acupuncture, in Geneva in 1989. Vertigo and hearing area (ni) Location: Horizontal line 1.5 cm above and centered on the apex of ear, 4 cm in length. We need to emphasize that this patient received only three scalp acupuncture treatments and had recovered completely. The treatment is first given two times per week and then gradually reduced to fewer sessions after patients have experienced major improvement. Isosorbide mononitrate can cause severe headaches. Scalp acupuncture distinguishes a yin somatotope at the front of the scalp and a yang somatotope at the back of the scalp. National Library of Medicine The 60 cases were randomly divided into a five-needle-in-nape (FNN) group and a routine acupuncture (RA) group, 30 cases in each group. Michael showed remarkable improvement right away. The upper 1/5 Motor Area and Speech I Area were still considered primary according to her condition. Oropharyngeal dysphagia is often caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Bell's palsy. Examination showed that the tremor as well as teeth marks in her tongue were less, the thick, white coating was less, and it was peeled more on the front part of her tongue. The more general acupuncture therapy is often called body acupuncture. Chinese medical pattern discrimination: Liver blood deficiency with internal stirring of liver wind, kidney qi deficiency, liver depression qi stagnation, blood stasis, Primary area: Motor Area, Sensory Area, Foot Motor and Sensory Area, Secondary area: Balance Area, Chorea and Tremor Area, and Vertigo and Hearing Area. Her fatigue and bladder control were improved but she still had a lot of mucous and leg tremor. Denise, a 79-year-old female in a wheelchair, was brought to our clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1994. Although each part of the cerebral cortex has its own functions, some variation is possible. Common acupuncture points include Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), Jian Yu (LI 15), and Wai Guan (TB 5) for upper limb paralysis and Yang Ling Quan (GB 34), Huan Tiao (GB 30), Feng Shi (GB 31), Zu San Li (St 36), and Kun Lun (Bl 60) for lower limb paralysis. Five years ago she had a dramatic neurological decline during which she was unable to stand up and lost strength and sensation in her lower extremities. The only remaining problem was urgent, frequent urination and some incontinence of urine. Indications: superficial edema, hypertension. The nasogastric tube was removed and he had no problem with talking or depression after his sixth treatment. Overall, our patient Fred had a very successful recovery, progressing from dysphagia to total normal eating within just a few weeks. Therefore, many practitioners in both the West and the East are only mildly aware of this new technique, and few apply it in their practices. Yin corresponds to nourishing muscles and tendons and points from yin channels have positive results for pronounced stiffness and contraction of the limbs. Whether you are treating a child or adult with depression, it is important to observe the response and reaction while inserting, stimulating, or withdrawing needles, and adjust the techniques accordingly. The examination revealed she had paraparesis of the left lower extremity that was more affected than the right. A swallowing disorder can occur in people of all age groups but it is more likely in the elderly, patients who have had strokes, and in patients who are admitted to acute care hospitals or chronic care facilities. Her tongue showed a red tip, only a thin, white coating, and a peeling coating at the front. Although other acupuncture techniques can be effective, scalp acupuncture seems to bring about quicker and often immediate improvement. Monoplegia is impairment in the motor function of only one limb. Treatment is given two to three times per week and a therapeutic course consists of 10 treatments. Treatments were given once a day and 14 treatments comprised a course. It is now our opinion that a patient with paralysis should be treated no matter how long ago a stroke has occurred as long as the limb shows no muscular atrophy. It is not surprising for a Western physician to claim that it is a coincidence if a patient recovers from paralysis after acupuncture. He refused to try drinking a little bit of water to test his swallowing function and said he was afraid that it could induce severe coughing and choking and cause aspiration. Acupuncture in the scalp is very safe when performed by a qualified professional. Exercise is very important for the recovery of affected limbs. Denise had a very positive response to her initial scalp acupuncture treatment. In the West, many healthcare practitioners are familiar with acupuncture for pain management, while scalp acupuncture as a main tool for rehabilitation is a relatively new concept. Bell's palsy is a paralysis and weakness of the muscles that control expression on one side of the face. The signs and symptoms of dysphagia include difficulty controlling food in the mouth, inability to control food or saliva in the mouth, difficulty initiating a swallow, coughing, choking, frequent pneumonia, unexplained weight loss, gurgly or wet voice after swallowing, nasal regurgitation, and swallowing difficulty. Mechanical causes usually comprise peptic esophagitis, carcinoma of the esophagus or gastric cardia, candida esophagitis, and pharyngeal pouch. When treating a hemorrhagic stroke, however, scalp acupuncture should not be performed until the patient's condition is stable, probably one month after a stroke. Retain the needles for 2530 minutes. I am so overjoyed with these unexpected wonderful results. The duration of the condition was from 30360 days. He had severe dysphagia and could not swallow any food or water at all, which was his primary complaint at our clinic. They asked, How quickly could he notice any improvement? David decided to try the treatment but was still skeptical after being told that some patients had immediate improvement and others did not. Hand or foot paralysis is relatively difficult to recover and often requires a longer process, especially for a contracted hand and foot. Fred was able to follow instructions to practice his speech and do oral and pharyngeal exercises. He had suffered from multiple sclerosis since 1982 and had received many kinds of treatments with no positive results. Scalp acupuncture treatments were given once a day and 10 treatments made a course. Since scalp acupuncture is a modern technique with just 39 years of history, much more research needs to be done so that its potential can be fully explored and utilized and more paralyzed patients helped to regain a normal life. Hemorrhagic stroke is commonly divided into two types, intracerebral and subarachnoid. Select the Chorea and Tremor Area or Foot Motor and Sensory Area according to whether the patient has muscular spasms or other abnormal sensations such as pain or burning. The duration of the ailment was from four days to two years. When we told Barbara that some similar patients were able to walk again, her eyes filled with tears. When locating the chorea-tremor area, it is necessary to first define two positioning lines: the anterior-posterior midline and the eyebrow-occipital line. To be able to cook again brought her such tremendous joy and gratitude that she laughed and cried at the same time. Select the Chorea and Tremor Area or Foot Motor and Sensory Area according to whether the patient has muscular spasms or other abnormal sensations such as pain or burning. As the above case study demonstrated, doctors should modify the treatment strategy and stimulate areas according to changes in a patient's condition. She continued to get better with each additional treatment and by the sixth treatment, Denise was able to enter our clinic with a walker instead of in a wheelchair. Her walking also showed some improvement as she was able to lift her right leg more easily. Thread a third needle from Tai Chong (Liv 3) through the foot to Yong Quan (Ki 1) on the sole of the foot. Her tongue was red with a thin, white coating; her pulses were fine and wiry. That results in loss or impairment of bowel and bladder control, sexual function, digestion, breathing, and other autonomic functions. Upon examination, it was found that she had paralysis of all four extremities. Paraplegia is impairment in motor function of both legs and the trunk. Electrical acupuncture is very helpful for speeding up recovery. After the sixteenth treatment he had gained more mobility and use of his right hand and gained more muscular strength in that hand. To relax the upper arm and shoulder, thread a needle from Jian Yu (LI 15) to Bi Nao (LI 14) and stimulate vigorously. She had less mucous in her nose and throat and no nausea since the last visit. Readers may notice that the indications for treatment for each scalp area are many in order to demonstrate the variety of disorders that can benefit from scalp acupuncture therapy. Some stroke patients may have loss of consciousness, headache, and vomiting at the onset. Speech #2. Needles should be inserted on both lower 2/5 Motor Area and lower 2/5 Sensory Area on the contralateral side. With every treatment, Fred showed dramatic improvements in speech, eating and drinking, and movement of his right arm, hand, leg, and foot. There are considerable clinical studies and experimental research showing the excellent results obtained from scalp acupuncture on paralysis due to stroke. At this point his weight increased and his stamina was markedly improved. Although there is no cure for stroke, most stroke patients now have a good chance for survival and recovery. As stated above in Chapter Four, unless the paralysis is due to the removal of damaged tissue by brain surgery, a paralyzed extremity is generally treated by choosing the opposite side of the Motor Area on the scalp. Her gait was wide-based and unsteady and she had to hold on to someone to walk in order to maintain her balance. After only one treatment per patient, three of the seven veterans instantly felt no further phantom pain, three others reported having very little pain, and only one patient showed no improvement. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling in the affected area if there is sensory nerve damage as well. Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, is paralysis with partial or total loss of use of all limbs and the torso. Her pulses remained unchanged and were still fine and wiry. Vertigo and hearing area. Use the fewest number of needles possible in the scalp and rotate them at least 200 times per minute with the thumb and index finger for one minute, twirling as gently as possible so that the child patient can tolerate the sensation and repeating the stimulation every 10 minutes. Always put one needle in the ear point Shen Men to help a depressed and angry patient relax and to reduce the sensitivity of needle insertion and stimulation of the scalp. By embracing newly developed knowledge and technology, the profession continues to create additional methods of treatment. Normal muscle function requires intact connections all along this motor pathway. Most scientists believe that a viral infection causes the disorder and that the facial nerve swells and becomes inflamed in reaction to the infection. Stroke rehabilitation therapy helps patients return to normal life as much as possible by regaining and relearning skills of everyday living such as speaking or walking. They commonly have distinctive differences in their origin and causation but a similar result in their outcome for the patient, which is severe muscle weakness. This may be the mechanism by which scalp acupuncture is successful in treating dysphagia. There is no cure or specific treatment for Bell's palsy, although three in four patients' symptoms may subside on their own within two to three weeks. He had a weak cough and diminished throat-clearing ability. . Acupuncture treats the patient as a whole entity and helps patients with spinal cord injury to recover function more effectively than Western medical treatment. There are several different acupuncture techniques to treat paralysis. While it is not our intention to assert that scalp acupuncture is always effective with every patient, these clinical reports make a compelling case for its wider use. Scalp acupuncture offers great rehabilitation tools for dysphagia. Her aphasia gradually improved and she was able to drag her right leg while walking and move her right arm slightly but the paralysis had shown no further improvement for the past eight weeks. It requires the doctor to have very good techniques of insertion and manipulation of needles as well as good communication skills. However, those who do not have such sensations could still have immediate positive results. David, a 52-year-old man, was vacationing with his wife in Santa Fe, NM, in 1993. However, while treating children with body acupuncture can be challenging, it can be even harder with scalp acupuncture. This study looked at the effectiveness of scalp acupuncture and conventional acupuncture for essential tremors using 60 patients split into two groups. In very serious cases, patients may need feeding tubes. Muscle strength is often rated at six levels on a scale of 0 out of 5 to 5 out of 5.6,a The level of 0 out of 5 shows no muscular contraction, which means complete paralysis; the level of 1 out of 5 shows some muscular contraction, but no limb or body movement; the level of 2 out of 5 shows limb movement is possible but not against gravity, which means the limb can only move in its horizontal plane; the level of 3 out of 5 shows limb movement is possible against gravity but not against resistance by the examiner; the level of 4 out of 5 shows limb movement is possible against some resistance by the examiner but it is still weak compared to a normal limb; and the level of 5 out of 5 shows normal muscular strength, which means complete recovery from paralysis. Ischemic stroke is divided into thrombosis stroke, embolic stroke, systemic hypoperfusion, and venous thrombosis. In addition to scalp acupuncture, the ear and body acupuncture were very helpful in the patient's progress and recovery. A waitress who noticed that he was paralyzed told him that he should come to our clinic, which specialized in treating that affliction. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds. [4] Neurological Conditions Testimonials It is suggested that no more than two of the scalp needles be stimulated at any session so the brain does not become too confused to respond. Her initial symptoms were an onset of numbness in the right arm followed by subsequent numbness descending down both her legs. The Chorea and Tremor Area should be chosen if patients have limb spasm. Scalp acupuncture is a micro-system acupuncture technique which stimulate the points or areas on the scalp to treating brain related diseases, neurological and psychological conditions, et al. As a result, she had incontinence of bowel and urine. Although the scalp has numerous It likely occurs as a result of some combination of environmental and genetic factors. Over the past 25 years, Denise had multiple relapses and remissions with episodes of lower extremity weakness, stiffness and muscle spasm, incontinence of urine, loss of balance, and fatigue. The RA group was treated with needling at Lian Quan (CV 23), Tong Li (Ht 5) and Zhao Hai (Ki 6). The manipulation and retaining of needles remained the same. Those symptoms are warning signs and a large proportion of patients with TIA may develop full strokes in the future. Julia was also in much better control of urination, now holding her urine for six hours at night. In other words, scalp acupuncture is able to treat the cause and thus heal the injury. The information presented in the book is primarily a synthesis of two components of knowledge of scalp acupuncture. Several doctors thought she suffered from a motor neuron disorder or ALS. Primary lateral sclerosis is a rare motor neuron disease that resembles ALS but there is no evidence of the degeneration of spinal motor neurons or muscle wasting that occurs in ALS. Paralysis is most often caused by damage to the nervous system, especially the brain and spinal cord. Practitioners should consider scalp acupuncture as either the primary approach or a complementary approach when treating disorders of the central nervous system and endocrine system. Second, we have been teaching, practicing, and researching it for 29 years, both in China and in the US and Europe, and have accumulated extensive and valuable experience, which has given us insight into the needs and questions of acupuncture practitioners in Western clinical settings. Modern medicine has not yet found a cure for spinal cord injury. How Acupuncture Provides Help For Tremors Tremor and involuntary shaking treatment using acupuncture may reduce tremors after the first treatment. The electrical stimulation usually lasts 1020 minutes. The chain of nerve cells that runs from the brain through the spinal cord out to the muscles is called the motor pathway. It is useful to pair the testing of each muscle group immediately with the testing of its contra-lateral counterpart to enhance detection of any asymmetries and record detailed information of any changes. After each treatment from the third to the fifth visit there were gradual improvements in all her limbs. I can walk solidly from heel to toe and walk backwards with no difficulty.. As soon as we inserted two needles in her scalp at the Chorea and Tremor Area, the tightness in all four limbs loosened up and the spasms were gone. Although the most obvious symptom is impairment to the limbs, function is also impaired in the torso. With strong encouragement, she struggled up and stood by herself for one minute, two minutes, and then three minutes. Because sensation is usually impaired in affected areas, this can manifest as numbness, reduced sensation, or burning sensation and pain. Instead, she did intensive exercise as we had instructed seven months before and had recovered completely. Scalp acupuncture is a well-researched natural science and incorporates extensive knowledge of both the past and present. Because each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body, a stroke affecting one side of the brain results in neurological symptoms on the other side of the body. She had gotten married and returned to work. Her speech continued improving with less of a heavy sensation in her tongue. During the treatment, some patients may experience sensations of heat, cold, tingling, numbness, heaviness, distention, or the sensation of water or electricity moving along their spine, legs, or arms. Sometimes it is necessary to show a patient how tiny the needles are or demonstrate the insertion of a needle in the practitioner's own body. With more stimulation of the needles on her head, she started to feel a hot sensation in her hands and feet. Second, there is a very limited number of highly experienced teachers. Clinical studies have demonstrated that acupuncture may be beneficial for PD . Although we were not at all certain that we could help this patient, it had taken several hours for the family member to give him a ride here and we did not want to turn him away. She no longer had that urgent feeling in her bladder and was able to hold her urine for two hours. With long-term conditions expectations need to be realistic, although some patients will occasionally surprise practitioners. She was amazed to feel the spasms and numbness in her legs improve just minutes after a few needles were inserted. Regular exercise helps the blood circulation and keeps muscles active, and this also accelerates the results from ongoing acupuncture treatments. Based on Liu Fang-shi's report of research done in 1994, 48 cases of facial paralysis were treated by scalp acupuncture on the Motor Area. Each one reflects our experience, thought processes, strategies, and special techniques for treating patients suffering from disorders of the central nervous system. The Chorea and Tremor Area should be chosen if the patient has tremor or limb spasms. 5.3. However, her right foot was still weak and was sometimes difficult to pick up and she had to drag it to walk. Fred could move his right arm up and down more and he was able to start walking to our clinic on his own. Four months before, Lisa fell off her bicycle and hit her head on the left side, above and behind her ear. Recent studies have shown that scalp acupuncture could be a very effective form of pain relief for a variety of limb pains. His voice was low and it was very difficult to understand him. Scalp acupuncture is the best therapy for spinal cord injury. Retain the needles for 2530 minutes. After 39 treatments, she had gained back all movement of her hands and arms, was able to walk with a cane, and began living without the aid of personal assistants. After inserting four more needles in her scalp, we encouraged Barbara to stand up. It is reprinted here with permission from Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, Colorado. It primarily affects adults, with age of onset typically between 20 and 40 years, and is twice as common in women compared to men. Regular acupuncture treatment has been found to have a positive therapeutic effect on the recovery of movement and reducing abnormal sensations of the hands, fingers, feet and toes. He had a red tongue with a thin, yellow coating. In another body of work examined in the meta-analysis, Huang Na et al. Acupuncturists know the points to work on to slow down hand tremor with Acupuncture. Blood stasis must be resolved for the tissue to once again receive the nourishment of healthy blood. Damage at any level often interrupts the brain's ability to control muscle movements resulting in paralysis. Nm, in 1994 essential tremors using 60 patients split into two groups with. One side of the cerebral cortex to the infection be accompanied by a loss of feeling her. Patient 's condition throat-clearing ability most stroke patients may have loss of consciousness, headache, and at., her eyes filled with tears cord injury nausea since the last visit holding... Primary lateral sclerosis ( ALS ), primary lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) primary! Told that some similar patients were able to follow instructions to practice his speech and oral! Press, Boulder, Colorado ongoing acupuncture treatments were given once a day and 10.. 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