The basic purpose of sales promotion is to increase the sales of a product by creating demand. Competing companies struggle to capture market share by using every tool likely to bring sales success. Reduced Costs. Cost for Results In This Industry Are Relatively Low. It provides reluctant decision makers with an incentive to make choices by increasing the value . Retailers receive a(n) _____ for featuring the manufacturer's brand in advertisements or for providing special displays. a. price b. promotion c. market d. distribution e. product, Manufacturers and retailers have a difficult time selling products based primarily on a sustainability message, yet consumers believe sustainability is important. Which of the following is NOT a factor accounting for the shift from consumer advertising to promotion? This is an example of a(n) _____ allowance. The _____ strategy consists of a manufacturer directing personal selling, trade advertising, and trade-oriented sales promotion to wholesalers and retailers. a. c. increased brand loyalty. They have been criticized as representing a form of bribery. . (a) Price matching and randomized pricing (b) Price matching, brand loyalty, and commodity bundling (c) Randomized pricing, price discrimination, and cross-subsidization (d) Pe. The target of sales promotion can be ____. (a) produce the good at the lowest cost (b) adopt many trade restrictions (c) revalue the currency (d) enter into an orderly marketing agreemen, Suppose a chain of convenience stores recognized its system of supplying its stores with food. c. retailers, consumers, and manufacturers. d. increased media effectiveness. TOS 7. Related: 13 Factors Influencing the Designing of Sales Territory (With Examples) 18 Key Success Factors in Retail Business (With Examples) 3. copyright 2003-2023 The main idea of such assistance is to help the retailers to sell more goods and buy more from manufacturer. 24. Methods of Sales Promotions | Reasons for Growth of Sales Promotion, 4. All the advertising media have become quite expensive. a. the increase in power for the manufacturers over the grocery stores b. decreased brand parity and price sensitivity c. increased brand loyalty d. increased media effectiveness e. emphasis on short-term results in corporate-reward structures Question 2 In the world of sales, the phrase 'closing a deal' offers the biggest high and for good reason, but is that all there is to the art of selling? Under these circumstances, advertising messages are unable to strongly influence the consumers perceptions and create brand franchise. So for example, a single soap may cost $1 but a combined package of 5 units of soap might cost you $4, giving you a 20% discount on the purchase. Sales promotion has a capability to complement and supplement the advertising functions of the marketing. a. push strategy b. skimming strategy c. multi-marketing strategy d. pull strategy. Mass marketers utilized national advertising to get directly to consumers, creating a demand for the heavily advertised brands that stores could not afford to ignore. _____ refers to any incentive used by a manufacturer to encourage the sales force to aggressively sell it. The air of change is gaining momentum after the introduction of economic liberalization. Your manager has to be a people person, acknowledge the feelings of others, and realize some of the impulses behind behaviors. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is _____. corporate-reward . D. All of the above. Line extension b. Repositioning c. Diversification d. Expansion, The target of sales promotion can be _____. b. retailers, manufacturers, and the sales force. When intravenous medications are involved in adverse drug events, their harmful effects may occur more rapidly, and be more severe than errors with oral medications. C) skimming. Ans 10: e.emphasis on short-term results in Consumer sales promotion -related spending increased from $56 billion in 1991 to nearly $100 billion in . Each hiring opportunity will be different, so weighing the pros and cons can help you make the right choice at the right time. Sales promotion may also help in increasing the effectiveness of advertising. increased media. Trading stamps are a special type of premium received by customers, which can be redeemed for merchandise through stamp redemption. Would you characterize the rivalry and jockeying for better market position, increased sales, and market share among the companies in your industry as fierce, very strong, strong, moderate, or relativ, Which of the following is a reason why brands matter to manufacturers? They may choose to reduce the price by a percentage or a specific dollar amount. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is ___. Consequently, smart strategists focus on competition based upon price becau. Several reasons can be cited for this dramatic growth in sales promotion! In contrast to advertising, which typically, though not always, is relatively long term in orientation and best suited to enhancing buyer attitudes and augmenting brand equity; promotion is more short-term oriented and capable of . C. Healthier profit margins than in a mass-market segment. By developing unique brand names, companies pursuing vertical expansion can avoid a transfer of equity from a 'lower' brand to a 'higher' brand, but they sacrifice some ability to transfer associations from the parent brand to the extension. There are both a buyer's and a seller's market and different types of goods available in these markets. Higher sales prices b. a. the increase in power for the manufacturers over the grocery stores. Some of these points have been proven practically by the industry. The luxury market is characterized by: A. b) relying on brand loyalty. Aunt Marie's is a local restaurant. You might use them to attract new customers, boost retention rates, offload inventory, or deepen your relationship with existing clients. In addition to that one issue that is worth discussing here is cost /sales ratio for advertising and promotion. Temporary cost reduction. Most of its actions are due to metabolism to active metabolites (6-acetylmorphine, morphine, and morphine-6-glucuronide). Sales promotion can obtain feature pricing, displays, and other dealer in-store support, ii. iii. The dealers are also given detailed information about the process of manufacture so that they can answer customer queries more efficiently. How are retailers able to impose expensive slotting fees on manufacturers? Albertson's hopes to stimulate added sales inducing the perception that consumers are getting a "deal, If a product is modified by reducing its quality, the marketer's likely intent is to: a. provide new opportunities for market segmentation. Sales promotion has grown substantially in recent years. Consumers obtain _____ benefits when taking advantage of sales promotion offers, including a sense of being a wise shopper, and/or a need for stimulation and variety. i. A defined set of reasons to promote can be a great start. 16) Quantity Discount. Report a Violation, Sales Promotion: Essay on Sales Promotion (645 Words). Dealers can be helped in many ways and the following are some of the popular form of assistance. Which of the following is an example of a push strategy? The growth of huge supermarkets necessitated the need for aggressive selling. The 4 Ps of marketing are product, price, place and promotion. c. An increase in its customers' disposable income. CatGenie quickly develops a special price-off deal to prevent the competitor from stealing market share. The sales promotion department assists the salesmen to contact the prospective customers. Which of the following is a factor accounting for the shift from consumer advertising to promotion? If all the neurons in the human body were lined up, they would stretch more than 600 miles. d. emphasis on short-term results in corporate-reward structures. The introduction of a certain amount of fun and excitement into promotions which customers can enjoy as participants. RAPID GROWTH OF SALES PROMOTION Sales promotion tools are used by organizations, including a. A _____ strategy consists of manufacturers directing advertising and promotion at the consumers. Sales promotion increases demand. d. help firms cater more effe, A _______ strategy seeks to increase the sales of a product or service through greater marketing efforts or through increased production capacity and efficiency. Heroin has a slight affinity for opiate receptors. Which of the following statements is true? A reason for the growth of sales promotion is _____. Their sales literature includes literature of all aspects of sales that assist dealers in making a sale. A high probability of having some form of sales effect, at least in the short run, xi. Its hard to justify promotion when the employee doesnt want it in the first place . C), Joe is developing the marketing mix for his company's new line of power tools. (Balasubramanian, Kumar 1990, Ailawadi, Farris, Parry 1997; Balasubramanian, Kumar 1997), i. 1. Sales promotion can also be used to achieve other objectives, such as widening distribution or 'shelf facing'. D) emphasize customer service and loyalty. In general sales promotions can built on brand sales more rapidly than advertising. Sales Promotion Strategies Target Consumer, Trade, and The Sales Force. Although sales promotion is an important strategy for producing quick, short-term, positive results, it is not a cure for a bad product, poor advertising, or an inferior sales team. What type of strategy is Coppertone using? This may be done on a door-to-door basis, through demonstrations or by mail. 0. The first one million dollars typically results in a 26% increase in awareness, while the second milli. B. result in increased profits for the advertising firm. Joint promotion which link the buying of one service to another. However there is a very important question how these two aspects will influence (counteract) each other due to the stockpiling effect. Increase sales by 10% over last year. One reason that market economies have been so successful in promoting growth is that _______. Youve been able to see their skillsets, work ethic, and cultural fit in action. b. Money-refund overs are granted to purchasers. All rights reserved. Rivalry among competing sellers increases: A. when buyer demand is growing slowly. What are the Disadvantages of Sales Promotion? First, consumers have not only accepted but also prefer sales promotion as part of their buying decision criteria. Ultimately, the basic reason for the growth of spending on sales promotion is that it is now recognized as a very effective marketing strategy. B) the brand name recognition and appeal. Industries where buyers have higher bargaining power are less attractive. 6. Increasing Competition. Multiple Choice 22 Sales promotions have increased because of competition in emerging markets. increased brand parity and price sensitivity. D) the quality of the goods an, The main benefit of a multi-domestic strategy is that it: a. exploits scale economies in product development and marketing b. is cost-saving due to product and marketing standardization c. takes advantage of location economies d. responds quickly and effe, Shopper marketing emphasizes ___________________ between manufacturers and retailers on in-store marketing like brand-building displays, sampling promotions, and other in-store activities designed to capitalize on a retailer's capabilities and its custome, Managers regularly face the choice of increasing advertising expense or reducing price to increase sales in the Oligopoly market structure. D), Why might a supermarket advertise low prices on certain high-profile items and sell them at a loss? Relatively efficient and fast in the achievement of objectives, v. The sales response is relatively straightforward to measure, vi. B. as it becomes more costly for buyers to switch brands. 4. With this promotion, companies lower the cost of an item for a specific period. The power of English Language "&" and "and". Personal selling is highly essential in marketing. While most sales promotions do successfully increase sales, many also come with a cost. Modern manufacturers offer a variety of management aids to dealers. Trade promotions are most effective when _____. Study sales promotion techniques and characteristics, as well as sales promotion examples. Self-starters make great managers. Sales promotion can encourage repeat usage of the product or increase product usage by loading consumers: The first part of this argument is supported by Neslin, Quelich, Henderson 1982 the results of their research show that acceleration of purchase quantity is stronger among heavy users that light users. He decides to use a consumer-oriented sales promotion that has an expiration date and requires the purchaser to submit proof of purchase, A junior marketing executive at MegaGrain Cereals suggests increasing the package size and price of its best-selling brand without increasing the amount of cereal inside the box. Which of the following are legitimate costs of doing business for a large, multistore supermarket chain that takes on a new brand? Can be used for a wide range of different objectives, xii. For example, after a customer makes a purchase, you can offer 10% off their next purchase if they agree to take a feedback survey on their experience. These objectives are for both marketers and traders. b. decreased brand parity and price sensitivity. Copyright 10. That way, difficult situations will be solved effectively, and tasks will be delegated to the right team members. Retailers usually pass along to consumers the discounts they receive from manufacturers. Also Read: 9 types of Consumer Sales Promotion tools. These are generally separated from the supply of the main product but becomes an integral part of the contract. They already have a working knowledge of company culture and processes. Sales Promotion of Industrial Products, 9 types of Consumer Sales Promotion tools, Point of Purchase & Direct Mail Advertising | Merits & Demerits, Advertising and Publicity | Differences | Similarities, 10 Positive Social Effects of Advertisements, Control of Salesmen | Meaning | Need | Methods of Control, Advantages of a Good Salesmen Training Programme, 8 Important Functions of Advertising Agencies, Accountlearning | Contents for Management Studies |. The growing power of retailers: The power shift in market place from manufacturing to retailers. 7. Old stocks and old models are also taken back by the manufacturers. Buy one, get one free promotions. Interacting with team members can be one of the most difficult and demanding responsibilities of a manager. D) penetration. Increase in competition and introduction of economic liberalization has lead to growth of the sales promotion. The consumer price sensitivity also excelled the growth of the sales promotion; the consumer has become more price sensitive due to inflation as consumer look for value . Dayton's Department Stores featured a manufacturer's brand in their advertisements. b), In a declining industry A) product-differentiation efforts are focused on product refinement as a basis of product differentiation. Fast moving merchandise also stimulates the dealers to keep a large stock with them. The tools of sales force promotion are bonus, sales force contests, and sales meetings and conferences. Retailers have exclusive products that cannot be purchased from competitors. An autonomous self-starter wont crunch under the pressure or get overwhelmed and will even know when its appropriate to ask for help if needed. Demonstrations are conducted to inform the public or consumers in the target market about the attributes and utilities of the product. Sometimes, customers are given the product at a price below the normal rate. They are certificates entitling the bearer to a discount on the purchase of a specific product. b) Products of the industry do not produce clear cost advantages or enhance the quality of life for buyers. Extensive research has shown that the effects of short-term price promotions on sales are themselves Line short-term. As sales volume increases with the broad acceptance of the new products, the firm can lower its price. The balance of power began shifting from manufacturers to retailers when network television dipped in effectiveness as an advertising medium and, especially, with the _____. New technology gives the opportunity for more sophisticated promotions like printed coupons at point-of-purchase to reward loyal shoppers or attack rival brands. While it may not be the case for your company, there is a general assumption in the consumer market that if a . Media advertising tends to be impersonal whereas sales promotion is more personal, linking the manufacturer with the customer. The assessment of the situation for the promotion of industrial products is based on the following observations. Bonus is usually offered to salesmen who sell in excess of the quota. Supervisors may believe you deserve a promotion when you: 1. To main the high production capacity, a company may go for sales promotion to accelerate sales. In many product categories, there is a proliferation of brands; many of them are line extensions and me-too brands. b) Increased business complexity. \\a. and acquire, new profitable segments to serve. Think about a time when one of your team members struggled to effectively communicate an idea or issue to you. At the same time, look for a confident communicator, the one who is ready to defend their point of view, or pitch an idea they really believe in. A. a decline in the cost of advertising on radio and newspapers enabling firms to more efficiently reach a wide audience B. a supreme court ruling that limits the market share i, is an online seller of products for dogs. Which of the following is NOT true regarding slotting allowances? An increase in its brand equity. By investing time and resources into succession planning and promoting from within you will have a strong team that will lead your company to success. d. the increase in power for the manufacturers over the grocery B) competitive pricing. Standardisation of the products. Sales promotions are frequently used as part of the promotional mix and influence the final stage of the purchase process in the customer journey. reduced brand parity and price sensitivity. This discount is called a(n) _____. SALES PROMOTION The set of marketing activities undertaken to boost sales of the product or service Process of persuading a potential customer to buy the product. Problems that arise in the workplace tend to be out of your control; the way you deal with them, however is in your control. Drive sales for the existing stock. Some of the disadvantages of sales promotion are as follows: Sales promotion though it may seem, but is not a panacea in marketing. b. c. increase customer loyalty and brand value of a product. The regular selling price per case is $24, but Supershop received a 15 percent discount off the regular case price. Offering two of an in-demand product at a reduced price and for a short time creates a sense of urgency that can boost sales. Succession planning prepares future leaders and saves your company time and money when transition occurs. Reasons to be promoted. A) differentiation B) turnaround C) innovation D) lowest cost, 1.What are the factors affecting the intensity of rivalry in the industry in which your company is competing? hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(429930, 'd287d540-2cf3-4c51-9339-4109c3de637a', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Effective communication is key to every professional and personal relationship. It helps marketers to realize a variety of objectives. The "free gift with purchase" promotion is simple: a customer spends a requisite amount and gets a gift as a thank-you. iii. How should edible insect companies incorporate sustainability in their consumer promotions t, Which of the following actions is unlikely to help make a company's branded footwear more competitive vis-a-vis the brands of rival firms? As part of the marketing mix, promotion includes all activities that involve communicating with the customer about the product and its benefits and features. C) but this can hu, Many small business owners use a {Blank} strategy to move stale, damaged, or slow moving goods or to encourage shoppers to purchase merchandise before an upcoming season. Customer feedback is crucial for business success, and you can combine it with a sales promotion to entice customers to give it. The result will be an increase in traffic and sales, and therefore a likely increase in revenue as well. Operations Management questions and answers, 10. No one wants to be forced into a new job, and thats exactly what you want to avoid when promoting an employee to a management position. \\c. Which of the following is FALSE regarding trade allowances? It involves an increase in salary, position, responsibilities, status, and benefits. Management aids include technical guidance and assistance like scientific layout of the stores, arrangement of goods in the stores, lighting arrangement, etc. E) marketing leverage. The manager believes this precipitous decline may be due to the extensive marketing campaign a competitor is, Holistic marketers achieve profitable growth by expanding customer share, ____, and capturing customer lifetime value. Manufacturers and marketing companies have realized the role that sales promotion can play in services marketing. There are numerous benefits to promoting a current employee: Succession planning prepares future leaders and saves your company time and money when transition occurs. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is ____. Content Filtrations 6. Often, the better alternative is to promote your next leader from within your company. B) foster an internally competitive climate. An increa, In order to increase customer traffic, you want to offer an immediate discount when a customer purchases a certain product. When a new brand fails to generate the promised sales volume, some retailers charge _____ to offset warehousing costs. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is _____. Sales promotions can help to increase or reduce trade inventories. Sales promotion can be a great way to increase or create the demand for a product. a. retailers, consumers, and the sales force b. Distributors c. Retailers d. There is need for a cordial relationship between the manufacturer and the dealers i.e., wholesalers and retailers including the agent middlemen. Image Guidelines 5. D) marketing mix. A. exploit economies of scale B. target small customers C. differentiate the product D. increase switching costs E. target customers who are less sensitive to price, Advertising by monopolistically competitive firms can do all of the following except A. lower the consumers purchase price. Growth of Super markets. All posted questions are reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers (students and teachers) from around the globe. Advent of optical checkout scanners. Sales Promotion can be termed as a process that drives short-term promotions to increase the demand and the subsequent sales for the said product. Manufacturers estimate that retailers pass through to consumers _____ of the trade funds that they provide to retailers. Sales promotion: definition. Then, identify employees who showcase some of the qualities that map to those values. High cost of media advertising such as newspapers and TV, is one of the main reasons to find more cost-effective forms of sales promotion. a) Too many other c. The particular combination of product, place, promotion, and price is called A) marketing position. Most brands are being perceived by consumers to be more or less similar within a given price range because of the inability of manufacturers to develop truly differentiated products. In contrast to advertising, which typically, though not always, is relatively long term in orientation and best suited to enhancing buyer attitudes and augmenting brand equity; promotion is more short-term oriented and capable of influencing _____. This increase of attention can be explained by two major interrelated factors: first, the nature of sales promotions - it brings certain measurable (as opposed to advertising) impact on sales, which attracts many marketing managers; it also has been proven . High cost of media advertising such as newspapers and TV, is one of the main reasons to find more cost-effective forms of sales promotion. Start by looking at the core values of your company. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is _____. This is a characteristic of: \\ A) price wars. The most common users of sales promotion are _____. The air of change is gaining momentum after the introduction of economic liberalisation.Due to increase in competition, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to compete on quality. They are therefore resorting to more . They may also use this type of promotion . In order to avoid paying slotting allowances, a manufacturer can _____. Once the brand reaches the maturity stage of the product life-cycle, its growth rate begins to decline slowly. Recognizing, Problems that arise in the workplace tend to be out of your control; the way you deal with them, however , 2023 Vital Learning, LLC, All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy, By investing time and resources into succession planning. Which one is it? a. decline b. introduction c. growth d. maturity, Which of the following is an advantage of growth by means of external growth strategies? a. Promotion looks to communicate the company's message across to the consumer. i. Advertising Has Become More Expensive and Less Effective. The new job will include learning and perfecting new skills. To encourage impulse buying and attract first-time buyers, sales promotion is used. If theyre already seeking learning opportunities, being trained will seem like a natural and positive process for them. a. Can be used to gain attention to advertising, iv. An industrial contract will include provision for financing, for back up services and training. These kinds pf incentives inspire the dealers to stock and sell goods more vigorously and enthusiastically. In markets with heavy competitive forces, brands must do all they can to attract and retain customers. Redemption rates for coupons or figures on sales volume can be obtained within days. 2 Offer extra benefits perhaps with marginal price, and the customer will be satisfied with your efforts.. 3. When all is said and done, the customer is interested in just one thing from your organization: value. After all, no one has the time or the bandwidth to constantly hold their employees hand. Terms related to Argument and Argument Evalua. Sales promotions are short-term incentives to buy products. The corporate structure's greater focus on short-term results has spurred the growth of sales promotion, designed to boost sales for a limited time through a temporary campaign. 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