Anthurium vittarifolium variegated is a type of this plant with white stripes on it. The inflorescence is pendent. The very real possibility exists thatas is the case for a recently discovered sibling species from eastern Panamat least one of these populations may prove to be an undescribed taxon. While my experience with the Dewey Fisk clone of this plant in my collection in Guatemala left me quite disappointed with its disorganized spiral growth and excessive lateral offsetting, the plant shown above is easily trained to maintain acceptable form. Experiment placing your strappy anthurium in various light conditions and see where its the happiest. Other images shown online purporting to be this or the reverse hybrid appear to be misnamedintentionally or notand evidence one or more hybrid parents in their genetic makeups. But be careful, as seedlings are very fragile. Together with other birds-nest anthuriums such as Anthurium superbum, A. hookeri and A. jenmanii, this species was in such high demand in Indonesia from 2007 to 2008 that larger plants routinely sold for staggeringly high prices, even by current standards. As these plants mature and characteristics strangthen, the leaves become much easier to tell apart. How to differentiate Anthurium friedrichsthalii from vittarifolium? The foliage colors range from green to burgundy, depending on the maturity of the leaves. While quaint, they bear no resemblance to any wild forms. But with the following tips, you should be able to figure out which plant you are buying. Photo of the lower leaf surfaces of two specimens of velvet-leafed Upper Amazonian Philodendron cf. The very showy, related and distinctive eastern Guna Yala endemic, Anthurium carlablackiae, that was discovered a decade back as well as other recent unpublished finds indicates that other related Panamanian species are out there that are of interest to rare plant collectors. Extremely difficult to grow from seed and high mortality for seedlings is the norm. Slow-growing and oftentimes fussy in captivity, but well worth every effort to keep it happy. The Anthurium vittarifolium flower consists of a spathe and spadix. Velvet !!! It is certainly an unusual and very handsome anthurium. The berries on Anthurium vittarifolium are pinkish-red, and its seeds are very easy to germinate. Blue highlights in this hybrid series tend to improve markedly when plants are grown in deep shade and as the plants mature from seedling stage. ), an orphan place marker name that, because I formerly used it in error, has caused me a lot of headache of late. Discovered in the early 1950s, it is now placed in section Andiphilum that all share very large bright orange ripe fruits and single seeds. It is a rare aroid that is very difficult to find in cultivation. When provided with the space and environmental conditions needed to reach mature size, this may be one of the most spectacular of all the giant velvet leaf anthuriums. Thank you again. The very wide elevational range reported by collectors, which would now be considered unusual in this genus, raises suspicions that more than one species may be involved. Usually, you can only cross species within the same section. Moreover, a well-drained soil mixture also provides a firm grip on the plants aerial roots, allowing sufficient room to sprawl. Too much moisture promotes fungal growth, which can subsequently hamper plant growth. Read our privacy policy for more information. lupinum. Growing the plant in a pot with a good drainage capacity is crucial to avoid root rot. Vittarifolium feels like leather, whereas pallidiflorum is velvety in texture. nud. Most require bright indirect light, loose and well-draining soil, warmth, and high humidity. Fully expanded leaf form is much better than suggested by the images. Read our privacy policy for more information. Black spots are a classic indication of blight disease. It beautifully contrasts to other broadleaf anthuriums. nov. aff. Collectors should be aware that, once past seedling stage, this species is very prone to defoliating when maintained under suboptimal environmental conditions. nov. Darkest Panam. As the leaves on both clones mature they darken substantially. It is a pendent Anthurium growing on lower elevations. Vittarifolium has a less defined rib, is a slimmer strap leaf shape that gradually runs into a pointed tip. I am also a social media influencer for houseplants, with over 500,000 followers on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. magnificum Norte growing together with other rare plants in the authors collection in California in 2016. Thank you for pointing this out. There are other similar-looking forms from Ecuador and Colombia that may end up being described as local variants or novel species. This of course isnt always easy to see when you are looking at a plant online. This species is generally intolerant of constantly saturated growing media and should be set up to allow its adventitious roots to run. The inflorescence on Anthurium vittarifolium emerges from a leaf petiole, so dont trim the leaves prematurely! A few of them shown to me recently appear to be straightforward A. veitchii hybrids with related sect. In my opinion it is very likely a previously overlookedAnthuriumtaxon that is most closely related to the well-known Panamanian endemic,A. papillilaminum (see opening shot of that species in nature at the top of the article). If you google Anthurium vittarifolium variegated photos, youll see that they look pretty sickly. A juvenile example of a novel hybrid released by me in April 2020, Anthurium Quechua Queen shown under low ambient light conditions. Published by at June 2, 2022. In fact, it has no problems with this environment. Sequential reduction of leaf size indicates an emergency repot is in order. One way to tell the two species apart is by looking at the sinus of the plant. So, to make it clear to those aroid collectors and nursery owners who apparently still dont get it: A. Unlike Anthurium pendens, whose leaves are primarily matte, the leaves on Anthurium pallidiflorum have a slight sheen. This is a conspicuous feature in this species that is shared to a much lesser degree in some of the fully mature A. aff. Both species are exceptionally rare in cultivation outside of origin. Anthurium queremalense (ined.) Discover the Unique Beauty of Anthurium Balaoanum: The Aroid with Ruffled Leaves! Jiffyplants Shopping site . triciafrankiae. Avoid leaving the plant in a consistently low light intensity area, as it can severely hamper its growth. Mehani (both mass market items produced clonally via plant tissue culture, propagation from stem cuttings or via offsets, and also sold from selfed seed under these names) in Asia and the U.S. as genuinely exotic crosses with one or more unlikely parents. Why does my Anthurium Vittarifolium plant have tiny black spots? Image: F. Muller. This is a cool-growing species whose relationship with true A. metallicum is a bit uncertain since it never flowered for me. Both plants are currently being grown under fairly bright conditions on open greenhouse benches, so are expected to become much darker under optimum light conditions. Anthurium wendlingeri is arguably the most recognizable strap leaf anthurium because of its characteristic corkscrew-like inflorescence. Enid Offolter of NSE Tropicals successfully created it. Valle del Cauca Province, Colombia. First up is the division method. Next, focus on pruning yellow, withered leaves. If you use a chunky growing medium that drains fast, this strap leaf anthurium will be very happy. unfolding a new leaf in California. There are only two scenarios when you must repot your Anthurium Vittarifolium. FAQs and Common Problems Right, near-ripe fruits on an A. marmoratum infructescence in California. The plant grows up to 3-4 feet long patterned in deep, bright veins on a glowing surface. This particular examples was selected at random from a group of small seedlings for a home cultivation trial and spent six months as a houseplant in a 2.25/6 cm pot in my kitchen bay window before it started showing inky dark leaf color despite exposure to afternoon sunshine. Low temperatures can kill the plant, and it will almost certainly perish. Vittarifolium may appear to have a velvety sheen in the younger leaves, but is not a velvet Anthurium. A number of these types of crosses are showing great promise in youth and are very vigorous. Maintaining consistency in fertilizing your plant is essential for its healthy growth. Occasionally, some clones throw a few golden new leaves as sports in response to who-knows-what random genetic fluke before reverting to normal color. Left, a somewhat bullate leaf form originating from a lowland rainforest ecotype occurring in Pichincha Province, Ecuador and right, a Colombian plant that appears to have originated from an old collection at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, Florida. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Use a spraying bottle to keep the moss humid. In its natural environment, Anthurium vittarifolium gets rained on a lot, but the roots never sit in water as it quickly drips down a tree trunk. Some cultivars offer pink, orange, purple, or white spathes. At the same time, the plant mustnt be overwatered; else, it will develop root rot. I start seedlings in moss, but once they are established, I pot them up in a soilless aroid mix which stays moist longer. At this point (Fall 2021), plants from a population recently reported much further west from the type locality in Cocl Province (that have dark green leaves) as well as those on the eastern boundary of its known distribution near Portobelo (that are dark) are not to my knowledge in cultivation outside of its country of origin. Welcome to Plant Girl Boss, an enthusiast's guide to growing tropical plants. Anthurium Pallidiflorum Vs Wendlingeri I will disclose that it is also a very showy, undescribed velvet-leaf species with a vivid skeleton primary vein pattern and compact mature size. Comments made recently by a correspondent who researches the origins of color in iridescent leaf tropical plants tentatively ascribes this showy visual effect to micro-micro papillate epidermal cells and a very thin cuticle layer. Comment the ones you know ! Fred Muller has recently discovered that it apparently hybridizes on occasion with A. aff. A well draining mix of orchid compost and peat based soil will suit your vittarifolium well. The so-called black warocqs or narrow dark woqs that reportedly originate from the lowlands of the Choc and Valle del Cauca Departments are perhaps among the most distinctive variants now in the exotic plant trade. The ideal temperature range for anthurium wendlingeri is between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit (21-29 degrees Celsius). There are good Carlas and Great Carlas. Anthurium debilipeltatum Croat. Botanical Name: Anthurium friedrichsthalii. Add to cart. Incredibly, it now appears that the darker corners of the rare aroid trade have spawned the first widespread counterfeit plant grift in history. Some modern hybrids have recently been outcrossed to produce second and even third generation complex hybrids, such as Anthurium (subsignatum x crystallinum) x papillilaminum (Vannini), A. Purple Mama (sp. The base of the leaf is pointy on Anthurium Vittarifolium and rounded on Anthurium Pallidiflorum. Well known Californian plantsman Dylan Hannon, Curator of the Conservatory and Tropicals Collection at the Huntington Botanical Garden in San Merino, first introduced me to this very apt term in 2019. Anthurium wendlingeri is a species of plant in the genus Anthurium. Please note that this plant requires very high humidity, we grow them with 100% humidity in shade and warm conditions. This species differs by having a long violet spike. Ace of Spades, have made it to plant tissue culture (PTC) but are also often available from nurseries as second generation seed-grown plants (usually misnamed under the parents cv. Origin: South America. Mature individuals of this species can have both subvelute and pebbled-textured leaves. Dryness and crispiness of leaves can be common, and implies lack of moisture or humidity, make sure the plant is watered and has enough humidity. Image: F. Muller. They do not generally persist in disturbed habitats other than on or adjacent to recent road cuts, so visits to primary forest are often required to view them in nature. Above left, a large wild-collected plant that originated from a de-accession obtained from the Marie Selby BG in 2000. It is easy to tell the difference between Anthurium friedrichsthalii and pallidiflorum by looking at how the leaf blade attaches to the petiole. aff. Recently, some teratogen-treated hybrids have appeared on the Asian markets with nearly orbicular leaves. Domestically produced F2, artificially propagated and pure bred A. carlablackiae should be on the U.S. market by 2022. Based on my field and greenhouse experience with this and other regional origin velvets, I believe that it warrants closer scrutiny to determine its relationships within the genus. Aki ltja ezt az Anthurium wendlingerit, az rtestse a rendrsget. The plant features long, dangling strap leaves and an inflorescence with a twisted spadix. title) or divisions. Vittarifolium Botanical Name: Anthurium vittarifolium Anthurium Pallidiflorum has a deeper green color, Anthurium Vittarifolium is lighter green. These plants should increase the number of very dark leaf color forms of A. dressleri in cultivation. ined. Ive seen Anthurium vittarifolium grown in sphagnum moss, and they loved it! The dark glossy green leaves contrast beautifully with deep chocolate-colored bracts and blooms. Place the seeds on damp sphagnum moss and cover to keep humidity high. Anthurium Pallidiflorum Vs Vittarifolium The Pallidiflorum has velvety texture to its leaves, the Vittarifolium does not. It should be spelled correctly as vittariifolium, with double "ii," but almost no one does. Collectors interested in any of my rare proprietary hybrids shown on this page should be aware that I have not sold any to known plant flippers in the U.S., nor to anyone in Asia nor the EU. Check once a week and water it if top 50% of soil is dry. Young offset-grown examples of two exceptional wild origin Panam Canal-adjacent origin Anthurium papillilaminum I have been working with for decades. The very attractive terrestrial Anthurium carlablackiae in nature, growing in lowland tropical rainforest of eastern Panam. Western and southern Colombia are particularly rich in section Cardiolonchium diversity, so the final count for the section will almost certainly be higher as previously unexplored areas of the country are botanized. Its narrow leaves spiral upwards in a cascading manner, and hence the Anthurium plant grows well in a hanging basket. Generally, Anthurium Vittarifolium plants last five years or even more. Older hybrids that are routinely sold as A. crystallinum include: x forgetii, x magnificum, x regale and x dressleri, as well as mongrel backcrosses to these primary hybrids. You may also be interested in these blogs: Anthurium Bullatus,Pandurilaminum, or Bullatum? But keeping the sphagnum moss from drying requires extra care, depending on how involved a plant parent you want to be. One of Jean Lindens plates showing true Anthurium crystallinum in LIllustration Horticole. growing in nature in western Colombia (Image: A. Dearden). Authors plant. Many velvet-leafed Cardiolonchium freely hybridize within the section. Results from both hybrids show that, while the triangular profile petioles and leaf shape and color dominate, neither of us are particularly thrilled by the results. Anthurium vittariifolium is native to Columbia. The same section a rare aroid trade have spawned the first widespread counterfeit plant grift in history as. 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How the leaf blade attaches to the petiole primarily matte, the plant in a cascading manner and... Fertilizing your plant is essential for its healthy growth a spathe and spadix sinus of leaves!

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