This kit comes with two replacement springs. Today we revisit one of my favs on the channel, the Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW chambered in 300 Blackout. Thanks for the review. I hope to add it to my DD collection this year! anything extra and your Compact and easy to transport, the DDM4 PDW can be relied upon for home and personal defense. This article is from the September-October 2020 issue of Combat Handguns magazine. Its definitely a step above the stock A2-style grip included on most AR-platform weapons. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. There are also four flush-cup attachment points that can be used for attaching a sling. in 2001 in Black Creek, GA. Daniel Defense PDW Patch $11.99 Take your favorite jacket, hat or firearm case to the next level! The pistol ate pretty much everything I fed it with the exception of two subsonic loads: Hornadys 208-grain Black A-MAXs and HSMs 220-grain SMKs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lets take a look at the DDM4 PDW, beginning at the rear of the gun and moving toward the muzzle. Its an AR. I honestly couldnt tell you which load I shot better because I was able to control them all very well. Hard to go wrong with either the Daniel Defense PDW or Maxim PDX, just whichever one you like the best. Glass reinforced polymer with a rubberized over-molded, its comfy, grippy, and just nice to use. Specifications Size - 38"x14" Material - 600D Fabric and Heavy Duty Velcro Closure - Heavy Duty Zippers Clear ID Pocket (Exterior) Velcro Patch Panel (Exterior) Compact and easy to transport, the Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW Short Barrel Rifle is the kind of AR15 style firearm you can rely on for home and personal it's a ton of fun to shoot. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Daniel Defense also created a DDM4v7 P, which is a pistol version of the DDM4. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. It runs. And even with the Wave suppressor mounted on the cold-hammer-forged, 7-inch, Strength-to-Weight (S2W) barrel, the DDM4 PDW was still super compact. Subscribe 114K views 2 years ago Daniel Defense expanded its DDM4 lineup with a compact PDW pistol designed to give AR enthusiasts all the capability of the 300 BLK in a package that can be. Other than that blank flat top rail staring at you, its ready to go. By the end of my testing, it became apparent that the DDM4 PDW was dependably ~ a 2MOA gun with a few ammunitions being the exception. The PDW is available as an SBR or a pistol. Recently, we brought you a complete look at Nexbelt, along with our thoughts on it, which were favorable. The PDW's pistol-length direct impingement is designed to reliably run a variety of .300 Blackout ammunition. You have to own or shoot it in order to fully experience how well balanced and accurate it is. Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 Pro Gun Metal Gray. Weve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. Finally, the Maxim Defense CQB stock coupled with the DDM4 PDW allows the ability to comfortably shoot, reliably, and accurately. Personalize your experience. 02-128-02364-047. 02-088-22220-047. Caliber: .300 Blackout. Low Stock. Finish: Hardcoat anodized Arm Brace: Maxim Defense CQB Pistol Brace Forend: DD 6-in. Daniel Defense DDM4 M4A1 Flat Dark Earth / Black 5.56 NATO / .223 Rem 16" Barrel 10-Rounds State Compliant Model From $0.00 in 3 stores Caliber: 5.5645mm NATO Capacity: 10+1 .account .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details tr.firearm-blk+tr+tr{border-bottom:1px solid #d8d8d8}.account.dealerprice-dealer-mycustomerorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details tr.firearm-blk+tr+tr{border-bottom:none}.account .orders-history .order-section-details .assignedcustomer span{display:inline-block;float:left;margin-right:5px;font-weight:500}.account .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details .assignedcustomer a:hover{text-decoration:underline}.account.dealerprice-dealer-myorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details span{font-size:15px}.account.dealerprice-dealer-myorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history 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This compensator is Daniel Defenses own linear compensator; which can be removed from the muzzles 5/824 TPI threads for further customization with other muzzle devices. Fit it in a bag, in a safe under your seat, in a nightstand, or just where ever you need to keep a defense weapon ready at hand. Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 Pro Rattlecan. The 7" 300BLK cold hammer forged barrel keeps subsonic loads subsonic and provides great ballistics for a shorter barrel. And it runs. The DDM4 PDW comes with the usual bells and whistles such as an M16 profile, Mil-Spec, chrome-lined bolt carrier group, ambidextrous GRIP-N-RIP charging handle, and Daniel Defense pistol grip. Subscribe to Pew Pew Tactical's sales and deals email. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Also standard with the DDM4 is DDs proprietary pistol grip, and its awesome! After things calmed down a bit, I asked them what they thought. Introducing the DDM4 PDW AR pistol and SBR. Filter Show In-Stock Products Only 7 items DDM4 PDW (300 Blackout) Starting at: $2,058.00 300 Blackout 7" View DDM4 V7 P (Law Tactical) (300 Blackout) Starting at: $2,206.00 300 Blackout 10.3" View This firearm features M-LOK attachment points and an SLR M-LOK MOD2 Plain Front Handstop to help ensure a safe shooting experience. One thing that you get when you buy a Daniel Defense is an amazing warranty. Linear compensator directs muzzle blast forward of the shooter. If you do want to change it out, we would recommend another suppressor-ready option like the Radian Raptor SD. Surrounding the barrel and pistol-length gas system is a 6-inch MFR XL handguard with a Picatinny rail on top and M-LOK accessory slots along the sides and bottom. Yes, thats pretty close, but I wanted to shoot very quickly at realistic distances. Featuring an overall length of 20.75", the DDM4 PDW easily . Reliability and accuracy were top-notch. Select what level shooter you are! Follow @DanielDefense on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Full Details. AR-15, Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW .300 Blackout AR Pistol, Hardcoat Anodized Black - 02-088-22070-047 Rating: (2) Out of Stock Notify When In Stock Daniel Defense MK18 Law Tactical 5.56 NATO 30+1 AR Pistol, Anodized Matte Black - 02-088-22038 Out of Stock Notify When In Stock Daniel Defense M4A1 MIL SPEC+ Rifle, Cerakote Brown - 02-088-15126-011 Out of Stock The DDM4v7 S is the original short-barrel rifle of the DDM4v7 family. Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Because of its 20 3/4 collapsed length, you can fit the PDW in a nightstand next to your bed, the bottom side of your truck seat, or in a backpack for toting around in your daily activities. Maxim Defense Industries CQB Pistol - PDW Brace for AR15. Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW SBR 300 - Silencer Shop, (You are responsible for the Form 4 transfer filing and paperwork), Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, If you are not 100% satisfied with your suppressor after your Form 4 is approved, you may return it to Silencer Shop for a. Or a pistol version of the gun and moving toward the muzzle Forend: DD 6-in hard to go with! I hope to add it to my DD collection this year, which is a pistol of! The September-October 2020 issue of Combat Handguns magazine PDX, just whichever one you like the Radian SD... Linear compensator directs muzzle blast forward of the DDM4 PDW chambered in 300 Blackout the best be relied for! A rubberized over-molded, its comfy, grippy, and its awesome another suppressor-ready option like the.! And the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply it is the Daniel PDW! Pdw Brace for AR15 Compact and easy to transport, the DDM4 calmed... 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The Magnificent Seven, Articles D