For better results, you can leave it unplugged for up to 15 minutes if you choose. Accessories, Range All Cleaners, Affresh But can't say if I've heard the Agitator. From what I've seen and read online, the agitator should spin one direction and stop without the drum spinning. Click the Troubleshooting option above for Error Codes. Fix the faulty door switch. Still need help? The in-laws were in town and surprised us with a new washer. When the Whirlpool washer won't spin, the likely culprit is a broken drive belt. information we gathered from the external platform you selected Repair the control board. Inspect the drive belt to determine if it is broken or if it is loose on the pulleys. The load may need to be rearranged to allow even distribution of the load in the basket. The motor spins in the opposite direction, the transmission enters neutral drain mode, the basket doesn't spin or agitate and the water pump drains the tub. This would require you to bail out the water manually. We use your information in accordance with ourprivacy Sets, Washer 3. the United States at 600 West Main Street, Benton Harbor, MI However, there are several ways that these contacts can become damaged through everyday use. 3. Washers, HE These hardware issues will be discussed next in the section below. If your Whirlpool washer is stuck on the spin cycle (or any cycle), you should check the device's timer first. Doing so manipulates the flow of electricity. Appliances, Help Smart JavaScript is disabled. Guide, Wall While in standby mode, your washer will not respond to any of the commands that you issue using the buttons or knobs on your machine. When the washer does spin, its spins fine, however about 50% of the time it doesn't spin at all. If your drain and spin function is not working properly, consult the section below for more details regarding these issues. Washers, 2 If the motor coupling is broken, replace it. Control If your cycle settings are malfunctioning, this can indicate a software glitch that could cause your washer to get stuck in the sensing stage because it cannot properly determine the cycle you have chosen. Finally, check if something is blocking to drainage of your washer. You can the above video for a visual representation of this process. Whirlpool washers come with lots of great features that make doing the laundry a snap. Once you have reached the spin cycle, press the start button. 1. Inspect the drive belt to determine if it is broken or if it is loose on the pulleys. Oven accident on n2 yesterday durban final approach goose decoy replacement heads. If the lid switch assembly fails, the washer will not spin. All Water If your Whirlpool washer is stuck on the spin cycle (or any cycle), you should check the devices timer first. Use the recommended cycle/speed spin for your garment. Press and hold the Start/Pause button for 3 seconds. Account, Your Shopping Cart is Dryer? If you have a GE washer that's stuck on its spin cycle, you'll need to reset the machine. to Counter The other day I was washing my clothes and noticed that my Whirlpool Washer was stuck on sensing. Reset the whirlpool washer. Empty, Create an Kitchen Wall vs. Refrigerators, Bottom Another hardware component of your washer that you should inspect will be detailed in the section below. Notice, Terms of If changing the cycle setting does not help resolve your issue, then the root of your problem likely stems from a hardware problem rather than a software issue. Two major factors influence the lifespan of your timers motor. Accessories, Affresh Depth If the spin light in your Whirlpool washing machine keeps flashing, it indicates that something is preventing the appliance from spinning. If yours doesn't want to spin during operation, let's go through quite a few ideas to test components and fix your washing machines' issues. Remove any blockage from the drainpipe of the utility sink. policy, Copyright 2023 Product Help | Whirlpool. The water level sensor depends on a pressure switch that is triggered when air is pushed against the switch as the water level rises in the machine. Service Dryers, Smart Range Was there a power failure? Accessories, Microwave I unplugged it and when it comes back on, it Ask an Expert Home Improvement Questions Appliance Repair DanielN427, Home Appliance Technician Satisfied Customers Expert DanielN427 is online now Related Appliance Questions Cooktops, Vent Dishwashers, Front-Control as stated in error code and turning on/off at wall. These problems (and others, like a sudden electric surge) can cause contacts to remain open, unable to close. Pausing the machine later in the cycle could cause limitations on the washer running at maximum spin speeds. Solutions, Laundry It is possible that your cycle settings on your machine could be malfunctioning and causing your washer to get stuck in the sensing process. Conditioners, Window Use Ahh, I didn't know that. All / /*
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