N. B. Every purchase supports the mission. Advancing by Files, from the Centre of Grand-Divifions. Learn the 3 basic commands and positions for Scottish/British style military drill from Regimental Drum Major Association founder Paul Olson. Officers and Serjeants recover their arms at three motions. Pivot on the balls of both feet, turning 180 degrees to the right and take a 12-inch step with the left foot in the new direction, with a coordinated arm swing. The Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bundeswehr, use a basis of commands for all three service branches. Of the proponents of classical dressage from which modern dressage evolved, probably the best known[original research?] Slip your right Hand down the Barrel as far as the Swell. All drills are performed with feet stomping unless specifically instructed to perform "silent drills". Napoleonic tactics are characterized by intense drilling of the soldiers; speedy battlefield movement; combined arms assaults between infantry, cavalry, and artillery; and a relatively small numbers of . The Adjutant takes his Poft in the rear of the Left. 2. It is at the same tempo as quick time, but instead of 30 inches, the step is 15 inches. Basic Foot Drill Commands (British Army) Squad, Squad SHUN - Move the soldiers to the position of attention. Officers face to the Right-about; Serjeants face to the Right and Left from the Centre. Explanation--- Pull the tricker as directed in the Manual, and as foon as the piece is fired, give yourfelf a ftrong fpring upon your left Leg, railing your Body brifkly and ftraight up, keeping your left Foot faft, and bringing the right heel clofe to the left; at the fame time the firelock is to be bro't up to the priming Pofition, and half cocked immediately ; a fhort Paufe is to be made, then handle Cartridges, and go on with the loading motions defcribed in the explanation of Prime and Load. The fix centre or leading Files, viz. In the United States Armed Forces, the basis of drill procedures can be traced to von Steuben's 'Blue Book'. 4 Motions. Note: This post mostly relates to the British Army (with reference to the RAF drill manual - which is based on the Army's drill manual), but is likely to be common across several nations armed forces for this time period. 2. Under battle conditions, many of these commands were combined for speed and efficiency. When a formation is formed they ojentaa (extend), so as to make sure the lines and rows are in perfect order: Soldiers are an arms length apart from each other, as the first row extends their left arm onto the right shoulder of the one next to them and turn their heads to the cornerman. 364K views 4 years ago The Royal Canadian Air Force are carrying out public duties in the UK for a month, including guarding landmarks around London. In preparation for their time in Britain,. N. B. This may sound easy but when there is more than one person, marching, turning and saluting at the same time can be pretty difficult to master. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! On the command. which is shouted by the commander which tells the participants to act or do the drill command given by the commander, Jal-AN! If any of the captains are abfent (who according to the annexed plan are appointed to the grand Divifions) the next oldeft Officers are to command, and the Companies to be changed accordingly. Explanation--- 1. The Battalion moving forward, receives the Word of Command ; From the Centre of the Battalion, advance by Files! The parade formation commander and other officers execute the hand salute or execute sabre salute if available (especially if full dress uniform is worn) (and if present on parade the company guidon bearers dip them in salute about 90 degrees above the ground), while everyone but the right file or left file in either case turns their heads to the right. The Pioneers in one, rank on the right of the Grenadiers, and at ten Paces Diftance. Stand at Ease: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hands behind tail bone, body braced. In the same way that has occurred in the British Army (the subject of many parodies with screaming Sergeant Majors), words of command lose their defined pronunciation; examples being Aire (Arra) which often becomes Ahha and Cle (Kley) which is sometimes distorted to Hey or Huy. If the Files are not equal in the feveral Companies, they muft be levelled at the Regimental Parade. When the 4thGrand-Divifion makes ready, the fecond fire. Using this, the order for a platoon of soldiers to go from the halt to a quick march would be. On the left platoon of Grenadiers firing the fecond round, the firft Part of the Englifh General beats, and the firing ceafes. Two, three, up. The command structure within the British Army is hierarchical; with divisions and brigades controlling groupings of units from an administrative perspective. The Officers and Serjeants order their Arms. The right Platoon of Grenadiers marches to within eight Paces of the right of the Battalion; as foon as they come to their Ground; the Officers commanding the Platoons order them to Halt! The Captains on the left of the Colours in the rear of it. The 8th Sub-Divifion is the ift to fire ; the ift now becomes the 8th, and fo on. The command "BY THE CENTRE" is used for military bands and when a squad carries out a march past in review order. The Centre Companies keep moving without gaining any Ground ; the other fix face outwards, aud march by Files to the right and left: As foon as they have got Ground enough to march in Front, the Officers give the Word, To the Front, Turn I and fo on until the Battalion is formed; a Signal is then given from the Centre for the Battalion to move on. This manual would have been well known to members of both armies and gives a good understanding of how an 18thcentury army functioned. At the executive order they fall in the specified formation. The Divifions turn their Heads to the Left. With the left hand ftrike the right breaft, holding that Arm a-crofs the Body, the lock refting thereon. Stay up-to-date on the American Battlefield Trust's battlefield preservation efforts, travel tips, upcoming events, history content and more. This booklet is designed as a quick reference to the US Army drill procedures most frequently utilized by the SC State Guard. Bring down your right Hand as low as you can without Conftraint, with the Fingers and Thumb down the Piese and preffing thereon, the back cf the Hand to the Front. Malaysia follows a nearly identical system of commands. When ordering from one formation to another, mars (march) is used as the executive order (mars mars would mean "double time! At this the soldiers turn their heads forward and lower their arm when the one next to them has done so, forming a wave. Military funeral honors may include the firing of three rifle volleys over the grave during interment. yksikk! Explanation--- The Rear Ranks clofe to the Front; the Officers at the fame time march into the Intervals, thofe commanding Companies, coming to the right-about, and drefling in the front rank, and the Supernumeraries going through the intervals of their refpectjve companies to the rear. The Wachbataillon commands mentioned below are only an excerpt of the latter's regulations. N. B. Befides the foregoing, the Battalion is fometimes ordered to fire two rounds, beginning with the four right Hand Sub-Divifions at once ; and then the four left Hand ones : Alfo two rounds by Wings, or Half Battalions, beginning with the right. Most commands are the same across all three services, but there are significant differences in the way movements are carried out.[2]. Step brifkly back with your right Foot, placing it a hand's breadth diftant from your left heel, at the fame time bring down the firelock as quick as poffible to the reft, finking it as far down before your left knee, as your right hand will permit without conftraint , your left hand at the feather Spring, and your Right, with Fingers extended held under the Guard, taking care to draw in the muzzle well towards your Body, and to drefs in a Line with the Butt End. 2 Motions. Each Grand-Divifion wheel by files to the left, and follow thofe which moved forward. As in Plate 2d, Fig, 2d. The 18th-century musket, as typified by the brown Bess, was loaded and fired in the following way: Cavalry drill had the purpose of training cavalrymen and their horses to work together during a battle. The Battalion fires, beginning with the Grand-Divifion. When given forward march and halting everyone does a "marschantrde" which is done by slamming the foot down. Explanation--- 1. Distinctness - This depends on the correct use of the tongue, lips, and teeth to form the separate sounds of a word and to group those sounds to force words. The Battalion again formed, facing to the rear. The arms will be lowered back to their normal position on the commands Order arms. The PBB is taught all over Indonesia starting from Primary, Secondary, and Senior Schools mentored by members of the military or other organizations. Inclines do NOT use directive precautionaries unless on a parade, where the chain of command will deem it appropriate. It is a good idea to start Major units are battalion -sized, with minor units being company sized sub-units. Bring the Firelock down with a brifk motion to the priming Pofition, the left Hand holding the Firelock as in priming, the Thumb of the right Hand placed againft the Face of the fteel, the fingers clenched, and the elbow a little turned out, that the Wrift may be clear of the Cock. The firft Grand-Divifion continues marching; the other three Divifions face to the Right, march by Files until they fucceffively cover the firft Grand- Divifion -, then ordered by their refpective Officers, To the Front, Turn! Quit the left Hand and place it ftrong upon the butt. The Pioneers clofe at the fame Time with the rear ranks, keeping the Diftance of four Paces from the Rear-. Cock your Firelock, by drawing your Elbow down, placing your Thumb upon the breech Pin, and the Fingers under the Guard. After they have marched paft the General, the Ranks are to clofe before they wheel, and to continue in clofe Order untill the Battalion is formed. Units of the Defence Forces also march in the annual St Patricks Day Parade in the towns or cities where they are stationed, a tradition which they have continued on overseas postings. The regiment is then to go through the Manual and Platoon Exercifes, as before directed and explained: After which the Officers, and Non-commiffioned Officers return to their Pofts, by Signals from the orderly Drum ; and the Battalion is then to prepare for the Firings in the following manner: Grenadiers cover the Flanks of the Battalion! The Officers move their Pofts and halt, facing outwardsfrom the Centre. Bring the right Hand brifkly up, and place it under the Cock, keeping the firelock fteady in the fame pofition. The Grenadier Drummers and Fifers on the right of that Company. Step directly forward with your left Foot about as far as the Swell of the Firelock, and lay it upon the Ground, your left Hand hanging down by your left Foot, and your right kept faft with the Butt End againft it. British Army Drill Manual 1990 Between branches of the military, as well as between the military forces of various countries, the methods of drill will vary. If the Square is to move forward, this Company keeps its proper Front: but if it is to Halt, the Company is ordered to face to the Right-about. Many drum majors, particularly American- or British-influenced ones, wear a sash that can carry embroidered badges of . Pofition of each Rank in the F I R IN G S. Explanation---- SPRING the firelockbrifkly to the recover, keeping the left foot faft in this motion ; as foon as the Firelock is at the recover, without any ftop fink the Body brifkly without ftooping forward, with a quick Motion down upon the right Knee, the Butt-end ofthe Firelock at the fame Time falls upon the Ground ; the front Part of the Butt to be in a Line with the Heel of the left foot; as foon as the butt comes to the ground, the firelock is to be cocked, immediately feizing the cock and fteel in the right Hand, the Firelock to be held firm in the left hand, about the middle of that part of the firelock between the Lock and the Swell of the Stock ; the Point of the left Thumb to be clofe to the Swell pointing upwards. The Enfigns in Front of the third Grand Divifion. At this the unit in question stands in attention, facing towards the one who has their attention. They are lowered in the same amount of time elapsed between the two words. Quit the left Hand and place it ftrong Upon the Butt. A list of Irish Commands follows. Shoulder your Firelocks! Examples of this substitution would be mounting the guard or artillery gun drill. These commands are common in almost all countries. Some of the state police units however still continue to use British drill commands. Explanation--- 1. And when the 4th Grand-Drvifion fires, the two Platoons of Grenadiers receive the word of command from their own Officers. Shoulder your Firelocks! 3. The Serjeants in the Rear of their refpective Companies, at four Paces Diftance. [3] Commands are broken up into two parts: the "precautionary" (i.e. 2. "Foot drill" or "Drill" stems from time since antiquity when soldierswould march into battle, be expected to gather in a formation, and react to words of command from their commanders once the battle commenced. Quit the right hand and throw it down the right fide. The General Officer being within twenty Yards of the Right of the Battalion, the Major gives the Word: And as foon as he has faluted, he pofts himfelf in the Front, and gives the Words of Command for the ufual facings. The Platoons of Grenadiers face to the Front. In covering their File leaders, they muft look between their Heads and the Firelocks. Military drum majors utilize a ceremonial mace for giving commands while marching. In the same way that has occurred in the British Army (the subject of many parodies with screaming Sergeant Majors), words of command lose their defined pronunciation; examples being Aire (Arra) which often becomes Ahha and Cle (Kley) which is sometimes distorted to Hey or Huy. N. B. Chaplain, Quarter-Mafter, Surgeon and Mate, in one Rank. Other tasks may be broken down into drills; for example, weapons maintenance in the British army used the rhythmic "naming of parts" as a memory aid in the teaching and learning of how to strip, clean, and reassemble the service rifle. Explanation--- 1. The Battalion advances in two columns, each of fix menin Front. Face again to the Left upon your Heels, and come to your proper Front, letting your Hands hang down without motion. The Battalion is fuppofed to be maiching, and receives the Word of Command : The three right files of each Grand-Divifion march thretf long Paces forward ; the reft of the battalion turn to the right. The two centre Companies move on flowly, thofe on the right and left, face inwards, and march by files, when the Officers fee their Companies joined, they give the Word of Command, though not loud, To the Front, Turn! There are two Sorts of Columns ; one is compofed of Files, the other of Ranks. 2. As the Body is finking, the right Knee is to be thrown fo far back as the left leg may be right up and down, the right Foot to be thrown a little to the Right, the body to be kept ftraight, the head up, looking to the right along the rank, the fame as if fhouldered ; the firelock to be upright, and the Butt about four Inches to the Right of the Infide of the left Foot. This page was last edited on 13 December 2022, at 17:24. Explanation--- Ram the Cartridge well down the Barrel, inftantly recovering, and feizing the Rammer back-handed at tfie Centre, turning it, and enter it as far as the lower Pipe, placing at the fame time the edge of the Hand on the Butt End of the Rammer, with Fingers extended. An interval of one pace or three feet between each company. [1] [2] [3] Drill commands are usually heard in major events involving service personnel, reservists and veterans of a country's armed forces, and by extension, public security services and youth uniformed organizations. marches forward in a line with the firft divifion, and orders Halt, Drefs; the other two divifious form in like Manner. The Manual Exercise, as Ordered by His Majesty in 1764. The ceremony described in Section 6 follows US Army drill protocols but is specific to the SC State Guard. These are the basic commands, the Ausfhrungskommando is in bold: During the British Raj the Indian Armed Forces essentially used the British (English language) drill commands. From the Centre of Wings, retreat by Files! N. B. To be very exact in counting a Second of Time, or One, Two, between each Motion. XXXIII. The Colonel is advanced before the Referve. The Motions of handling cartridge, to fhutting the pans, to be done as quick as poflible; when the Pans are fhut, a fmall Paufe is to be made, and caft about together , then the loading motions are to be done as quick as poflible ; but before the Rammer is returned, another fmall paufe is to be made, counting one, two, between each Motion, until the Firelock is fhouldered. If a Column is formed of Ranks, and is attacked in Front or Rear, it can oppofe a regular Platoon or Sub-Divifion, immediately, to the Enemy ; but if attacked in flank and front, at the fame time, it cannot make a proper defence. 2. When ordering a formation, the commanding soldier (officer or assigned drill supervisor) gives a precautionary command so the soldiers know what formation they need to fall into. 3 Motions. Sections . Drop the Piece upright with the left Hand to the ground, on the outfide of the little Toe of the left Foot, at the fame time ftriking off and returning the Bayonet with the right Hand, and then prefs the Muzzle to the right Soulder with the Fingers of that Hand. This is done at units such as trades schools where both English and French are used. When the Battalion is again formed, the Major is to direct the general Salute as follows : As foon as the men come to the reft, the Drummers beat a march. The Battalion is in Columns of Companies, facing to the Left. Bring up the Firelock with a quick Motion from the fhoulder, and feize it with the left hand juft above the lock, fo that the little Finger may reft upon the Spring, and the thumb lie upon the Stock : The Firelock muft not be held too far from the Body, and the left Hand muft be of an equal Height with the Eyes. Subscribe to the American Battlefield Trust's quarterly email series of curated stories for the curious-minded sort! The Battalion marching receives the Word of command; From the Centre form Columns by Companies. Quit the right hand, and bring it down the right fide. Irish is the primary language when a body of soldiers is on the square, but in cases where live ammunition is used or where gun drill for live ammunition practice or deployment is being carried out, English commands are used to ensure that the order is fully understood. The Battalion formed to its proper Front. 2. There is the fame objection to a column formed of files : It cannot defend itfelf in front if attacked, (at the fame time) in Flank and Front. By Companies from the right of the left Wing, form the ollong Square! The Grenadiers make the 9th and 10th fire. OJENNUS (extension) the cornerman keeps his head forward while the rest of the formation extends. The regiment is then to march paft the General by grand divifions. The Officers which are in the rear to be divided, and neareft the Companies they belong to. The Drummers march ftraight out, when they have paffed the line where the Major ftands, they face inwards, and take poft behind him, keeping faced to the Centre untill the next Flam. "Rachaidh an Buionn cun cionn, de reir dheis, go mar marseaill" etc. Note that in Indonesia, all commands end with 3 words according to the command given: Ger-AK! The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. When the Ranks are clofed, the Major is to inform the commanding Officer that the Battalion is ready to go through the Firings ; and then he goes to his poft in the Rear of Right-Hand Grand Divifion. The standard for the British Army was the ability to load and fire three rounds per minute. Advancing by Files, from the Centre of each Wing. The success of Napoleon's army drew attention to the French 1791 regulations from English speaking military scholars. Drill commands are generally used with a group that is marching, most often in military foot drills or in a marching band. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. From the Right of the Left Wing, forming the oblong Square. As foon as the wheel is performed, a Signal is given from the Flank, on which they catch the flow Pace again. Shoulder your Firelocks! Achtung, prsen-, Zur Meldung/Zum Ein(Aus-)marsch der Truppenfahne, Augen, Zur Meldung/Zum Einmarsch der Truppenfahne. This publication supersedes all previous Military Drill manuals and instructions from HM 10th Regiment of Foot, American Contingent This 5th Day of March in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Six The loading Motions as in the Explanations of Priming and loading, and at the laft motion of fhouldering, to fpring to the Left again and cover the File-leaders. When resting on reversed arms the weapon points towards the ground and the eyes are . The fix Centre Files ftand faft ; the right Wing turns to the Right, and wheels to the Left; the left Wing turns to the Left,and wheels to the Right, which form the battalion. Drill commands are generally used with a group that is marching, most often in military foot drill or marching band. The Battalion faces, Supernumerary Officers, &c. taketheir former Pofts. To have the attention of a unit, the commanding officer shouts e.g. Explanation--- 1. The Battalion fires, as in Explanation of firing by Sub-Divifions, advancing. The Battalion comes to a Recover at one Motion without Cocking. The American Battlefield Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Officers ported, as in Plate 2d, Fig. Because foot and arm drill commands are passed down by word of mouth through training, the Irish commands have become distorted from their original pronunciations. The command "present arms" will cause the command to salute if the command is not given rifles for the ceremony, but the salute will be held until they are ordered to lower it with the command "order arms". Sink your Body down, and come to the Pofition defcribed in the fecond motion of Grounding. Federal Identification Number (EIN): 54-1426643. Drill commands are generally used with a group that is marching, most often in military foot drills or in a marching band. Sign up to receive the latest information on the American Battlefield Trust's efforts to blaze The Liberty Trail in South Carolina. The Battalion fires two rounds as before. Note: in keeping with the integrity of the document the use of the letter "f" to connote the letter "s" in certain wordshas been retained. PUFF_DADDY writes: When the Companies are fub-divided, and the Battalion formed into fixteen Platoons, the Subalterns in the rear are to take the Comman4 of a Platoon of their refpec"tive Companies. If ordered to retreat, it is done as in Fig. The leading files halt , the right companies of each Grand Divifion turn to the left and wheel to the right ; the left Companies turn to the right and wheel to the left. Although this system is meant to teach movements correctly and quickly, and set a standard of foot and arms drill throughout the forces, it is not favoured by many drill instructors who see it as too rigid, promoting an atmosphere of mindless obeyance which fails to produce good soldiers who can think for themselves. '' ( i.e Columns by Companies Squad, Squad SHUN - Move soldiers! Like Manner officer shouts e.g upcoming events, history content and more left. Ordered by his Majesty in 1764 attention, facing to the SC Guard. Order they fall in the fame time with the left Hand and throw it down the right fide makes... Ranks, keeping the Firelock fteady in the rear to be very exact in counting a Second time! Time, or one, two, between each company of firing by Sub-Divifions, advancing feet stomping unless instructed! As the wheel is performed, a Signal is given from the Centre original... Is 15 inches fires, the order for a platoon of Grenadiers firing the fire... 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