The switchgrass seed should be placed in the small seeds box and it should be set at 1.75# per acre. You can designate four or five acres as a sanctuary and get very similar results. It offers a good scent and it grows from 6 to 10ft. This is plenty of seed when a properly adjusted native grass planting drill is used. This one has a really broad distribution that varies in color and height based on where its planted. Hot, heavy burns can also kill trees, too, if thats your goal. Deer feed 5 times in a 24 hour period, including twice during the daytime bedding hours. But even if you cant get enrolled in a program, its worth it to do this at least on some level. This tall shrub provides maximum deer cover and its categorized as a small bushy tree. Most people arent managing their properties for deer hunting. The above picture from August 24th, 2014, is from the same frost seed switchgrass planting pictures used in the beginning of this article, first planted during the Spring of 2013. Youre helping the deer herd and some of these options might even help make you a little cash. I love how you can chose the date listening to every podcast how found out and cant wait for my trees to produce happy with everything. They usually reach 9 feet tall. Location is also important for hunters who dont have the ability to make habitat improvements on the lands where they hunt. When the cover that you create fails when all critters need it the most -including deer- it's time to find something else. They will do whatever they need to do in order to stay safe. This one grows as much as 8 feet and could be identified easily because of it serrated edges on the leaf blades. Now there is a much faster, easier and less expensive solution. Because these are annual plants, they'll only survive 8 or 9 months. Despite the misuse of switchgrass plantings, the seed variety is also one of the most widely appropriate plantings for deer that landowners can make. Egyptian Wheat can be a great form of short term screening cover! Trees will die and rot once they get so old managing your timber is just as important as managing wildlife. When broadcast seeding is used, it is recommended that the seeding rate be increased 1 1/2 to two times the recommended rate to make up for seed that is not planted at the proper depth. It can even make for a good spring turkey food source. In April spray Atrizine at a rate of 3-4 quarts per acre during the first 2 years. Theres a lot you should know (firebreaks, wind direction, etc.). This one grows either in bunches or individually, it also grows as tall as 5 feet. This one thrives more in the old clover fields which are in open woodlands, along the roadways, or in areas that are dry. His work and strategies on this property over the last 4 years is giving the deer herd the cover they want so the property can hold mature bucks. If weeds become too bad during the year of planting you can spray the field with 2-4D herbicide which will kill all broadleaf weeds and plants but will not harm any grasses. *Switchgrass is fairly easy to establish and Northwoods Whitetails offers the best variety of switchgrass that covers the majority of the North 1/2 of the Country. To make sure that you are on track with your bedding cover planting and habitat strategy, check out, "The Most Important Cover for Whitetails". Note When planting warm-season native grasses for bedding cover always remember that bigger is better when it comes to plot size. You can also check the best longbow. Bonus Read:How Coyotes Killed Deer Hunting. 3. The hard part is trying to figure that out. However, now it is more important than ever, to make sure that you match the available options, to your overall end goal. There needs to be more information on this website planting the Barricade product other than a video. *This MN Big Bluestem field is an exceptional deer bedding area during the warm season, but offers little to no cover during the months of the hunting season. Most sites will not require additional fertilizer. You should also aim to create a mono-culture which should be a combination of: Your must have at least 3 of them, but the more the better. This plant is only 3 ft tall and has a width of 3ft too. Corn, for example, is one of the worst forms of deer screening cover, because it brings deer to forage in the screen, which is counter-productive to hiding deer from each other, or from hunters. The switchgrass planting was recommended to my client by someone who has had great luck in a large agricultural settings located in Southern MI, where switchgrass can sometimes be an adequate bedding option. Real World Bedding-In-A-Bag - Bedding Grasses For Whitetail DeerIf you are looking for a way to get more deer to bed on your property you mostly likely are going to need more thick cover. Deer, too! Then you can change it up next season as needed. This mix satisfies requirements for the following programs: IA CP42 20-20 Mix IA CP43 Prairie Buffer Mix IA CP25 20-20 Mix. And finally if your goal is a long term, more permamenent solutions, make sure that you are taking advantage of other deer screening cover varieties that can help you to bridge the gap, to experience effective screening while you wait. You could find this in areas that are moist. Plant Barricade along the road and/or in front of your food plots or fields to block the view of passers-by and you will dramatically improve the hunting on your property. Image 2 of 10 Just as the name implies, its a bush that grows high. As hunters and landowners, we need to try and make deer feel safe. When a bedding area is very large with food everywhere, it can be extremely hard to learn how deer use the property in a predictable way. Deer will love the tender winter wheat as it grows. Thanks to Whitetail Institute for another great product. Deer naturally gravitate to native grasslands. So I dont want to tell you not to hunt a small bedding area. This blend has been tested and tested again . This unique mix stays green all season and beyond to provide deer with much needed winter energy, plus up to 20% protein for bucks to grow next years rack! From when to burn, to how to burn, to where to burn, the list goes on. After years of trial and error, Ive learned which products and methods work the best based on my Im always looking for ways to be a more efficient hunter. Real Worlds Clover & Chicory mix makes a good firebreak and also offers the deer a travel corridor and place to feed just outside of their bedding sanctuary. *These herd, hunting and habitat strategies, as well as most any other whitetail related tactic, are covered in my recently completely trilogy of Advanced Whitetail Strategy books, including the recently published"Mature Buck Success by Design", which details how to scout, prepare, forecast for and consistently kill mature bucks. Typical screening plantings should be a minimum of 10' wide, with 15-20' wide preferred. Cover is one of the main three components of a healthy wildlife habitat. Product is awesome haven't had a bad one yet from white tail institute!! The one thing to remember create an escape. I have personally witnessed it's ability to withstand significant snowfalls, grow to over 6' tall, and to last as a one-time planting with little to no maintainance for over 10 years. Barricade will last well into the winter and provide wildlife, especially turkeys, upland birds and songbirds with a winter food source. Mature buck hunting, herd and habitat techniques. The growth rate at the end of the 2nd Summer with chemicals, is typically equal to the growth rate at the end of the 3rd Summer, without chemicals. Your goal should always be to hide deer within ther preferred hotspots of food and cover, and a switchgrass planting is a great way to accomplish a very high quality screen. Please click Accept Cookies to continue to use the site. In fact, deer rarely choose to bed within native grass plantings unless forced to do so because of the lack of cover, or if there is a quality daytime forage available within or adjacent to the grass. Some people also grow big blue, but this grass offers a better environment for birds such as pheasants. Shorter grass to eat and longer grass that provides the coverage they need to sleep. Then check out, "The Top 10 Buck Bedding Hotspots". Mature forests, browsed out deer yards and low value grass plantings may hold little negative effect during the lazy days of warmth and bounty. You dont want to go to all of this effort and not optimize it for hunting. 8 lbs. An area that has been treated 2-3 times the previous growing season with glyphosate, or lands that were planted in corn or beans the previous year, both make great seed beds and will insure adequate seed to soil contact, which is vital to your success. pH is not critical for these grasses and they aresuited for the entire United States. In most cases, youll remove trees that arent beneficial to wildlife and those that are nearing peak maturity. BARRICADE is an annual cover screen that grows thick and tall, allowing you to block views and funnel deer. Deer are much more likely to bed in bigger plots of these grasses than smaller ones. Posted by Royce T. - Indiana on 5th Nov 2019. It probably is not a shock that the most common long term deer screening cover plantings are conifers, including: *White Pine*Red Cedar*White and Norway Spruce (determined by soil and shade tolerances)*Shrubs and fast growing trees such as hybrid poplar can also be an outstanding choice for long term deer screening cover varieties. From one slide to the next, several habitat and hunting related features were continually added to the progression of the slides, including: Deer beds, deer bedding areas, food plots, woodlines, hunter parking areas, access routes and stand locations. To order full pallets, please contact your local dealer found here (CLICK HERE FOR DEALER LOCATOR) or Real Worlds corporate office at 217-994-3721, _____________________________________________________________. And it is effective. You can get so creative with funnels, bedding, in and out tunnels privacy fencing etc. Establishing a nice, safe place for whitetails to lay up is one of the best ways to hold deer on your property. Make sure that you plant within an area that will receive at least 7-8 hours of daily sunlight during the growing season. A well prepared seed bed should provide adequate seed to soil contact. The 3 year old planting was tall, strong and at first appeared to be the perfect deer bedding creation; but it was not. 7lbs/Acre. Used Whitetail Institute products since the early 2000's with great success but this past summer we decided to use Conceal to add some cover and use for a screen to a couple of our plots. (Ideal for backwoods, hard-to-get-to areas, logging roads). Oldfield Aster This one thrives more in the old clover fields which are in open woodlands, along the roadways, or in areas that are dry. This one is native to the US, its a heavy cover for deers. (the more the better) into the block of timber you want to encourage deer to bed in. Tips - Areas planted in RWWS Whitetail Bedding Mix make ideal bedding cover for deer and other wildlife but there are a few things to keep in mind to make them more attractive to wildlife . The deer chose the CRP most of the time. Plant a line of Barricade in an open area to establish a travel corridor and to bring deer close to a blind or stand. This is extremely important when creating quality bedding cover for deer. This item: Whitetail Institute Conceal Deer Food Plot Seed for Spring Planting - Provides Tall, Thick Cover for You and/or Your Deer - Create Bedding Areas, Screens, Funnels, Boundaries, Etc, 7 lbs (.25 Acre) $39.99 Whitetail Institute Imperial Clover Food Plot Seed (Spring and Fall Planting), 4-Pound (1/2 Acre) $37.92 ($0.59/Ounce) Our #1 selling food plot product, Honey Hole is a fabulous northern hunt plot that grows even in tough conditions and deer love it! And remember, always keep the wind in mind when planning these things. Always keep in mind that various conifers are a welcome addition to virtually any bedding area improvement, and a switchgrass planting is no exception. Theyll be more apt to use it if they dont feel trapped. Fields of these grasses will not be utilized nearly as much if there is undue hunting pressure in or very near them. A good bedding area will have each of the traits listed below. Get in touch with me by filling out your info below. This usually have arching branches and is a round shape. And to accomplish this, you need to understand the 3 basic categories of screening cover, including: Short, mid and long term deer screening products. Planting Instructions: Site preparation is vital for allowing your seed to make clean contact with the soil, allowing for successful and uniform germination. This blend contains a total of 6.25# per acre. Consider your next switchgrass planting as the perfect compliment to both block deer movement, access a stand through, and to capture your scent safely while on in your deer stand. The leaves are usually narrow and short so it wont be a good spot alone. Best Shrubs for Deer Cover Witch Alder This one is a south-eastern shrub and is known for growing very slowly. Every acre is different and our goal is to help you know what works best in your area. Switchgrass offers excellent winter cover, even in high snow and wind conditions for all wildlife. Through a series of slides, I used a combination of satellite photos with illustrations, in attempt to answer 1 important question on the very first slide, that read, "What Should You Screen?" Amazing 10 Foot Tall Food Plot From Whitetail Institute, cover for hunters while traveling across open areas to and from stands, shield food plots from visibility from roads or neighboring property, Fast growing deer cover for ground stands etc, etc, etc. This is plenty of seed when a properly adjusted native grass planting drill is used. Finally, the last slide included screening illustrations of each habitat and hunting feature, with the word "EVERYTHING", in bold text across the top of the picture. These grasses will not establish well in areas with lots of shade or when in competition with other vegetation. If you arent able to manipulate the habitat or install a screen where you hunt, you might need to get creative on how, when, and where to access the bedding area. It can also cause the deer to avoid coming out during daylight. It also provides coverage spread of 5 to 9ft. From what I have experienced across the country, switchgrass is the most commonly misused habitat planting for deer. DETAILS. Deer need to be able to see much further in high cover % and high predator density areas. You can also check this Turkey Pot & Slate Calls for hunting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I dont have large tracts of land that I frequently hunt. Would you like to find out where an old monarch typically likes to hide? Conceal has provided the cover we were missing and we're holding deer on our small property for the first time. Our bedding blend contains a mix of browse tolerant native species selected for their ability. Seeds Peas (1 lb.) Deer will gravitate to areas that offer the best food at particular times of year. Very happy with another Whitetail Institute product. Theyll give counsel on what will be best for your property and theyll do so in a helpful manner that youll benefit from. Click here for more deer hunting articles, galleries and videos. Hinge-cutting is a strategy that can create some great bedding or escape cover. This seed is very fluffy and difficult to broadcast but it can be done. However, even with a lack of immediate growth, I excpected the deer to immediately begin relating to the switchgrass planting following the discing. Click the link to learn more about that. For example a 10 acre planting may use 8 acres of RWWS Whitetail Bedding mix and a few pounds of other seeds to be acceptable to USDA requirements. When a bedding area has a water source like a waterhole, river, creek, pond, lake, etc. Photo credit: Michael Tatman/Shutterstock. You want tall grasses to grow in between shrubs and tall grasses. Because they are big, beautiful and can not only last 100 years, but even much longer, depending on the variety. The mix of big bluestem and Indian grass should be used in the native grass box which should be set ata seeding rate of 4.5# per acre. If youre hunting on highly pressured land, you might need to focus your efforts on patterning humans more than deer. Another way to do this is to plant fast-growing evergreens such as cedars. Every property is unique in what surrounds it and how it should be set up for deer hunting. But whenever its dry or warmer days, deers would feed less. If possible, it is advised to burn off these grasses about every 2-3 years in the early spring before green up. The best way I can serve you and others who are new to bow hunting deer is by hearing where you're at in your journey and learning about your challenges and frustrations. In most cases, bedding areas that have less human intrusion than other bedding areas within a deers home range is going to be visited more frequently by deer. You should try to keep your movements hidden from the deer so that they cannot see you entering or exiting the bedding area. We wanted to plant barricade on the edge of our property that lines the road to keep people from being able to see into our fields driving by. -The list of potential mid term deer screening varities is very long, and includes many forms of grasses, shrubs and conifers. However, they take 10 years or longer to fully establish, creating the need for sometimes both short and mid term plantings to fill the gap. My name is Jeremy Lane and I have been hunting and using crossbows for over 20 years. Plant a Barricade bedding plot where you want deer to bed and it will improve your hunting. And that's it, with four guys we had 300 trees planted in 3 hours. 15-20 ' wide, with 15-20 ' wide, with four guys we had 300 planted... The site lands where they hunt offers a good spot alone on 5th Nov 2019 a,. Backwoods, hard-to-get-to areas, logging roads ) it is advised to burn these! 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