Drow males are commonly wizards or fighters. [42], Unlike creatures such as orcs,[49] drow had no innate inclination towards evil, with their morality having been colored by their society. Type [75] Male drow were normally competent fighters,[36] and rangers were also valued as scouts. Heroic Maps: Agaricath Drow City battlemap. General Information[1][2][3][6][7][8][9] Damage is minor. 2. The ceiling is 1,000 feet high, and stalactites, stalagmites, and columns litter the cavern. [79] Before the 1370s DR, every drow warrior, down to the lowest rank, was equipped with a drowcraft chain mail and (in most cases) buckler as well. Its not uncommon for houses to wage war against each other in a mad effort to win the approval of Lolth, with stronger houses absorbing weaker ones or, occasionally, vice versa. If you find these tools helpful, please consider supporting this site. Milby's Maps, The Deep Spire: The Grotto Also, the next big project: The Black Loch Milby's Maps, The Black Loch: A Map Full of Maps Milby's Maps, Ptarmigan Bluff: A Mining Village on a Cliffside. ISBN0-7869-3983-4. VERSION FRANAISE [78] The radiation was also uniquely capable of causing mutations in other creatures; a flying roper, for example, could be born in a faerazress-rich environment. Drizzt Do'Urden (/ d r t s t d o r d n /) is a fictional character appearing in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.Drizzt was created by author R. A. Salvatore as a supporting character in the Icewind Dale Trilogy.Salvatore created him on a whim when his publisher needed him to replace one of the characters in an early . 10. Your email address will not be published. This technology was born out of a high demand for goods that had to be carried to drow cities from distant places, like crabs or fish found in the Underdark, which their patrols carried in so-called "wet basins" made of clay, or fruits and other surface-only goods, which they obtained by means of trade and raid. Keep going, there is still plenty more to see!!! A 30-foot high wall of seamless, polished basalt surrounds . I am so glad that that the DM picked this module, and we are all having a blast. If this assumption was true, it could explain how so many of the gray dwarves suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Multiple demonic shrines are scattered through the city. After the service she provides a confusing map as reward. 5. 59. [53], Drow had tremendous resistance to magic, with adults overcoming magic around half the time. Skin color(s) $2.99. Bell of Lost Souls is a registered trademark ofBoLS Interactive LLC. [73] Normally somewhere between half and two-thirds of a given drow settlement's population consisted of slaves or other non-drow without rights,[28] although only Houses possessed significant amounts of slaves. Vault of the Drow is a 1st Edition AD&D Module designed for a party of 8 to 9 player characters of around level 10. A well-known drow-made piece of gear was the death armor, legendary in the Underdark. Every day spent in the city makes the adventurers start to feel safer and safer. [202], The drow were believed to be more fecund than other elves,[262] though in truth, they simply had a higher readiness to birth as many children as possible during their lifespan. 67. [259], Drow eyes were sensitive to heat, possessing infravision up to a range of 120feet (37meters). [34], Compared to other sentient beings, drow were notably intelligent, as having an analytical mindset and being observant at all times was needed to survive in their society. [261], Like all elves, drow required no sleep, instead entering a meditative trance while retaining full awareness of their surroundings. 8. [32] A military squad formally led by a male drow, was either a streeakh, a suicide squad, or a dobluth, a group of outcasts. A pet shop full of exotic Underdark creatures. [72] As a rule of thumb, only 5% of surface inhabitants had the superficial knowledge that the drow were "inhabitants of the Underdark who conducted raids on the surface", not including elves and eladrin, who had close historical connections. The history of the drow is filled with confusion and uncertainties. The water is the color of rust. [74], All warriors in a patrol usually equipped with short swords, daggers, up to three javelins (with an atlatl to extend their reach), a hand crossbow with ten poisoned darts, and a buckler for protection. [75] A good indicator of a drow House's power was the grandeur of their domain, with the biggest, grandest villas belonging the the greatest Houses,[100] and a public temple to Lolth often being built within the strongest family's territory. A frightening, yet incredibly gorgeous world awaits. It was even worse for those women who sought power outside of Lolth's church, for they had to compete both with other females and oppressed and resentful men. See more ideas about dungeon maps, tabletop rpg maps, fantasy map. [239], Merchant clans had some variation, but often had a few rules in common. Glad you like it, good luck with the campaign! Each month we've been putting together icon sets to expand the options available for each of Inkwell Ideas's software programs This icon set includes the icons we created in May 2018 for Cityogapher. For the most part, there was no prescribed criteria for how justice was to be performed, and punishments could very easily be wildly disproportionate to the crime. Curseborn drow could unlock even more Lolthtouched powers, including improvements of the aforementioned cloud of darkness and darkfire abilities. 82. Elf 55. Beggar-slaves stick their hands into the street from a celled window at street level, they need to buy their freedom. Good resources, and a wonderful, in depth description. Steps. [74][106][75], Magic in general was a key element in drow architecture, with crucial structures often supported by spells rather than being carefully built to stand on their own (which could cause them to collapse when the magic wore off). [92]:During wartime, the patrols doubled their numbers of poisoned darts, and every warrior was equipped with up to three potions of healing in steel vials that didn't rust. [73] Other popular poisons were those extracted from purple worms, scorpions, and spiders,[73] the so-called calling, the eyeburn paste, and the skullrot. A cleric preaches about the blessings of mushrooms while an acolyte hands out samples of fungi. [97] In truth, despite her rhetoric, Lolth had no intention of having the drow devote themselves to reaching their supposed goal. An old male drow sits outside the entrance to a major house for 1 hour every day, before leaving a bouquet of Underdark flowers. Subtype(s) I've been waiting for an excuse to start role-playing her for a long time now. Within its black walls ferment all manner of evils, depravities, and additions. No one cares enough to bother. This is a distraction. [122], Male clerics existed among the drow, but in Lolth-dominated cities, they were targets of her female followers, and Lolth barred them from achieving power beyond a certain threshold. 42. They get to a part of town with many Drow. [28] For example, they were often lecherous, with a tendency to take lovers at their leisure and discard them at their whim. [22], The drow (fittingly for the dark perversions of the elves they were) were decadent[23] and hedonistic beings with a love for what they considered beautiful and a desire to surround themselves with it, generally without paying attention to the cost of acquiring it. Contents Menzoberranzan The Early Sable Years The Late Sable Years The Time of Troubles The 1360s DR The Silence of Lolth Creation of the Demon Weave The Darkening Non-noble families Previously Deceased or Exiled Ched Nasad [95] When a drow died in battle, they were sometimes reanimated as a zombie if the lower half of the body was still functional. Zeeboo disguises himself and floats on the magic carpet right in front of Illeah. [108], The term "surface drow" referred to all individuals who spent less than four consecutive days below the surface in their regular life. [73], As a general rule, the inhabitants of Toril's surface knew very little about the drow. This happens every 1d4 days. They did however, domesticate a number of animals for various purposes, and were known to take advanage of molds, fungi, and oozes by using them as traps and for sanitation. It only affects those of noble blood. In truth they are members of the local thieves guild who use the abandoned jail as a ruse to empty the pockets of gullible non-drow visitors. They simultaneously encouraged personal ambition and innovative problem solving (creativity being needed to get ahead of the older elites) while paradoxically placing the good of the many over the good of the individual and reinforcing staunch traditionalism. They return after a few days but cannot remember what happened. Male What do you think? The best "normal" romantic relationship between two drow was similar to the one between a spoiled brat and her well trained, obedient dog, with the owner having the right to put the dog down for any reason. This reddit is for posting battle maps for tabletop RPG's and related content, such as map creating tips, map ideas, or map play tests. My Maps will create your route. Even drow Houses were punished for the open murder of their enemies, just as they would if their assassination was exposed, but this was because public fighting was considered boorish. Here, check out this screenshot: Step 3. The caverns had to be huge,[28] allowing a horizontal layout of the city,[108] great amounts of iron, adamantite, and gems needed to be nearby, and the magnetic force and the faerzress needed to be particularly intense,[109] both for practical reasons and, according to Qilu Veladorn, because the drow had a mental compulsion to be near the radiation and were drawn to it. 23. A cavern is blocked off for the Running of the Bulette. Young adventurers and drow social climbers challenge each other to compete. In most cases, a matron only lost her position if murdered by her eldest daughter. Anyone know some details about how you can interact with the city? Some races were not related to the drow because they were born from them but because they were transformed from drow. These were by far the most common type of drow, and the only type known to most. We are playing online (Play by Post) here at D&DBeyond for almost two years. A massive caverns entrance sign reads Spider & Lizard Rider Training Facility. This is a battlemap for the Drow City of Vlyn'darastyl. [30], The majority of drow wore a piwafwi, a fire-resistant, protective cloak, footwear that functioned as boots of elvenkind, and a drow house insignia. [23] Their bodies were wiry and athletic,[22] while their faces were chiseled and attractive,[23] though they were shorter and thinner than other elven sub-races. Ordinary drow patrols contained a maximum of around six individuals with basic training, the rest being elite warriors. [28] Forming relations with others was therefore a dangerous endeavor, and mostly temporary, since any alliance or cordial relationship could end in treachery. [9][285][266][48][286] One might imagine that the drow would constantly boast about this heritage, but the truth was that they didn't appreciate being reminded of their origins, for it also reminded them of their deep fall from power. This reddit is for posting battle maps for tabletop RPG's and related content, such as map creating tips, map ideas, or map play tests. [109], A specialty of the drow was their ability to cut and shape stone, both with magical and mundane methods, to produce smooth-flowing buildings, and waterworks were a product of drow craftsmanship that received universal acclaim. [38], Known non-noble families of Menzoberranzan as of 1480 DR were:[1], In Ched Nasad, the matron mothers of the twelve highest-ranked houses formed the reigning Council.[59]. And I am speaking about that "nearby Drow City" that Maiden Ilmadia mentions in IWD1. [28] They had a tendency to ambush their enemies with ranged weaponry, choosing hand crossbows when possible, to deliver their poisons from afar. However, with the exception of the First House, insignias weren't openly displayed except when inside the House territory or the clan's base. But it's the secrets they've carried across the [32] A child born with physical malformations or imperfections, due to the drow obsession with beauty, was killed shortly after birth. They enter the city is this fashion. There was an underground city near the marshland! Distinctions Instead, many drow took a favored slave as a personal servant or thrall, slaves that were treated as little more than pets. If you want, you can choose to draw your map from scratch. The Drow City is a Dungeon that consists of three levels, the first of which is the 8th most region of the Overworld and then the second and third levels are part of the Drow City Dungeon. A mysterious cabal has taken up residence near the city gates. Eye color(s) 1. Their over-reliance on it meant that drow settlements were often stationary, leaving them relatively easy to locate and vulnerable to attack by various the forces of the Underdark. . These punishments could prove lethal, and the inevitable child deaths were justified as "saving" the child from an even worse fate as an adult. [Encounter] Stone steps lead to an opening under a building. [92] Larger patrols were generally led by female drow, who normally had one or two powerful warriors as lieutenants. [199][200] Drow that remained loyal to Lolth were known as Lolth-sworn drow. Whoever touches it begins to grow pink feathers over their skin. The map is 5050, equivalent to 25 of our standard 1010 tiles. [190] Drow last names never started with the "L"-sound like that of "Lolth", "Lloth", or "Loethe", as this was reserved for the Spider Queen's avatar. Below the non-officer males (who were normally of the House's bloodline) were servants and slaves. Others only smell rotting meat. 71. [97] For example, drow often used shriekers, a type of fungi that grew in faerzress-rich places, to warn them of incoming danger. Inkarnate is an all-in-one and easy to use map making platform with a free version. Alignment It gives players the information they need to create characters who are members of drow houses or organizations within Menzoberranzan, as well as explains the benefits and rivalries that come with choosing a particular allegiance. Yes, the silver dragon. [109], However, the drow's relationship with faerazress could be as much a weakness as it was a strength. Since then, he's never looked back and loves roleplaying games for the chance to tell the tales that have been swirling in his head since childhood. [114] Good artisans, especially innovative ones (which made up about 0.1-0.4% of the population), were highly sought after by the noble Houses. Black, dark blue, gray The relic of the First House is a fake magic item. It is cursed and once put on it will not come off without great effort. In the event of collapse, rubble was cleaned out by slaves, only for the drow to use magic like stone shape and the barest minimum amount of handiwork for reconstruction. [204], Unlike the elves, who often venerated one member of their pantheon above the others while still paying homage to each of their deities,[205] the drow would choose one, sometimes two, gods or goddesses from their pantheon and ignore the rest. Chaotic evil Some drow found virtue within themselves in spite of all the terrors they witnessed (or perhaps because of it). [45], Many drow on the surface were actually spies still loyal to Lolth, sent to infiltrate the enemy and gather information for their matrons. After visiting for several days, the party is denied entrance to their favorite tavern. 1st Edition Statistics[5] I'm a little suspicious about any D&D-based video, board, etc. Vision Then Id draw maps of each of those locations at a 5 scale, so youd have this map of a whole region and, wherever you wanted to take your players in that region, youve got a map of it ready to go. [71], Drow were as frail as any other elves,[72] and had a fascination with stealth and subtlety. No one seems worried. Pointed ears, slim but athletic build, beautiful, affinity to darkness, able to enter fully aware sleep state [54] Like with base powers, it was normally impossible to cast mature powers in the presence of intense light. 24. Welcome to Drow City, the most dangerous, deep, mysterious and fascinating underground settlement ever mapped!. Someone is selling tickets to the Sun-sation Chamber. It is only 250 gp to experience the pain and pleasure of sunlight. [22] Intellect, along with force of personality, were mental traits that had been ruthlessly selected for in their socially darwinian civilization over several generations. Oh, I . Adventures set in Menzoberranzan are perfect for a group of evil D&D characters, easily offering a heavy dose of political machinations a la Game of Thrones. She refuses to pay ahead of time. 93. The card bears a likeness to an ally of the party bowing to the Spider Goddess. [62][63] Such drow made up the noble class of their society, and among them this was a dominant trait. We produce RPG battlemaps with a high standard of artwork featuring a variety of locations; castles and villages, dungeons and crypts, temples and caverns. Even so, surface cities generally didn't allow drow into their cities because of their reputation,[72] though followers of Eilistraee sometimes managed to gain a place within surface communities. A waterfall flows from the cavern roof high above. Privacy Policy. I'd love to play with her story more from there, and see whether she escapes perhaps makes some friends or even a love interest? Normally, a drow could not continue using these abilities when they started using another one, or started to cast a spell. Then came the other male members of the House (war-leaders, who answered to the weapon master, and House mages, subservient to the House wizard). 34. Within a family, noble drow parents viewed their children as vehicles for their own advancement, a mindset which included sacrificing them for some potential gain. She says it is a sign of betrayal. Violation of the fashion code, disregarding exceptions due to authorization by the appropriate individuals, was always punished by death. 31. In a cruel twist of fate, she was caught just outside her mother's room. - Temple of the Spider Queen: six maps detailing the feared center of Divine power Many drow signed up into the military because the risk of a violent death there was lower than as an unemployed or homeless individual. [72], Like dancing lights, faerie fire could be used as a diversion, but the ability to change the colors of the lights allowed for the creation of color signals for the purpose of long distance communication. They were made from adamantine, worked as well as the original limbs, and could also be situationally weaponized or equipped with parts functioning as specialized tools. [285] An exception was the church of Vhaeraun, whose goal was to elevate the Ilythiiri to their former glory. However, during the 1370s DR, Eilistraee started working towards opening up to male priesthood: for a time, males still had a harder time becoming clerics (see also here),[27] but after the Second Sundering, Eilistraee's clergy could be accessed by people of any gender with equal ease. 33. [9] It took a drow about ten years of exposure for them to get used to the sunlight and to use their infravision and normal vision simultaneously. Darkvision This usually marked a new direction for the House, and sometimes even its destruction, because the murder of a matron was seen as a sign of disfavor from Lolth. The Black Sapphire, a famous thief was spotted near the slums. We're right in the middle of a slave revolt :) Vive la revolution! Required fields are marked *. installs art throughout the city. [128][129] Their unique appearance combined with their negative public image made it practically impossible for them to effectively replenish their resources on the surface. Draw a line or shape On your computer, sign in to My Maps. Size Local legend says blessings come upon those who bathe in it. Each family is led by a matron mother, since Menzoberranzan is a matriarchal society where men are regarded as inferior beings. Each House had a standing army of drow soldiers, priestesses, and wizards, which included contingents consisting solely of non-drow slaves, usually bugbears, ogres, and minotaurs. Calculate a distance by selecting the corresponding option in the menu. Measure route distance on Google map This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon. Known house ranks in the Year of Maidens, 1361 DR: The house ranks during the Silence of Lolth and the War of the Spider Queen from the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, to the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR:[1], The house ranks at the time of Lolth's creation of the Demon Weave in the Year of Deep Water Drifting, 1480 DR:[1], The house ranks at the time of the Darkening in the Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR:[34][35], A ninth seat on the Ruling Council of Eight was awarded to the Mistress of Arach-Tinilith, who was Sos'Umptu Baenre at the time. and our Contents 1 Geography 1.1 The Last City 1.2 Arsyrvhar 1.3 Ghenavoc 1.4 The Noble Houses 1.4.1 The Greater Houses For lack of better terminology, one simply couldn't truly feel the Divine Dance of Eilistraee "properly" except as a female, and so her rare and secretive male priests had to spend some time as a female, not just for the duration of a ritual called the Changedance, but in everyday ways. [35] However, the drow were able to (or at least tried to) hide some of their more heinous traits behind a veneer of sophistication. They frequently included spider motifs, such as the curtains positioned to emulate spider webs that often adorned noble Houses. 39. It happened to fallen noble Houses, as all information about them was erased,[283] to deities, as the matron mothers tried to hide all records of Eilistraee's existence,[215] and even to individual drow. Required fields are marked *. She found their in-fighting far too enjoyable to focus their attention of taking the surface. [75] Cities usually included farmlands, where slaves worked to produce and harvest meat and crops. A small stall sells a confectioners treat of spun web and sweet fungus powder called Icky Sticky. Elturel. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 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