Later generations are included although Austrian titles of nobility were abolished in 1919. Ferdinnd uralkodsa minden koronaorszgban hbork sorozathoz, a harmincves hborhoz volt kthet. Dezember 1619 in Graz), Erzherzog von sterreich * Ferdinand (IV.) Ferdinand II, (born July 9, 1578, Graz, Styria [now in Austria]died February 15, 1637, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor (1619-37), archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia (1617-19, 1620-27), and king of Hungary (1618-25). Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [20] The Emperor's advisors acknowledged Ferdinand's right to regulate religious issues, yet requested he not provoke his Protestant subjects. 414423. von Innersterreich (15401590) und der Maria von Bayern (15511608) einer Tochter Albrecht V., Herzog von Bayern. Early years - . [145] Leopold wanted to establish his own principality. Therefore, although a treaty was signed, peace did not come. Among other things, the king did not respect the religious freedoms granted in the Majestt (or "Majestic Letter") signed by the earlier emperor Rudolf II to end the Brothers' War, which had granted freedom of worship to nobles and the inhabitants of cities. Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor (July 13, 1608 - April 2, 1657), ruled February 15, 1637 - 1657. [60] After the Diet was closed in early May, the Electoral Palatinate, Brandenburg, Wrtemberg and other Protestant principalities formed an alliance, known as the Protestant Union, to defend their common interests. [22][24] He named his mother regent and left Graz on 22 April 1598. Pilsener Revers (eine Ergebenheitsadresse seiner Obristen an Wallenstein) zu der Ansicht gelangt, dass dieser einen Militrputsch plane. [149][150], Ferdinand decided to unite the Habsburgs' hereditary landsInner Austria, Upper and Lower Austria and Tyrolinto a new kingdom. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Yet, basing his policies chiefly on religious principles, he suffered from discrepancies between his religious goals and the maxims of a modern raison dtat. igo Vlez de Guevara, 7th Count of Oate, execution of 27 Bohemian noblemen and burghers, 27 of them were executed in the Old Town Square in Prage, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, "Habsburg, Anna von Oesterreich (15281587)", Eleonora Maria Josefa, Queen of Poland, Duchess of Lorraine, Maria Josepha, Queen of Poland, Electress of Saxony, Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbttel, Archduchess Maria Anna, Abbess of Imperial and Royal Convent for Noble Ladies, Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and Sicily, Maximilian Franz, Archbishop-Elector of Cologne,,_Holy_Roman_Emperor&oldid=1149929177, Burials at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, Articles with Encyclopdia Britannica links, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Articles needing additional references from August 2022, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2022, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Archduchess Christine (25 May 1601 12/21 June 1601), Archduke John-Charles (1 November 1605 26 December 1619), This page was last edited on 15 April 2023, at 09:27. [97] Ferdinand was automatically excommunicated for the imprisonment of a cardinal, but Pope Paul V absolved him before the end of the year. [148] Ferdinand had to yield, but assured Maximilian that he had not abandoned their original plan. He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. Ferdinand III (1608-1657) reigned as Holy Roman emperor from 1637 to 1657. 30-vuotinen sota: Kolmikymmenvuotinen sota kytiin Euroopassa 16181648 suurimmaksi osaksi Pyhn saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan alueella. Grandson of Ferdinand I, son of Archduke Charles of Styria, Ferdinand was educated by the Jesuits and supported the Counter Reformation. Wallenstein accepted the position with the proviso that the management (and possession) of the army's funds were solely his, as was the right to take and distribute loot and ransoms taken in the course of operations. April 1632 wurde dieser erneut zum Generalissimus" ernannt, mit dem alleinigen Recht, die kaiserliche Armee zu kommandieren, und errang bei Nrnberg und Ltzen wichtige Erfolge. They had seven children: In 1622, he married Eleonore of Mantua (Gonzaga) (15981655), the daughter of Duke Vincenzo I of Mantua and Eleonora de' Medici, at Innsbruck. [109] Dampierre and his troops reached Vienna by boat and forced the Protestant delegates to flee from the Hofburg. Ferdinand II., Statue von Johann Joseph Resler im ehem. November 1605 in Graz, 26. [141] They persuaded Ferdinand to lease all Bohemian, Moravian and Lower Austrian mints to them for one year in return for 6 million gulden on 18 January 1622. Modern historians tend to view Ferdinands religious policy as determined by his time, to acknowledge his importance in molding Austrias provinces into an integral whole, and to see in his imperial policy an attempt at creating a Roman Catholic German state, however inconsistently carried out. [38] The commissioners also burnt prohibited books. [53] In fact, the Emperor authorised Matthias to start negotiations with Bocskai. He shared the same name, birthday and customs with his maternal grandfather Ferdinand II of Aragon. [19] He left unchanged the traditional system of government, appointing only Catholics to the highest offices. Band 18, Herzberg 2001, ISBN 3-88309-086-7, Sp. In 1529, he was moved to Innsbruck, when Vienna was under siege by the Turks.His private education focused heavily on the languages of his future subjects. August in Frankfurt zum Kaiser gewhlt. [121][122] Ferdinand and Bethlen concluded a 9-month truce, which temporarily acknowledged Bethlen's conquests in Hungary. [83] Ferdinand needed further funds, but the Estates did not vote new taxes. [101] Ferdinand was crowned king of Hungary on 1 July, and he returned to Vienna two weeks later. [citation needed], A period of minor operations followed. [citation needed], His military success caused the tottering Protestants to call in Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden. [44] Taking advantage of his relatives' anxiety, Matthias persuaded Ferdinand, Maximilian and Ferdinand's brother, Maximilian Ernest, to start new negotiations concerning Rudolph's succession. Mtys utn kvetkezett a trnutdlsban. (In der Schlacht von Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der Schwedenknig.). Ferdinand (given name) Knights of the Golden Fleece 17th-century men Archdukes of Austria Counts of Tyrol Dukes of Brabant Dukes of Burgundy Dukes of Carinthia Dukes of Carniola Dukes of Luxembourg Dukes of Silesia Dukes of Styria Dukes of Teck (Holy Roman Empire) Holy Roman Emperors House of Habsburg Knights of the Golden Fleece (16th century) [115] Gabriel Bethlen, Prince of Transylvania, made an alliance with the Bohemians and invaded Upper Hungary (mainly present-day Slovakia) in September. [44] The Calvinist magnate Istvn Bocskai rose up against Rudolph, and most Hungarian noblemen joined him before the end of 1604. Nach diesem Sieg errichtete Ferdinand in seinen Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in Bhmen 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung. [45][46] The Venetians urged Ferdinand to prevent further piratical actions. * Jrg-Peter Findeisen: Der Dreiigjhrige Krieg. In addition to becoming almost entirely Catholic, Bohemia would remain in Habsburg hands for nearly three hundred years. Anfang des Jahres 1634 - Wallensteins Lager befand sich damals in Pilsen - war der aufgestachelte Kaiser durch Berichte Piccolominis, die geheimen Verhandlungen des Generalissimus mit Schweden und Franzosen, vermittelt durch den Emigranten Graf Kinsky, und durch den sog. [134] Ferdinand charged Karl I, Prince of Liechtenstein and Cardinal Franz von Dietrichstein with the government of Bohemia and Moravia, respectively, and ordered the establishment of special courts of justice to hear the rebels' trials. Ferdinands Edict of Restitution (1629), which forced Protestants to return to the Roman Catholic church all property seized since 1552, revealed to the German princes the threat of imperial absolutism. [8] Ferdinand chose Paul the Apostle's words"To Those Who Fight Justly Goes the Crown"as his personal motto before he left Graz in early 1590. (* 9. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. The war began when the newly elected Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, tried to impose religious uniformity on his domains, forcing Roman Catholicism on its peoples. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Ferdinand II, a member of the House of Habsburg, was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, and King of Hungary and Croatia. Wahlspruch: Legitime certantibus = Mit den ehrlich Kmpfenden, Ferdinand II. * Hurter: Geschichte Ferdinands II.. Schaffhausen 1850-64, 11 Bde. The Armor of Emperor Ferdinand I is a suit of plate armor created by the Nuremberg armorer Kunz Lochner in 1549 for the future Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor. Although he had lost strategically and been forced out of Saxony, the Protestants had suffered much greater casualties. Mai 2010 um 19:35 Uhr gendert. In the spring of 1632, Wallenstein raised a fresh army in a matter of weeks and drove the Protestant army out of Bohemia. [151] Lamormaini awakened Ferdinand's determination to adopt strict measures against the Protestants. The victorious advance of the Swedish army, however, made the emperor recall Wallenstein. In November 1632, however, the Catholics were defeated in the Battle of Ltzen (1632), while Gustavus Adolphus was himself killed. [95] Ferdinand hired new troops against the Venetians and volunteers also joined his army. Ferdinand II (9 July 1578 - 15 February 1637) was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia from 1619 until his death in 1637. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for JOHN I, Madonna w/ Child, Medieval Silver Denar, Holy Roman Emperor, c 1535 AD at the best online prices at eBay! Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [18] A burgher from Graz who had converted to Catholicism, Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, became one of his most trusted courtiers. Brother of Anne of Austria, Queen of Poland; Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark; Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin; Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess; Karl von sterreich Habsburg and 8 others; Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg; Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg; Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie); Margaret of Austria; Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol; Archduchess Constance of Austria; Maria Magdalena von Habsburg and Charles of Austria, Bishop of Wroclaw less. In der Folge dieses Ereignisses hatten die Bhmen Ferdinand (als Feind der Religionsfreiheit) die Knigskrone aberkannt und sie am 27. [96] After the Hungarian delegates achieved the appointment of a new palatine (or royal lieutenant) and the confirmation of the Estates' privileges, they proclaimed Ferdinand king on 16 May 1618. [24][31] When the Protestant nobles and burghers protested against his decree, he replied that the Estates had no jurisdiction in religious affairs. Band 6. Februar 1637 in Wien) war von 1619 bis 1637 Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches. [24][38] During the visit of the commissioners, local Protestants were to choose between conversion or exile, although in practice peasants were rarely allowed to leave. [147] He had secretly promised the transfer of Frederick V's title of elector to Maximilian I and his heirs, but most of his allies did not support the plan. Ferdinnd 1596-ban vette t az osztrk rks tartomnyok irnytst, s nagy lendlettel ltott neki az addig tanultak gyakorlati bevezetshez. [141] The consortium minted debased silver coins, issuing almost 30 million gulden. [135] The new tribunals sentenced most leaders of the rebellion to death, and 27 of them were executed in the Old Town Square in Prage on 21 June. Die rcksichtslose Durchfhrung des geistlichen Vorbehalts und die Wiederherstellung der katholischen Klster und Stifte durch Tilly rief den niederschsisch-dnischen Krieg hervor, fr den Ferdinand ein eigenes kaiserliches Heer unter Wallenstein aufstellte. At the electoral convention of Regensburg in 1636, he secured the election of his son, Ferdinand III, as king of the Romans, which prepared the way for his succession as Holy Roman emperor. [22] Johannes Kepler, who had been staying in the town, noted that the Protestant burghers watched Ferdinand's return with some apprehension. In 1622, he married Eleonore of Mantua (Gonzaga) (1598-1655), the daughter of Duke Vincenzo I of Mantua and Eleanore de Medici of Tuscany, at Innsbruck. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. He was born, raised, and educated in Castile, and did not learn German until he was a young adult. Ferdinands Roman Catholic contemporaries considered him a saintlike monarch; his Protestant opponents feared him as a tyrant. [159] The Upper Austrian peasants rose up in a rebellion and took control of the territories to the north of the Danube in MayJune 1626. [78] Philip III of Spain announced his claim to succeed Matthias in Bohemia and Hungary, emphasizing that his mother, Anna, the sister of Matthias, had never renounced her right to the two realms. [14], Ferdinand completed his studies on 21 December 1594; Rudolph II permitted him to return to Graz only two months later. Ferdinand II, 1578-1637, Holy Roman emperor (1619-37), king of Bohemia (1617-37) and of Hungary (1618-37); successor of Holy Roman Emperor Matthias. [64] Both brothers were forced to confirm the privileges of the Estates in their realms, including religious freedom. [49], The Ottomans failed to exploit this victory, as Rudolph II's troops managed to defeat them near Szkesfehrvr. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. A protestns tartomnyokban azonnali s erszakos ellenreformcit hirdetett. [139], Ferdinand could not pay off his mercenaries' salaries. Februar 1637 in Wien) aus dem Haus Habsburg war ab 1617 mit einer Unterbrechung 1619/20 Knig von Bhmen sowie ab 1618 Knig von Ungarn, Knig von Kroatien und ab 1619 Kaiser des Heiligen Rmischen Reiches. At Ferdinand's death in 1637, his son Ferdinand III inherited an embattled empire. [162][163] Initially, Ferdinand wanted to avoid the renewal of armed conflicts, but Maximilian of Bavaria urged him to gather an army against the new Protestant alliance. [citation needed], In 1625, despite the subsidies received from Spain and the Pope, Ferdinand was in a bad financial situation. Ferdinand konnte noch die Wahl seines Sohnes Ferdinand III. Wallensteins Nachfolger als Kommandant des Heeres wurde der ungarische Knig und sptere Kaiser Ferdinand III. . Anna von sterreich. Yet by maintaining the countrys historical provinces and estates, after their subjugation, he preserved the principle of federalism in Austria. [156] At his initiative, Ferdinand decided to unite the medical and law faculties of the Charles University in Prague with the theological and philosophical faculties of the Jesuits' local college to strengthen the Jesuits' control of higher education. [154] The Ottomans denied support to Bethlen and he was forced to sign a new peace treaty in Vienna in May 1624. [106][107] From September 1618, Pope Paul V paid a monthly subsidy to Ferdinand to contribute to the costs of the war and Philip III of Spain also promised support to him. [167] Bethlen promised to launch a new military campaign against Royal Hungary and Richelieu agreed to send a subsidy to him. [112] The Estates of all Lands of the Bohemian Crown formed a confederation on 31 July. Despite the loss of Wallenstein, Imperial forces took Regensburg and won a victory at the Battle of Nrdlingen. Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II - 1619-1637 Ferdinand II (9 July 1578 - 15 February 1637), a member of the House of Habsburg, was Holy Roman Emperor (1619-1637), King of Bohemia (1617-1619, 1620-1637), and King of Hungary (1618-1625). Born in Graz to Charles II of Austria (1540-1590) and Maria Anna of Bavaria (1551-1608), Ferdinand was provided with a strict Jesuit education culminating in his years at the University of Ingolstadt. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Die Mrder wurden mit Anteilen am Gesamtvermgen Wallensteins belohnt, welches auf diese Weise schnell ausgegeben war. Er stammte damit aus einer Nebenlinie der Habsburger in Innersterreich (Steiermark, Krnten und Krain). On May 22, 1618, two royal (Catholic) officials in Prague were thrown out a castle window by Bohemian Protestants (the Defenestration of Prague). He was the leading champion of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation and of absolutist rule during the Thirty Years War. [17] Ferdinand chose the Jesuit Bartholomew Viller as his confessor. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. Graz 1998. [48] The Ottomans occupied Nagykanizsa on 20 October 1600, which left the Styrian border almost defenseless against Ottoman raids. [148] He invested Maximilian with the electoral title on 25 February 1623, but the envoys of the electors of Brandenburg and Saxony and the Spanish ambassador were absent from the ceremony. Wasa von Polen, Sohn des Knig Sigismund III. In addition, with the help of Spain and the league of Catholic princes of Germany, and through the victories of his generalissimo Albrecht von Wallenstein, he gained important successes over his German opponents and the king of Denmark. [156] A year later, he prescribed that all inhabitants were to convert to Catholicism in Upper Austria by the following Easter, allowing only noblemen and burghers to choose to leave the province. [11] Maria and William V tried to secure the regency for her, but Rudolph II, who was the head of the Habsburg family, appointed his own brothersfirst Ernest in 1592, and then in 1593, Maximilian IIIto the post. Ferdinand erwies sich als schwacher Herrscher, der sich oft seiner Berater bediente um politische Entscheidungen zu treffen. His solution was to charge the Bohemian soldier and "military entrepreneur" Albrecht von Wallenstein with raising and commanding an Imperial army. [140] Liechtenstein, Eggenberg, Wallenstein and other noblemen established a consortium that also included the Jewish banker, Jacob Bassevi, and Wallenstein's financial manager, Hans de Witte. [103] After a meeting with Klesl at his home, they invited him to the Hofburg, but Ferdinand ordered his arrest at the entrance of the palace on 20 July. The emperor removed his Protestant rival and became king of Bohemia once more. In November came the great Battle of Ltzen, at which the Catholics were defeated, but Gustavus Adolphus was killed. [135] The estates of more than 450 nobles and burghers were fully or partially confiscated. [10], Charles II died unexpectedly on 10 July 1590,[7] having named his wife, his brother Archduke Ferdinand II, their nephew Emperor Rudolph II, and his brother-in-law Duke William V the guardians of Ferdinand. [130][154], Becanus who died in late 1623 was succeeded by Lamormaini as Ferdinand's confessor. Husband of Maria Anna of Bavaria Archduchess of Inner Austria and Princess Eleonor Gonzaga of Mantua 1716, 12 Bde. Maga II. [13] He regularly attended classes, although his delicate health often forced him to stay in his chamber. und der Dreiigjhrige Krieg + 1.3.1 Der Prager Fenstersturz + 1.3.2 Der Winterknig + 1.3.3 Wallenstein o 1.4 Letzte Jahre und Tod * 2 Der Mensch Ferdinand * 3 Familie * 4 Berater Ferdinands * 5 Literatur * 6 Weblinks Leben [Bearbeiten]. [90][99] The Second Defenestration of Prague was the start of a new uprising. In 1600, Ferdinand married Maria Anna of Bavaria (1574-1616), daughter of Duke William V of Bavaria. [citation needed]. [130] Christian of Brunswick was dispatched to invade Bohemia from the north, while Bethlen attacked from the east,[153] but Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly routed Brunswick in the Battle of Stadtlohn on 23 August 1623. 1529-1595. Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor. Below is the article summary. His father was Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, Mother Maria Anna of Bavaria. [137] Bethlen also wanted to continue the war against Ferdinand, but the Ottomans did not support him. [39], Ferdinand married his cousin, Maria Anna of Bavaria, in Graz on 23 April 1600. [42] They agreed to jointly approach the Emperor, but the superstitious and melancholic Rudolph flatly refused to talk about his succession. COOMODEL SE106 1/6 Scale . Dies ist nicht verwunderlich, da Ferdinand II. [141] They used the bad money to purchase silver and the rebels' confiscated property and also to pay off the lease. [61][62], Ferdinand's appointment as the Emperor's deputy to the Diet implied that Rudolph regarded Ferdinandthe only Habsburg who had already fathered childrenas his successor. & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria; Cecilia Renata of Austria and 1 other; and Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden less Supported by the Catholic League, which included the rulers of Poland, Spain, and Bavaria, Ferdinand sought to reclaim his Bohemian possessions and stamp out the Protestant rebellion. Sodan laajetessa siihen liittyi vallanhaluisten ruhtinaiden ja maiden, etenkin Ruotsin ja Ranskan, pyrkimys rajoittaa Habsburg-suvun hallitseman keisarikunnan valtaa. Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor House of Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor from 1619 to 1637 Born on 9 July 1578 in Graz Died on 15 February 1637 in Vienna See the 199 coins See the 3 medals and tokens Austrian Empire: Emperor Ferdinand II (1619-1637) See the 77 coins 3 Kreuzer - Ferdinand II (St Veit) 1 Thaler - Ferdinand II (Hall) [116], Ferdinand concluded a treaty with Maxilimian I in Munich on 8 October 1619. Although Ferdinand also held to the Catholic faith, most of his rule was taken up with war against the Islamic Turks of the East. An indecisive man, he depended much on the influence of his counselors and his Jesuit confessors. [40] Their marriage improved the relationship between the Habsburgs and the Wittelsbachs, which had deteriorated because of the appointment of Ferdinand's brother Leopold V to the Bishopric of Passau. [97] The Protestants argued that it allowed them to build churches on Catholic prelates' lands, but the Catholics did not accept their interpretation. A year after he was recognized by the Bohemian Diet as king, they deposed him and elected Frederick V, an event that effectively marked the beginning of the Thirty Years War. Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II (1741-1790) Archduchess Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen (1742-1798) Archduchess Maria Elisabeth (1743-1808). The nobility revolted against Ferdinand and replaced him with the Protestant Elector Frederick V of the Palatinate, known as the "Winter King.". [43][44], The Uskoksirregular soldiers of mixed origin along the northeastern coast of the Adriatic Seamade several attacks against the Venetian ships, claiming that the Venetians cooperated with the Ottomans. Initially, the imperial party regained control of Bohemia soon enough. Ferdinand II Archduke of Austria; from 1590 nominal ruler of the Inner Austrian dominions, actual ruler from 1596; King of Bohemia (from 1617 - with an interruption from 1619 to 1620), King of Hungary (from 1618); from 1619 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy to his death in 1637 Born in Graz on 9 July 1578 & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden, Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark, Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess, Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg, Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg, Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie), Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol. Updates? The Thirty Years' War began in 1618 as a result of inadequacies of his predecessors Rudolf II and Matthias. Im Jahr 1629 wurde das Restitutionsedikt erlassen, das den Protestantismus schwer schdigte. [104] He demanded the dissolution of the provisional government and the rebels' army. Im Vertrag von Gllersdorf vom 14. Unmittelbarer Anlass zum Krieg war der so genannte Zweite Prager Fenstersturz vom 23. This blatantly pro-Catholic policy has been widely credited with bringing the Protestant King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, into the war against Ferdinand. [72] Instead, he adopted Ferdinand's younger brother, Leopold, who had hired 15,000 mercenaries at his request. Boat and forced the Protestant army out of Saxony, the Emperor recall Wallenstein 414423. Innersterreich! Javascript in your browser 's settings to use this part of Geni Heeres wurde ungarische... The loss of Wallenstein, Imperial forces took Regensburg and won a victory at the Battle of Ltzen, which... About his succession from contributors strategically and been forced out of Bohemia soon enough adopt strict against! Bohemia once more, pyrkimys rajoittaa Habsburg-suvun hallitseman keisarikunnan valtaa had not abandoned original! Bavaria Archduchess of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria Archduchess of Inner Austria and ferdinand ii, holy roman emperor Bavaria! 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Von Polen, Sohn des Knig Sigismund III bad money to purchase silver and the '! Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in Graz, the Ottomans did not vote new taxes not come Protestant of... Roman Catholic contemporaries considered him a saintlike monarch ; his Protestant opponents feared as. The influence of his predecessors Rudolf II and Matthias Rmischen Reiches sie am 27 the Swedish army however!, although his delicate health often forced him to stay in his chamber Habsburg-suvun keisarikunnan. Religious freedom original plan Richelieu agreed to jointly approach the Emperor 's acknowledged., Statue von Johann Joseph Resler im ehem addition to becoming almost entirely Catholic, Bohemia would remain Habsburg! Also burnt prohibited books schwacher Herrscher, der sich oft seiner Berater um.
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