Once your flowering shrub is delivered, we recommend taking it out of the box ASAP. Wheeler. Fertilizing: Apply a slow-release fertilizer once a year in early spring, before new growth emerges. Very pale pink single bloom. See our How to Prune a Camellia Bush blog for more information on how and when to prune camellias. A large showy, versatile flowering shrub which makes a great specimen plant or a stunning hedge/screen/windbreak. Watering This property is not currently available for sale. Stay in the loop. Finally, apply a 3 to 5-inch layer of mulch around the plant to help enrich the soil as well as conserve moisture and control weeds. The Cold Hardy Tea Plant is one of the hardiest of all the Camellia sinensis, with smaller, narrower leaves especially preferred for making green, white, and black teas. Our cost-effective One Year Warranty guarantees Perfect for semi-shaded locations. store credit to replace your plant! It is our goal to blow you away with a great selection of the most exciting new and old-favorite plants and trees that have demonstrated outstanding qualities and exceptional performance in landscapes and gardens. Plant your bushes on a slope, or build a raised mound for them if your soil does not drain well. The leaves on a camellia plant will stay glossy and green all year long. Remove your plant from its original container, position into the hole ensuring that its standing upright, and the top of the root ball is even with the ground. Camellia japonica Rose Dawn. The flowers are usually simpler in form and a little smaller than those of the Japanese Camellia, being mostly single or semi-double. Water daily for the first week and 2 to 3 times weekly for the first 2 to 3 months until your plant is established. HEIGHT AND SHAPE AT MATURITY Large Shrub: 3-4 metres Rounded Shape. The Sasanqua Camellia, called Camellia sasanqua scientifically, looks at first glance like the Japanese Camellia. Thats why weve got you covered! Talk with our Plant Experts (800) 973-8959. The great thing is, many will bloom during that time inside, where the blossoms will open to perfection protected from the weather, and bring color and great beauty to your indoor space. It bears a profusion of white single flowers with yellow stamens in autumn, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. Camellias are evergreen shrubswith showy flowers. Starting at $39.95. An annual application of fertilizer is not required but does help with root development, branch growth, and flowering. Your order has qualified for FREE shipping! Shop Our Endless Summer Hydrangeas Collection, CAM-KRA, Camellia Plants, PACK, pf-clay, pf-deer, pf-evergreen, pf-fall, pf-hedge, pf-loamy, pf-midwest, pf-northwest, pf-outside, pf-partshade, pf-partsun, pf-shade, pf-shrub, pf-south, pf-southwest, pf-tenfeet, Tree Spikes. Features glossy, dark green leaves. Up to 20% off. Fire Falls Kramers Beauty Arctic Rose White Empress Dazzler sasanqua semi-double, rose red E. G. Waterhouse japonica Frank Brownlee japonica red with white flecks double. In summer, when finished with the work of blooming, their evergreen leaves and strong stature make a great screen or hedge. It bears a profusion of white single flowers with a pink edge and yellow stamens in autumn, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. HEIGHT AND SHAPE AT MATURITY Large Shrub: 3.5-4.5 metres Columnar Shape. I planted it in December. As your Camellia grows taller simply remove lower branches to desired height and you end up with a magnificent flowering tree that is perfect for use as a focal point specimen in the landscape. Camellia japonica Tama-no-ura. Give it a thorough watering and loosen the root ball. Camellia Japonica Orandako 12cm Pot. Fall winter flowering, white. With easy care and minimal maintenance, it's not hard to see why camellia bushes are loved by many gardeners all over the world. Always choose a pot with drainage holes. These shrubs or small trees have large beautiful camellia flowers and shiny foliage. The normal flowering season is from January to March, but some particular forms may flower a few weeks earlier or later. Irregular semi-double In these flowers the stamens are broken into small clumps by the petals, which are arranged in a twisted and irregular fashion. This is especially important during the spring and summer growing season. These long-blooming flowers almost appear doubled in petal number, and brilliant yellow stamens lie in the center of the flower. Wild camellia bushes grow in the countryside of China, Japan and South Korea. You can grow small camellias in pots or containers if you are limited on space. $69.50. Sasanqua camellia has more sun tolerance and thrives well in shade. HEIGHT AND SHAPE AT MATURITY Large Shrub: 3.5-4.0 metres Rounded/Columnar Shape. Single red mid-season blooms. Instructional how-to's for the novice to expert gardener. Deer browse both young and mature camellias, but rabbits concentrate their nibbling on the young, tender plants. Large, solid salmon flowers can appear at the same time with salmon and white flowers on a single shrub. The 'Shi Shi Gashira' Camellia's floral display is simply unbeatable. Camellia shrubs can be pruned in to tree forms. Just enter your email address below: From gardening tips and tricks, to special offers and gift ideas! Baton Rouge, La. Ultimately, your membership means you are part of a special group of people who share a commitment to make our world greener and healthier through planting trees. Camellia Japonica Silver Waves 3 Litre Pot. Acidic, Loamy, Moist, Rich, Sandy, Silty Loam, Well Drained. Especially since its large size allows it to be utilized as a border screen or a hedgerow. They can be reached at 360-563-2700. Winter blooming camellias will open up when most other plants are preparing for dormancy which is what makes them unique. The premier use for the camellia in your garden is for its flowers, which instantly grab our attention. A large showy, versatile flowering shrub which makes a great specimen plant or a stunning hedge/screen/windbreak. Depending on the type, the bush itself may be large and upright, smaller and dense, or more open and arching in form. Plants will live well in pots for many years. Once hooked on their exquisite forms and colors, many gardeners become camellia addicts, collecting more and more, and enjoying the variety they bring to the garden in the quietest times of year. It bears a profusion of large pale pink single flowers with deeper pink edge in autumn, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. Fast growing upright bush, mid spring blooming. Expect the unexpected with these winter-to-spring-blooming southern belles. Camellia soil should be well draining and they do prefer it. Please note, replacements must be the same root type as the original items ordered. Shop from a variety of camellia plants at Perfect Plants today. We ship the same plants and products nationwide that we offered to the customers who shopped at our land-based garden center in McDonough, Georgia for decades. They grow best in soils that are slightly acidic, but these soils are common all through the eastern states, so that is often not a problem. Were here to help. . Yuletide Camellia $49.50 - $109.50 Zones 7-10 Victory White Camellia $39.50 - $119.50 Zones 6-9 April Tryst Camellia $69.50 Zones 7-9 April Dawn Camellia $69.50 Zones 7-9 Leucantha Camellia $39.50 Zones 7-9 Sparkling Burgundy Camellia Interested in keeping up with all the latest news and offers from Trees Direct? Grow them in pots, which we will discuss a little further down. Starting at $34.98. This nursery provides excellent service, its camellias are healthy and well-grown, and its shipments arrive in good condition. Some varieties can be trained to grow on walls or fences, so you can enjoy them even if you have limited space. Camellia hiemalis Shishi Gashira dwarf. If the new spring growth is a healthy green color, everything is fine. 3 5. B&B or container sizes. Camellia Japonica Uso Otome 12cm Pot. Place your plant evenly in the hole. You will need to contact us by May 30th so we can review and assist. C. Sasanqua is similar to C. japonica but is often smaller and more refined. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()) Wilson Bros Gardens. 5935 Camellia Pl #P, Lake Charles, LA 70605 is a 2,976 sqft, Studio home sold in 2015. Plus, since it's a moderately fast-growing shrub with evergreen foliage, it also pulls double duty as a unique privacy screen. Shop all, Shop from a variety of camellia plants at. Top of the list for gardeners are Rhododendrons and Azaleas, closely followed. A large showy, versatile flowering shrub which makes a great specimen plant or a stunning hedge/screen/windbreak. A large showy, versatile flowering shrub which makes a great specimen plant or a stunning hedge/screen/windbreak. With blooms ranging from small and simple to huge and complex, we strive to offer cultivars that illustrate the wide variation within the genus. Waterhouse Camellia - Williamsii Hybrid - 3 Gallon Pot, Rose Dawn Camellia Japonica - 1 Gallon Pot, Brilliant Gem Fragrant Camellia Japonica - Herme - 3 Gallon Pot, Tricolor Perfecta Camellia Japonica- 3 Gallon Pot, Sacred Dance Camellia Japonica 'Daikagura' - 1 Gallon Pot, Red Bird Camellia Sasanqua - 3 Gallon Pot, Alabama Beauty Camellia Sasanqua - 1 Gallon Pot. They were first brought to Europe in 1730, but it was mostly in the 19th century that many new varieties were produced, both in Belgium, Germany and France, and in America. They are hardy, frost and drought resistant. It's a very large and showy camelliablooming from January to March with ease. Fertilizing Camellia shrubs are tough and reliably provide colourful displays throughout winter to April. The mature size is up to 4-5 feet tall with a 6-8 foot spread. That's it! They are one of our top picks for winter interest plants. Hiryu sasanqua semi-double bright pink to rosy red Our Linda sasanqua rose form double, medium pink Red Bird sasanqua rose form double, fuchsia William Lanier Hunt sasanqua dark orchid pink, peony flowers. Zones 6-9 70810. *7 to 10 gallons ($85-125):36 to 72+ inches, bushy and well established, over 4 years old. Warranty must be purchased at the time of checkout and cannot be added after your order has been completed. It has survived a snowstorm and temperatures in the teens. It bears a profusion of scented deep pink miniature peony form flowers in autumn/early winter, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. Price: 1,950 - this specimen has now been sold! 2,976 sqft single-family home. The best kind of shade is either that below deciduous trees, or in the shadow of buildings. Plus, since it's a moderately fast-growing shrub with evergreen foliage, it also pulls double duty as a unique privacy screen. Need more info call Chris +487717199377. Plant Pairings- Trees & Shrubs that Look Great Together, //cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0059/8835/2052/products/Kramers_Camellia_FGT_3.jpg?v=1612444247, //cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0059/8835/2052/products/Kramers_Camellia_FGT_5.jpg?v=1640707658, //cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0059/8835/2052/products/Kramers_Camellia_FGT_1.jpg?v=1640707658, //cdn.shopify.com/shopifycloud/shopify/assets/no-image-2048-5e88c1b20e087fb7bbe9a3771824e743c244f437e4f8ba93bbf7b11b53f7824c.gif, https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/kramers-supreme-camellia?variant=13940748419124, https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/kramers-supreme-camellia?variant=13940748451892, https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/kramers-supreme-camellia?variant=39261314744382, https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/kramers-supreme-camellia?variant=14498053029940, Every plant is backed by our 30-day guarantee. Get peace of mind for your new plants. It bears a profusion of pale pink informal double flowers in autumn, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. For nearly 40 years, our breeding program has worked to create plants that display vigorous growth, exceptional cold-hardiness, and breathtaking flowers. If not, then low-priced test-kits are available at garden centers and hardware stores. $79.50 $149.50 It bears a profusion of bright pink single flowers in autumn, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. eCommerce Software by 3dcart. Up to 12% off. The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. 41 reviews. These plants are too big to ship and must be picked up at our Chapel Hill location. 24 reviews. It bears a profusion of pale pink informal double flowers tinged with pink in autumn, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. A Southern Living Plant Collection bush. Spring flowering, salmon red semi double anemone. Find our when your new plants will be delivered directly to your door. They can even be pruned into a, Camellias prefer a planting site with partial sun to partial shade. Camellias are evergreen flowering plants that are native to Eastern and Southern Asia. Camellias prefer a planting site with partial sun to partial shade. Some plants often sold under this label are in fact hybrids, called Camellia x hyemalis. Camellia plants are dense evergreen shrubs with beautiful foliage and blooming flowers that last from fall through early spring. Camellia sasanqua Bonanza dwarf 4-5. The leaves on a camellia plant will stay glossy and green all year long. When you order trees from The Arbor Day Foundation, your order is guaranteed to arrive in a good, healthy condition or well replace them at no charge. Plants arrived quickly and were very healthy. FILTER CAMELLIA hybrid Fragrant Pink (scented) CAMELLIA hybrid Scentous (scented) CAMELLIA sasanqua Alison Spragg CAMELLIA sasanqua Barbara Louise Sasanqua features smaller leaves. Its that simple! Beautiful large flowers from fall to spring Our selection of camellia cultivars changes frequently. Each tree and plant is guaranteed to grow, or well replace it within one year of shipment. is not required but does help with root development, branch growth, and flowering. Root Rocket All-Purpose Organic Fertilizer. 3. We have many varieties of Camellia plants for sale, so whether youre looking for the next addition to your garden or a gift for someone you love, were confide At Trees Direct, we provide low maintenance flowering Camellia plants that provide structure and a dash of colour to any garden, big or small. Deer do not specifically seek our camellias for a midday snack. Fall winter flowering, petals are white with light pink edge. Wheeler' Camellia japonica 'R.L. Contact Us ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING! Enjoy your new plants in confidence. Their blog can be seen at https://bigtreesupply.com/blog/ or http://arboristblog.com/. Trim back any overgrown, crossed, or crowded branches and any small branches around the base of the plant. Begin backfilling the hole, tamping down lightly as you go. Easily grown in large pots and planters. If a plant gets damaged - from weather, human error or anything else - just send in a picture, and youll get Should a deciduous tree shipped dormant in the winter or spring fail to emerge from Do this in spring and again in fall. It also doesnt matter if you have an informal or a formal garden they fit perfectly into almost any style of garden you might have. There are several groups of camellia bushes, with different forms, both of the bush itself, and more importantly of the flowers, which is where most of the attention is placed. Best Regards, Talk with our Plant Experts. As we leave 2022 behind and head into a new year, Our Christmas gifts are thoughtfully chosen to giv, Buy more for less with bare rooted trees. Formal double These perfectly formed flowers have many petals (there may often be hundreds). They produce a profuse display of stunning flowers in early Spring - colour ranges from purest white through to the darkest pink and all shades in between. They have other high foliage shrubs they prefer. A large showy, versatile flowering shrub which makes a great specimen plant or a stunning hedge/screen/windbreak. Camellia Japonica varieties flower in Spring and the Camellia Sasanqua varieties flower in autumn winter.Read our blog post for in-depth information and guidance on planting and caring for your camellia, including details of soil type.More information on best time to plant camellias. It is January. Camellia Shrubs For Sale At Trees Direct, we provide low maintenance flowering Camellia plants that provide structure and a dash of colour to any garden, big or small. They also grow very well on the north side of a building, where the shade is lighter. Rounded, upright shrub. period. This will also help to slowly turn your soil acidic and more suitable, if you do not have the ideal soil. In late winter to spring, rounded buds open to produce beautiful dark red, peony form flowers. Most are okay to grow in USDA hardiness zones 7-10. The flowers vary greatly in form, from a bowl of just a few petals, with bright yellow stamens in the center, to elegant flowers with hundreds of petals, sometimes in a flamboyant ruffle, and other times in perfect forms that could almost have been drawn with a compass, so precise and formal are they. 5935 . A large showy, versatile flowering shrub which makes a great specimen plant or a stunning hedge/screen/windbreak. Botanists call it Camellia japonica, and it originated in China and Japan. These are mostly hybrids that contain genes from a Chinese species called Camellia lutchuensis. We carefully pack and ship each plant, so they arrive happy, healthy and ready to It bears a profusion of scented pale pink informal double flowers in autumn/early winter, thrives in full sun, is hardy, frost and drought resistant. Larger ones are almost tree-like, and make wonderful background plants in beds, or to fill those often-awkward corners where buildings change angles, or where your property line turns. Professor Sargent camellia is an evergreen shrub to small tree which grows in an upright, rounded form. Starting at $39.99. As well, since they grow in shade, they are very useful for the shady parts of the garden where it can sometimes be hard to find suitable plants. We may As noted on the website, some items are seasonal, and may only ship in spring or fall. Close to a school. Among other breeders, J. Finley of Whangerei, New Zealand, crossed this plant with varieties of Japanese Camellia, and has produced several sweetly-scented forms. Camellia blooming season is one of our favorite times of the year. 4.8/5 plants are shipped to you. it right! Since weve planted, grown and shipped your Camellia with meticulous care, you get a hassle-free shrub thats ready to thrive in your landscape and burst with color and growth quickly. We guarantee that your trees will get to you healthy and happy. There, they can be in permanent shade all year and all day, with the brightness reflected from the sky perfect for their needs. Growing Zones: 7-9. When it comes to the Kramer's, there's nothing it can't do in your landscape. Shop all deer resistant shrubs! It's known for its reliability and consistency, as well as its versatility. For Sale: Single Family home, $124,900, 3 Bd, 1 Ba, 1,075 Sqft, $116/Sqft, at 409 Camellia Rd, Birmingham, AL 35215 in the Killbough Springs. Some mix white with pink or red in spotted or streaked patterns, where no two flowers are marked in exactly the same way. A large showy, versatile flowering shrub which makes a great specimen plant or a stunning hedge/screen/windbreak. The company also does tree transplanting including large trees. In late winter to spring, rounded buds open to produce beautiful dark red, peony form flowers. Cherry red. Guarantee your plants for a full year today! Camellia japonica Reg Ragland Supreme. However, to initiate your one-time free replacement or refund, please contact us toll free at 888-448-7337, or email [emailprotected]. Even though Fast Growing shipped from the east coast they were still cheaper than ordering from the mega-growers in the west coast where I am located. Camellia japonica Altheaiflora. Plants in containers should be fed regularly with a suitable fertilizer. We will review A typical mature camellia bush is dense and upright in form. Please enter your email address to receive a verification code and reset your password. Camellia japonica Tama Vino. ATTENTION: Some states require that soil be treated with pesticides prior to shipment. Especially when plants are young, water regularly and do not let the soil ever dry out completely. Camellia shrubs are tough and reliably provide colourful displays throughout winter to April. Shop Companion Plants That Compliment And Are Compatible With Camellias, Shrubs For Espalier (Grow Flat Against A Wall), Shop For Camellias by USDA Planting Zones, Pink Muhly Grass - Cotton Candy Grass - 1 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Orange Tea Olive - Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus - 3 Gallon Pot, Snow N Summer Asiatic Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Major Wheeler Red Trumpet Honeysuckle - 1 Gallon Pot, Madison Confederate Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Variegated Pink Winter Daphne - 1 Gallon Pot, Confederate Rose Hibiscus - Rose Mallow - 3 Gallon Pot, Peaches & Cream Fragrant Honeysuckle - Lonicera periclymenum - 2 Gallon Pot, Pink Perfection Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, High Fragrance Camellia Hybrid - 3 Gallon Pot, Dwarf Mondo Grass - 18 Count Flat of Pint Pots, Chinese Snowball Viburnum Bush - 3 Gallon Pot, Confederate Jasmine Vine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) - 1 Gallon Pot, Aphrodite Sweetshrub (Carolina Allspice) - Calycanthus - 3 Gallon Pot, Pink Muhly Grass - Cotton Candy Grass - 3 Gallon Pot, Radicans Creeping Dwarf Gardenia - 1 Gallon Pot, Lady Vansittart Multicolor Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Kramers Supreme Red Double Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Professor Sargent Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Tama no Ura Weeping Camellia Japonica - 1 Gallon Pot, Mine No Yuki Camellia Sasanqua - 1 Gallon Pot, Yuletide Camellia Sasanqua - 1 Gallon Pot, Mine No Yuki Camellia Sasanqua - 3 Gallon Pot, Tricolor Perfecta Camellia Japonica- 1 Gallon Pot, Morning Glow Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Autumn Moon Camellia Sasanqua - 3 Gallon Pot, Laura Walker Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Gunsmoke Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Turandot Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Silver Waves Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Cotton Candy Camellia Sasanqua - 3 Gallon Pot, Debutante Pink Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Grace Albritton Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, White By The Gate Camellia Japonica - 1 Gallon Pot, Buttons 'n Bows Camellia Hybrid - 3 Gallon Pot, Sea Foam White Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Early Autumn Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Purple Dawn Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Pink Snow Camellia Sasanqua - 1 Gallon Pot, Grace Albritton Camellia Japonica - 1 Gallon Pot, Fire Falls Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Mrs. Lyman Clarke Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Autumn Pink Icicle Cold Hardy Camellia - 3 Gallon Pot, Nuccio's Cameo Pink Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, E.G. 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