When we were transferring to the next clinic, we requested our medical records. We saw Dr. Gordon during most of our visits during monitoring, and he did all our procedures, so we really felt we got to know him and were sad he couldn't be with us through the whole pregnancy. While we did conceive again relatively quickly, this too resulted in another karyotypically normal loss. He will be very honest and not sell you a procedure or a statistic that won't work. I believe Dominion offers a lot of advantages for patients with DOR or who otherwise want to try a more mini IVF approach. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. Describe Michael DiMattina's approach to eSET (elective single embryo transfer) vs. multiple embryo transfer at Dominion Fertility. At Columbia, monitoring was absolutely a cattle call, but at Dominion, it was a well oiled machine. Even after failed transfers it was hard to get her to return my calls. IVF - estrace, Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirelix. Appointments run on schedule. I'm so blessed to have gotten pregnant the first FET. They were always supportive, always positive, and even sprinkled me with fairy dust. Then I had a mock embryo transfer (standard) and a successful frozen embryo transfer. (Assigned nurse: Kerry Hartman). As with any doctor/patient relationship, trust your gut. Fortunately, I was lucky. and Dominion Fertility and Endocrinology Institute; and, Robert E. Cumberland v. O. Riley Boone, M.D., et al. She will definitely answer your questions, listen to you, and provide you with as much information as you'd like. Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team. 9. It was also very difficult to get basic information such as lab results, etc. I can only talk about the Arlington location since all my visits where there. Dominion has brought defamation lawsuits totaling well over a billion dollars against Trump associates but not Donald Trump himself, or at least not yet. He always took the time to explain things during meetings when a transfer did not work. They also offer bilingual services for Spanish speakers, as well as military discounts for active duty members. Dr. Kay diagnosed me with PCOS without having my test results based on the fact that my periods were "irregular" (which they really aren't). Our process was particularly difficult because my partner and I had experienced a stillbirth following difficulties becoming pregnant. As someone who is seeking answers, he has done his best to give us answers to the extent that he could and if he couldn't, he would explain why. It was very frustrating. The nurses pulled the wrong lab results (results for 2 years prior for different test) from the wrong lab and accused me of not getting the right lab work done. They are all pleasant in person and seem to run a tight ship. Dr. Gordon was the right fit from the beginning. About | With so many people coming in and out, the time with the doctors can be very fast. The start of Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion defamation trial against Fox News has been delayed until Tuesday as the parties pursue a potential settlement, Never be afraid to ask questions, Dr. D will always take time talk to you. Describe the costs associated with your care under John David Gordon at Dominion Fertility. Dominion did not accept our insurance (Kaiser). I went through a half dozen natural cycle IVF procedures at this clinic. Explore over 200 courses and lessons taught by leading fertility experts. Dr. Dimattina's protocol is to only transfer one embryo at a time. During my first cycle, I was told three different numbers at various points regarding how many of my eggs were mature. I was not getting pregnant after trying for 6 months. Ask this reviewer a question about their experience with Susan Sarajari at Dominion Fertility. During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with John David Gordon at Dominion Fertility? Of course, she responds immediately, unlike my past interactions with her where it takes longer for a response. He got us on a treatment plan and we went for it. However, in hindsight I would have done some more homework and selected Dr. Gordon as my primary endochronologist for a variety of reasons, Monitoring is by default a disorganized event. Our process was particularly difficult because my partner and I had experienced a stillbirth following difficulties becoming pregnant. What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of John David Gordon at Dominion Fertility? The clinic does have fairly rigid rules about only doing frozen transfers and they almost mandate PGS testing. She said she will send bills for reprocessing. 3 PGT normal embryos. She has been a superstar from the very beginning. Every nurse [at Dominion Fertility] at every visit is kind, friendly and eager to make you feel comfortable. WebAllen filed his quiet title lawsuit and then filed a lis pendens pursuant to A.R.S. When we did conceive, Dr. D (as he's called), called the little dot on the sonogram our "baby". You need a doctor who will also be a cheerleader and team member with you. Dr. Kay diagnosed me with PCOS without having my test results based on the fact that my periods were "irregular" (which they really aren't). I'll still remember some of his advice and pass it on to friends who are in similar situations, but when we were struggling to decide whether we wanted to do IVF and then if we wanted to do natural or stimulated, he agreed that it was a hard decision, helping us understand pros and cons with all options. Appointments run on schedule. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. I asked for clarification only for her to talk fast and not really help me understand her logic. It helped us make the most informed decision and made us feel empowered and confident that we were doing so. Get informed about the process and ask as many questions as you can. The Delaware judge overseeing Dominion My vitamin D levels were also very low, so he had me see a endocrinologist to discuss PCOS and vitamin D. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. The Delaware judge overseeing a voting machine companys $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News delayed the opening of the trial Monday, raising I feel very well taken care of by all of the staff. This wasn't typical for them. I always appreciated his personal phone calls and follow up with my OB. I felt safe (in every sense of the word, emotionally, physically, etc.) On Jan. 8, Dominion sued Sidney Powell, a lawyer who previously worked for It seemed like the most important was to sell us on the IVF Guarantee program which would end up costing us a lot more money. She has a habit of speaking fast and as if everyone in the world should know how insurance works. (Assigned nurse: Holli). VA-SUPREME-COURT-RECORDS-VOL250 We also paid for assisted hatching of the embryo at $500. At no point did we ever consider changing course even though the cost was $7000 per month. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. I don't believe this is the case, but you might want to be prepared for that possibility as you consult with her. This may not work for all patients. I felt like I could never get enough information out of her. Smartmatic alleges in its $2.7 billion lawsuit that Fox News and the other defendants broadcast more than 100 knowingly false statements about the companys involvement in the 2020 election. I can't comment on eSET because after genetic testing (PGS/PGT) of my embryos, I was only left with one healthy embryo. The business side of the clinic is disorganized; they didn't keep. Since I only had the one, Dr. Kay recommended we also do an Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) cycle to increase our chances of success. He is patient and willing to help you throughout the entire process. I didn't immediately remember this, but she did and was very kind a compassionate about it. The fact that Dominion Fertility has a poor financial navigation department decreases its value. Arlington location [Dominion Fertility] - clean, nice relaxing environment, modern, organized. I am not sure how I would have been able to get testing for something else and then send it to them without a written order. We cover data around anxiety, depression, and stress as they relate to fertility & fertility outcomes. It is very evident (and so very appreciated) that she cares about her patients. My monitoring experience was good. When I called the nurse line for after hours care during miscarriage, the nurse on call was incredibly nonchalant, and I actually never heard from my primary nurse during that period of recovery which was disappointing. Despite repeated attempts, Dr. D. consistently refused to answer questions specific to my case. Typically at this clinic, they see you quickly. This was great because it was the quarter of the cost of one cycle, and there were little use of extra hormones. He got us on a treatment plan and we went for it. I got to know the front desk staff so well on my last day I did say I was going to miss them. My only criticism (which honestly is slight) is that sometimes the morning monitoring hours can feel like a revolving door. And, when asking questions, I found it very helpful to have them at hand for a productive conversation. I emailed her my concerns one night at 11:45pm, and she called me back personally at 9:15am the next morning, waited patiently for me to conference in my husband, and helped us talk through our options. I never had any doubts about his knowledge and experience. During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Susan Sarajari at Dominion Fertility? Dr. D [DiMattina] was always upfront about the treatment. Ratings of 1 mean it was difficult to schedule appointments with this clinic. First 3 cycles covered by insurance. When you call the nurses, you always have to leave a message and then they will call you back. I didn't feel like I would be in good care. I interacted with multiple due to going between both Arlington and Bethesda clinic depending on where I was staying. I understand that he is, but strongly feel given the nature of this science, patients will have questions and its only professional to answer them willingly. (Assigned nurse: Holli Simon). However, they separate the blood draw from the sonogram and you are forced back into the waiting room a second time in between the two. If the egg retrievals had been during a weekend when he was not working, another doctor would have done them. Dominion Voting Systems' lawsuit argues Fox Before even contacting Leslie, I called my insurance multiple times to first get a better understanding of what was going on and to see if insurance made a mistake. Dr. Gordon is very honest and is great at explain procedures and what to expect with each procedure. I had to always initiate questions or do research online to figure out information. (Assigned nurse: Jackie (Coordinator)). We were generally in and out with about half an hour. Dominion is suing Fox News and Fox Corporation for $1.6 billion for defamation lawsuit, while Fox is trying to have the lawsuit thrown out. As someone nervous with needles, this was HUGE. We called him a few days later and recalled me back only a few minutes later. Very nice and very responsive over email, which is good for me, especially during the business hours. They were our primary point of contact with the clinic, were very responsive, and answered many of our questions. I always felt like they had my best interests in mind and they remembered things and followed upIt's a small enough clinic that you get personalized attention and people remember your name, but they're very bad at information sharing. A few of the nurses I saw for bloodwork were so kind but overall the care felt very impersonal. I guess, I wish the clinic were closer to me in southern Maryland. When we did get the information, it was a bunch of jargon that makes no sense to first time IVF patients and we couldn't get anyone to call us back to explain anything. The clinic as a whole walks you through every step of the process, so there's nothing to tell a new patient. The only thing I do think could have been better, I felt like a lot of the questions I asked were pretty standard and it would have been helpful to have the information up front. Monitoring was from 7 to 9 am. I wanted and needed someone who could show compassion but also focus on the plan and the future and that's exactly what he does. I contacted Leslie on the patient portal about requesting a refund or for her to figure things out with insurance. I called my insurance prior to see if an auth was requested. We were being forced to choose a "plan" without understanding what our options were.. Also my best friend got pregnant at Dominion Fertility. I want to switch to another provider but feel stuck. If I wasn't sure about next steps or something I was able to quickly get a response via the portal or after leaving a voicemail with the nurses. I feel that so many times, doctors' offices have rude receptionists. His reasoning is that PGS tested embryos have a higher rate of pregnancy, therefore, reducing the need for multiple embryos. I always felt like they were all just as invested as we were, hugging us both after our last appointment. She wasn't able to fully answer all of our questions and had to refer us back to Dr. Waud. I have the capacity to ask questions myself but it would be nice to not have to elicit information all the time as it should be standard of care. They have available clinic hours for weekend visits to obtain certain treatments or tests. The office is nice, a large waiting room. He talked to my husband and I throughout the transfers to explain what was going on. Every nurse was a little different. A few times it was busy (for example for people arriving the last ~20 min of the weekend AM window), but most of the time I was in and out in about 30-40 minutes. I believe Dr. D played a huge role in that. I consulted with multiple groups before undergoing fertility treatments. Wow! Natalie Sophia (who runs the donor egg program) was one of the most ethical and professional nurses I have ever met. I kept sharing with my friends and family that the entire process from the start of my cycle to the transfer was so straight forward and easy - which I did not expect it to be! She answered every single once of my many emails and questions within 24 hours. As someone nervous with needles, this was HUGE. Not to mention I left multiple VMs with no return calls. Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department. They asked what time would be best for monitoring, so they could have enough staff at peak hours, resulting in us usually be in and out within half an hour. He tells you like it is but is clearly compassionate and invested in the process with you. I discussed all of these issues with the Administrative department and hope they make these changes for future patients. Got fewer and less quality eggs; 2 transfers, no pregnancy. Each visit they asked when we usually come for monitoring, so they can be prepared for staffing at peak hours. Being poked with needles for blood draws and having sonograms every other day during follicle monitoring can be unpleasant, but the nurses remain positive and calm - and they all seem to know how to draw blood very delicately. I asked leading legal experts about the potential strength of Dominion bringing a defamation suit against the former president. I would receive a warm welcome from the team whenever I would go to the clinic it. Overall, we did spend a lot, but it wasn't nearly as much as it would have been without insurance. Ask her to go over all details of your case with a fine tooth comb, examining all contingencies, and not necessarily deciding that the simple answer is the best answer. She thought none looked indicative of an inability conceive and carry, so we were sent on our way to try on our own. Dr. Waud was really friendly, warm, and seemed truly empathetic when I experienced multiple setbacks with each retrieval or my transfer ending in a miscarriage. The clinics strengths are communication and individualized care. I appreciated that he was direct and confident in his approach and very knowledgeable. I have never had a billing issue. One thing I most appreciated about her is she gave me her phone number, and I could text and speak with her directly and immediately about any concerns. Once I asked however, the nurses and my coordinator were thorough and extremely helpful, but would have been even better to not have even needed to ask some of the generic questions in the first place. Dominion clearly cares about their patients and staff - we had a big snowstorm in DC one weekend, and they put up their staff at the hotel across the street so there'd be no chance they'd miss work! I don't like that. I had a missed miscarriage which showed itself in a monitoring ultrasound, and in retrospect I could not have been surrounded by nicer peopleWhen we were transferring to the next clinic, we requested our medical records. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs. Most monitoring appointments were fairly quick, and I was able to get to work on time afterwards. Dr. D only transfers one embryo if the embryos are PGS tested. We're still early in the process but our current plan is to do traditional IVF with our own eggs and sperm. When you call the nurses, you always have to leave a message and then they will call you back. The receptionists are very helpful and there are dedicated financial coordinators who are there to deal with all of the insurance and payment stuff. The lawsuit, which centers on the election-related falsehoods spread by Fox News stars and guests in the wake of the 2020 election, represents one of the most high The nurse always answered my emails the same day. Wait times varied greatly depending on patients that day. I would recommend that you try to allow yourself to trust that he will give you the information that you need, but if you want more details (like the size of your ovarian follicles on each visit, for example), you should ask him questions. Overall, no one was terrible nor exceptional My experience was pretty mediocre. The nurses were very quickly during this time to see all of the patients they needed to see. FILE - A headline about President Donald Trump is displayed outside Fox News studios in New York on Nov. 28, 2018. I'm so blessed to have gotten pregnant the first FET. For example, a severe error might be failing to inform a patient of critical information, while a small error might be failing to call a patient with results. The doctor's job is to simply monitor your natural cycle. His advice was that we should try a different approach after 3 times of trying this, and I agree. I want to resolve these issues before I have to go back for the transfer but clearly its going to cost me more time and energy. Solely based on my experience, I would not recommend Dominion Fertility for patients who are not strictly doing IUIs. In this situation, you can think of it the same way, but people struggle because cancer really never spontaneously cures itself whereas infertility can. It was more difficult to reach on the phone. FAQ | I like the clinic a lot. Another voting machine maker, Smartmatic USA, has made similar Dr. D is the best! 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