Its best modifier is Fabled . We need to arrange them in a practical way, so we start by taking all "white" tubes, e.g. Here is the meaning of various symbols: - L is the length of the tube - v is the speed of sound - f is the frequency Fine. Fa = 12.5 cm So thats it a basic run-down of the twelve step process for making a Pan Flute. May it serve you well! This is how I. Cut two strips of cardstock to 7 inches x 1.5 inches. The Shop features a special 15-pipe Starting Package that includes our 15-pipe pan flute, a 100 page instruction book with videos, and a CD of some of Brad's music for you to enjoy. Because for as long as I can think about, I don't seem to find a reason to give you my name. We can calculate the distance of the hole center from the open end using the same formula I've shown in previous step (see first image). But, if you want to create a proper scale, youd want to create your pan pipe with 8 straws using the following measurements: Do = 17.5 cm Take the thing you want to use to close the end and close the end. How can I find the length in centimetres and not get this: length = 345 (my local speed of sound)/ 4*440 = .196. A general purpose hand-held sander with various sandpapers ranging from at least medium to fine String. If your nose touches the open end of the C, D or E tube when you try to play a C#/Db or a D#/Eb, then raise the 2-tubes group. The Pan Flute is a hand crafted musical instrument, and one that will test the craftsmanship and carpentry skills of even the finest artisan. The Pan Flute is also a perfect fusion of Nature and Art, in which the artisan works with natural materials, usually bamboo, and precision crafts them into a fine musical instrument. And so, making a Pan Flute is usually a very labor intensive process, and one that can test the patience and perseverance of the flute builder. That is why I have, in tongue-in-cheek fashion, called Pan Flute making a twelve step process. The other reason is that I have broken down the whole process of Pan Flute making into twelve discreet steps, as follows:. Use the tape to hold the straws together. You can change the pitch by changing the length of the straw. Introduction: The Magic of the Flute | Materials | Tools It seems to me that there's no error at all. Although some precision adjustment of wall thicknesses, beyond merely skinning the outer peel or surface off of the bamboos exterior, is unavoidable in making a precision crafted Pan Flute, you want the walls to be of intermediate thickness, from 2.5 mm at the top end to 3.5 mm. Hi, I seem to be having a problem with calculating the length. Step One: Buying and Selecting the Bamboo 7. OK, if you're reading those words you want to know more. Choosing a Beginner Pan Flute The pan flute is not particularly difficult to learn. Measure Your Pipes Use the same dimensions for the straw pan tubes. As I've aforementioned, you can skip this passage if you don't want (or need) to understand the physics beyond a pan flute. or slightly heavier placed over the top of the arch to flatten it. Thick, heavy books also work well as weights. While the pipes are being trussed or weighted down, as the case may be, the gluing of reinforcement strips should be done to the inside curve for the former and the outside curve for the latter. Then the curvature or arch of the pipes is set, and the rest of framing can proceed as normal., There is a considerable degree of flexibility to which the various sub-steps of framing the pipes can be arranged, within certain limits and considerations. The first goal of the framing process is to remedy and set the correct arch or curvature of the pipes if marked or significant warping has occurred since assembly. The second goal of the framing process is to provide sufficient strength and structural reinforcement to the arch of the pipes and their curvature, so they are set. A highly recommended first step in framing the pipes is the laying down of two to three layers of epoxy and fiberglass sheets on the very bottom of the instrument; often, this alone is sufficient to set or stabilize the arch or curvature of the pipes after they have been weighted or trussed. However, the gluing of the front strip(s) in the case of a tight warping or the back strip(s) in the case of a wide warping is also recommended to set the arch or curvature even more firmly., To cut the reinforcing strips of wood for the front, back and bottom sides of the frame, I have found that taping a sheet of heavy brown paper, like from a shopping bag, to the front and/or back of the instrument and tracing the curve of the bottom of the pipes onto it, then cutting out that curve with a pair of scissors, works very well. You use the same exact curve for both the top and bottom edges of the same strip(s), with merely a wider distance between the two edges at the bottom than at the top. For example, a distance of 3 cm. Also, the note emitted depend also by how the pipe is played, and you can adjust the tone by tilting the flute or changing the way you blow on the open end. With a Dremel tool you can speed up the process, unless you prefer doing it by hand, but be aware that you will change the sandpaper bit many, many times. Make more drums. Probably the difference is due to the fact that the speed you used is slightly different from the one I used. This is how we made our straw pan flutes, although you don't have to make them exactly as we did. Step Twelve: Oiling and Finishing the Pipes A sharp knife/boxcutter. The Pan Flute is a precision instrument, and that means that the wall thicknesses of the individual pipes should be precision calibrated to be even and consistent with one another, going from a maximum wall thickness of about 3.5 mm at the bottom end of the instrument to a wall thickness of about 2.0 to 2.5 mm. Your instructable turned up in a search and after a read I realised it was what I've been chasing. If doing the 8 straw method, youll obviously need longer strips of cardboard and tape described in the steps below. How to make a pan flute How to make smoking pipes from wood Pan Pipes 60K views Instrumentos Alternativos How To Make A Homemade PVC Flute It's cable reimagined No DVR space limits. ), I keep getting very small results, like .15 for C4, and I think i'm missing something but I can't tell what. 4. Crafting Recipe History : So if you were to bend a longer pipe the same amount, the change in pitch would be greater as the frequency change would be the same BUT the fractional change would be larger. Maybe I will decorate my pan pipes in another way. In this STEM / STEAM activity, kids will make a homemade pan flute using straws! First, the single slat of the bottom pipe receives a layer of glue as it is placed onto the end of the Pan Flute Mold, with the right tilt to it. Then, the second pipe up from the bottom is firmly placed next to it, and, after placement, its uppermost slat receives a layer of glue, with the third pipe up placed firmly on the mold adjoining it. This process repeats on up the scale, until you get to the top pipe, which receives no glue of its own, but is merely adjoined to the glued upper slat of the pipe below it. The coat of glue that the uppermost slat of each pipe receives is to be moderate not too thick, and not too thin, for the best results. My preferred method of applying the glue is the old fashioned way with the fingers although you are free to try other methods of glue application. It is also pretty much essential that all the pipes be glued together in one sitting, because there is bound to be at least a little warping of pipes as the glue dries, and gluing all the pipes together in one sitting, within the space of a half an hour or so, assures that a consistent, uniform warping will occur throughout the instruments entire span. The possibility of excess or undue warping can be reduced or eliminated by a thorough and precise fitting of the slats of all adjoining pipes before assembly, so that all slat surfaces are thoroughly flush and flat to one another. Let the glue dry for at least 12 hours before proceeding further. A long straw produces a low note. Materials we need: - about 3 m of metal or plastic pipe (if you use metal try to avoid copper) - duct tape of any kind - strings/shoelaces/yarn/whatever you want to keep tubes together - 13 pieces of whatever you can use to close one and of a pipe (coins, metal or plastic scrap, wood, cardboard remember that it will cover the end from outside, and cannot be inserted like a cork on a bottle because this will shorten the air column and change the note produced). The n is the number of semitones between the note we want and the A4. I have two questions. Read More. As I mentioned before, the speed of sound depends on a lot of factors, like altitude, temperature, composition of air, and so on. A "virtual" pan flute made using those length and laying all tubes on a table is shown in the first pic. After the pipes have been oiled, and the excess oil has been thoroughly removed, the next step is to finish or paint the pipes. The purpose of painting or finishing the pipes is mainly aesthetic in nature, but it can have acoustical benefits as well. A wide variety of different finishes may be used, such as acrylic lacquer, oil finishes, polyurethane, or various kinds of varnishes, including acoustical violin varnish. I highly recommend the latter, as it not only beautifies and preserves the bamboo, but also improves the overall sound and acoustics of the pipes. Or, you may simply wax or oil the outsides of the pipes, as you have done with their interiors, or apply no paint or finish at all, preferring to go natural. A glossy finish is most recommended for the bottom frame or boot of the Pan Flute, even if the pipes themselves are left in an unfinished, natural state; one of the things I have done with the frame or boot has been to apply a very thin layer of clear epoxy glue to it, using a very thin piece of plywood as a kind of palette knife applicator for doing this. The frame or boot may also be stained to get it to be the right color, and even brown or black shoe polish can be used for this purpose. If you have good basic woodworking and craftsmanship skills, you will be able to come up with a good creative and aesthetically pleasing solution. Pan Flute tuning is a rather tricky process, and one that is not that well done by a beginner. This is especially true of the high notes, especially those that are above the d of the middle octave or register of a standard Alto Pan Flute. Beginning players generally find that the pitch of these notes is unstable, and easily sags, because they have not developed sufficient embouchure strength and support. And so, Pan Flute tuning is best done by a seasoned or advanced player. Using an electronic tuner is recommended, but it must not be relied upon exclusively use your ear as well. In the lower octave of an Alto Pan Flute, the pitch is inherently stable. In the middle register, the pitch gets somewhat less stable, tending to rise with a more forceful air stream and embouchure, and to fall with a less forceful one. And these tendencies are even stronger in the top register. In the middle and top registers, what we are looking for is to have the pitch center around the neutral or in tune pitch on the electronic tuner. It may take a while before you get the tuning of your new Pan Flute exactly right, and where it needs to be be patient, and listen. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Cryptex - 10 Steps for 110 Possibles Designs, 3D Printed Futuristic Space Age Wall Clock. take about ten straws and cut them all at a different lengths as shown if you have 10 straws than make the cuts about 1 cm difference. You should be able to find all of these items from the hardware store. When used, it empowers nearby players and the user with the Resource Consumption Chance II empowerment . Once done the first row, we need the accidentals row. After you select the pipes you will use for your instrument, the next step is cutting them down to size. The lower end of the pipe will be cut off to produce the proper length of the respective pipe, and indicated in the table of pipe lengths and bore diameters on the Pipe Sizes and Dimensions page. For most of the pipes, their lower ends will be cut off in a slanted fashion, with the long side being on the side of the pipe that is closest towards the bottom of the instrument, or the low pipes that are held firmly in the palm of the dominant hand. The low pipes should be on your right if you are right handed, and on your left if you are left handed. Since natural bamboo pipes rarely if ever grow absolutely straight, there will be the problem of how to orient the pipes correctly selecting the shortest cross sectional axis of the bore to be the front to back or audience side / players side axis, the surface of the pipe that lies directly on the Pan Flute mold should be slightly concave and not convex. If the side that lies on the Pan Flute mold should be convex, the pipe will not seat well on the mold, and will rock back and forth, leading to potential problems in the assembly process. In this STEM activity, kids will make their very own pan flutes using straws. Step-By-Step Process Step 1: Cutting The first step is to measure, mark and cut as accurately as possible. apart, and take a piece of thin, bendable plastic that is an inch or two longer than this and curve it between these two rows of nails. Your formula is length (which unit?) Honestly, I don't understand why you need to know my nameHowever, I suppose you're asking for the sources of information about the data and the formulas used. The more beeswax or other tuning material that you pack down into the bottoms of the pipes, the higher the pitch gets; conversely, the more you remove or take out, the lower the pitch gets. Tuning the pipes with beeswax actually serves a dual function; in addition to tuning the pipes to the desired pitch, it can also seal the bottoms of the pipes so that no air escapes, if this has not already been done by another method. Since sealing the bottoms of the pipes can also be done in the ninth step of framing the pipes, there can be some overlap here between the ninth and eleventh step of Pan Flute making, especially in achieving the first objective, which is sealing off the bottoms of the pipes. The tuning of a pipe generally proceeds in three stages: 1) sealing off the bottom of the pipe; 2) rough tuning of the pipe; and 3) fine tuning the pipe. I will now proceed to discuss each one of these stages and objectives in turn. A short straw produces a high note. My kids loved writing their own songs and performing them for me. and a Panflute You'll need to have in general: A drill. My idea for this item is that it slowly breaks down over time. Step 1: Materials/Setup Here are the things you'll need to make your pan flute: Approx. From this we can determine all other frequencies using the second formula (second pic, obviously). We need 13 tubes with various length, from slightly more than 15 cm to slightly less than 32. I choose to use light cardboard. (You can also make noise blowing right into the straw. I'm kinda strange guy. Can you build a pan flute with other materials, making it easier to use or hold? So we'll drill only one hole. Do you want some more directions? After assembly, if any holes or gaps between the pipes should remain, these can be filled in with glue in a kind of second gluing, but the better you fit the pipes, the less of this has to be done. All we need to do is take the frequency of the pipe, double it two times and calculate the value of L. For example, the D4 has a frequency of 293.7 Hz, so the D6 has a frequency of 1174.7 Hz. You may not take images or content from this site without written permission. This is the first EVER tutorial on making a Pan Flute by Blue Bear Flutes! Blow a steady, strong stream of air through your embouchure into one of the pan flute's tubes. It shouldn't be necessary, but it's a further warranty. Pan Flutes for beginners and professionals, hand-made and beautifully crafted. The stuff i use is around 5/8" inside diameter. Tools we need: - a saw or a tube-cutter - a measuring tape/long caliber/big printer (I will explain this later) - something to write on tubes - needle files - tuner/good ear (optional) - clear glue (optional) If you don't have one, I suggest to buy a tube-cutter: I've bought a small one, suitable for tubes from about 0.5 to 2.2 cm, and it costs me only 2 (less than 1.5 $). To optimize the space and to use only three 1 m pipes, we will cut each pipe as follow: 1st pipe: 31.69 cm + 29.91 cm + 22.41 cm + 15.84 cm (low C + C#/Db + F#/Gb + high C, about 2 mm left) 2nd pipe: 28.23 cm + 26.65 cm + 25.15 cm + 19.96 cm (D + D#/Eb + E + G#/Ab, almost nothing left) 3rd pipe: 23.74 cm + 21.15 cm + 18.84 cm + 17.78 cm + 16.79 cm (F + G + A +A#/Bb + B, less than 2 cm left) As you can see, I wrote also the note corresponding to each section. Is there any tips you can give us?Thanks,Julian, 4 years ago 8. The inner diameter should be not too big nor too small: a 1-1.5 cm of inner diameter is fine. The previous nine steps, the first three quarters of the Pan Flute making process, were the preliminary steps of putting the instrument together and getting its basic framework set and solidified. The last three steps are truly the steps that involve finishing up the instrument refining it, adjusting it, tweaking it, and otherwise preparing it to perform. These last three steps, and the sub-steps that comprise them, can actually be done pretty much concurrently, especially the first two of them, which are quite interdependent and intimately involved in adjusting and refining the Pan Flutes tuning and playing response. So, without any further ado, here they are, Step Ten: Beveling the Pipe Rims So, finding a way to open and close the tubes at wish will give us an extended range: for example, if the original range is C4-C5, the final range will be C4-C6. In my case the first C is a C4 and the last C is a C5. 1. Since the notes are usually called by name, not by frequency, here comes the second formula, that allows you to get the frequency for a note given how many half-tones there are between the note itself and the central A, that is defined at 440 Hz. Using the first formula shown in the previous step we obtain the list of length: 31.69, 29.91, 28.23, 26.65, 25.15, 23.74, 22.41, 21.15, 19.96, 18.84, 17.78, 16.79, 15.84 rounded to second decimal digit, measured in centimeters. When you find the right place, take a piece of yarn and wrap it around the ends of the first group of five of tubes (C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E). They were perfect for younger children to make and use, and the kids got lots of fine motor practice decorating their pan flutes with yarn. OK, maybe there's the need of some other explanations. We need some calculation, obviously. This whole matter of pipe beveling is not only a highly individual one; it is also quite delicate, sensitive and complex. And so, I will devote a whole article to discussing the different styles of pipe beveling, and the pros and cons of each. With this in mind, I will now proceed, quite simply and directly, to tell you how I bevel my own pipes, in a step-by-step manner: The first step in anyones pipe beveling process is to file or sand the tops of the pipes absolutely flat. This provides a straight and steady baseline from which all subsequent beveling of the pipe rims can proceed. My preferred tool for doing this is a large flat rasp or bastard file; it is possible to mechanize the process with a belt sander, but care must be taken that the pipe tops are sanded very lightly, the minimum amount necessary to flatten the tops into a level surface. After this is completed, and a satisfactory level surface is thus created, the next step is to round off the outer rims of the pipes, both on their front and back sides make them nice and round. This will create the first smooth and comfortable surface against which your lips can glide easily. The other reason for rounding off the outer edges of the pipe rims is that bamboo splinters very easily, and if this is not done as a preventive measure, splintering is very likely to occur with further filing and beveling.. So the disposition I chose is similar to that of key on a keyboard, but the accidentals (black keys) are nearest to the player and have been lowered. It rapidly releases green projectiles that accelerate in velocity over time. Instructions: Use the scissors to cut the straws so they are all different lengths. The Pan Flute is an item that would be used to attract neutral mobs to you whitout need to use grain, carrots, seeds ecc. If you hear 2 notes when you play the C, D or E tube, then lower the 2-tubes group. 2 Scour for bamboo. The frame or the boot of the Pan Flute must be made from special materials that have both the requisite flexibility to be molded to the shape of the instruments arch or curve, as well as enough strength to provide sufficient structural reinforcement. The main material to be used is wood; traditionally, Lemn de Tei, which is Linden wood or Basswood, is the wood that is used for the frame. Fortunately, Basswood is available, in the requisite 1/16 or 1/8 inch thickness, at hobby stores that sell wood for model airplanes. I have also found that 3 to 4 laminations or layers of paper thin plywood, also used for making model airplanes, also works well, and may be structurally stronger than Basswood. Another great material to use is sheets of fiberglass glued on with epoxy, which provides an extremely strong and durable first layer of reinforcement for the instrument. The end pieces for the frame are usually made from pieces of split bamboo that are of the right size and inner diameter to fit around the ends of the bottom and top pipes. And the wood is glued onto the instrument either with masking tape if the wood is more flexible, or with clamps. Layers of paper thin model airplane plywood are fully flexible for easy bending, but Basswood strips may need some steaming or moistening with hot water to soften them up., Prior to the actual affixing of the frame to the bottom of the instrument, there are a couple of preparatory sub-steps that need to be done. The first is to sculpt the bottoms of the pipes into a smooth, aesthetically pleasing curve with a half round rasp. Because bamboo tends to splinter easily, it is recommended that the outer edges of the sloping bottom rims of the pipes first be rounded off with a rasp as a safeguard against this happening before this sculpting can begin in earnest. Secondly, if there has been marked or significant warping of the curve or arch of the pipes since their initial assembly, remedial measures can be taken to correct this, and bring the curve or arch back closer to the original ideal of the Pan Flute Mold. If the arch of the pipes has warped wide or decreased in its curvature, the pipes can be trussed with a thick nylon cord and thick strips of cardboard or folded heavy paper can be wedged into the end, around the lowest pipe, until the arch is tightened sufficiently. If the arch of the pipes has warped tight or increased in its curvature beyond the ideal, the pipes can be laid upon a table or flat surface and a stone of about 5 6 pounds (2 3 kg.) Best done by a Beginner pan Flute made using those length and all... Left if you 're reading how to make a pan flute words you want to know more Flute the pan made! Length of the Flute | Materials | Tools it seems to me that there 's error. 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