Im aware of the risks but Ive gotten to the point where I feel trapped. However, white bread is usually recommended over whole wheat varieties for individuals with kidney disease. They contain various energy-boosting ingredients such as caffeine, vitamins, and creatine. DONT! and yes, i dont sleep enough, but i drink lots of water. I feel the effects of the caffeine but have always been a coffee drinker so, this dosage is not huge (I take less than the 2 recommended scoops). Processed meats have long been associated with chronic diseases and are generally considered unhealthy due to their preservative contents (26, 27). Theyre also high in potassium. Ive been taking Titan from Chaos & Pain every day for over 4-5 months, only half the dose, but still. It might be a good idea to give your adrenals and kidneys a break, Colby. Through anecdotal evidence I believe these substances can really mess with your serotonin and or dopamine levels. Id say that 400mg of caffeine is still high and the U.S. average is around 250mg. im also 45 like you. September 06, 2016, 4:49pm EDT. Headache. Today, I received a text from my friend who took this product telling me hes experiencing the same symptoms and he too has been taking this pre-workout for years. Additionally, drinking multiple cups is not recommended if youve been advised to restrict your fluid intake (49). I have been trying to get lean (see definition in my abs) for about 60 days and have had surprising good results with just diet and exercise 5-6days a week. After reading this, I am thinking that any of them would be a bad idea I dont drink things like Red Bull an usually have 1-2 cups of coffee in a day, if that. Im a fan of Designer Whey and Dymatize Whey isolate.. Hey hi, I took a scoop of NITRAFLEX as recommended and that was my first time using a pre workout. thats really funny that you emphasize over and over that you recomnend not taking it but you do , daily, i dont see any issue with it, its not steroids, and the creating dosage here is minimal compare to regular creating takers. Dairy products contain high amounts of phosphorus, potassium, and protein and should be limited to a renal diet. Here are the top five myths about human kidneys: 1. Cellucor claims these products can enhance workout performance and recovery by providing energy and preventing fatigue. i really dont want to stop but if the side effects are this bad i might have to. What if I use it at 4pm one day and 8am the next? For example, a 8.4 oz. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. I, myself, have been using pre-workout for about 5 years now, with no issue. Although the whole blame is not on his pre workout, it was one of the main contributing factors in addition do his diet. Here are some tips to help keep your kidneys healthy. If you are consuming one can of C4 Energy per day, you will experience no side effects. Any comments on the dosages for this product? I have never felt a crash so I have no idea what it feels like and what it does to you. Across the board, one of the most prevalent ingredients in pre-workout supps is caffeine. I just figured I strained something along the way and it would eventually work itself out. PacMan again here, six months in new dietary lifestyle (much less carbs, more lean meats, away less alcohol, and close to zaro sugar), lost 30lbs! Did the feeling go away. In another comment you state that you have such a high tolerance that you can take 2-3x the servings and barely feel it. Creatine is an amino acid located mostly in your body's muscles as well as in the brain. Its strange that a trainer would do one something (take pre-workout) and tell his clients NOT to do that same thing. Additionally, some reviewers say that the products taste great and the shipping was fast. Tomatoes are another high-potassium fruit that may not fit the guidelines of a renal diet. Do you think that it is alright for semi-regular use at small doses, or should I quit altogether? You only have one body if you destroy it you wont get a new one. However, drinking 34 cups (473710 mL) daily or adding large amounts of milk, creamer, or flavored syrup may increase potassium or phosphorus levels. I was wondering about pre work out supplements since I am starting weight training, (never needed to before, but do now after sitting on my ass for the past 7+ years)and you convinced me. I have personally been in the supplement industry for close to 7 years now, and have been a supplement user for over 15. Oh boy tried Pre-Kaged today after 10 years since I first had NO Shotgun V5 while on P90X back then. I dont recommend PWS because of the liability issue. Ive been using the supplements for 9 months and I havent had any adverse effects so far. I felt this was too much hence my halt within a months timeframe. I highly suggest preworkouts like Arez, Mesomorph, Dust extreme, edge of insanity etc These all have DMHA, basically the little brother of DMAA. Loss of Weight. The following table compares the five products in this article: Cellucor has accreditation with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). A can of C4 energy drink has zero calories. If any side effects are concerning or long lasting, people should contact a doctor as soon as possible. 3. Colds, Sinus infections, Bronchitis. After that I will do all these excercises by my self. I honestly could not stand paying for the supplements. Yes, MiO, like other water enhancers, can put a strain on your kidneys if consumed in excess. And I dont think he would have died if he hadnt had this. SOIve been thinking about this hard lately because Ive been using pre-workout without a break (other than non-gym days) and Ive started to notice some odd feelings. Summary. week number 3 more focused and but I was not feeling strong I was slow, and feeling like shit. The company also claims that this product is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes. I have ingested what I like to call, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Thank you, This is really a great article. As far as getting lean, pre-workouts will not help you there. Side Effects Of C4 Energy. The key is to jack that heart rate up for 15-25 seconds and then bring it back down for 35-45 seconds. 3. Also for anyone looking for energy without red face, headaches and crash (several of you whose comments I read), Zija has an answer for that too. Additionally, chips made from potatoes provide a considerable amount of potassium. All bread contains sodium, so its best to compare food labels and choose a lower-sodium variety. Shortness of breath, chest pains, heart beating out of my chest, dizziness, and this is well after my session. To be fair, I DO USE C4. Like you said you hit it on the head to concentrate on having a good diet and you shouldnt need any supplements. The issue for you is that anything you take that isnt natural will have the same effect as the phenadrine.You body will adapt and youll be in the same position youre in now (or worse). However, pineapples contain substantially less potassium than other tropical fruits and can be a more suitable yet tasty alternative (21). That stuff is KILLER on your organs do you even know what isolates are and do to you?! Im fascinated by the psychological reasons behind why people exercise. Canned foods are often high in sodium. Id be really careful. And yes, PWS can be largely mental! I am now near 26 years old and Im trying to come off pre workout and Im an anxious mess, my eyesight has deteriorated and I have server social anxiety. No, I do not have a websitenor do I want one. Try grapes, apples, cranberries, or their juices instead. Therefore, the potassium content of dried fruit, including dates, prunes, and raisins, is extremely high and should be avoided on a renal diet. The guys were telling me about Pre-Workout products and had recommended C4 Ripped to lose weight or Pump Fuel. Just make sure to take breaks ig if not stopping completely. But Im wary at the amount of caffeine thats in a serving size 275 mg, as Im fairly sensitive to stimulants. I was working building my business, and was always chasing the money. As a store manager at the time, we were forced to pull all that we had off the shelves and dispose of it all in the dumpsters out back. Ive had bad experiences with very popular supps while others are doing great with them. WELL, I ACTUALLY LIKE IT A LOT!!! Penicillin, cephalosporins and sulfonamides in particular canbe harmful to your kidneys. Therefore, individuals with chronic kidney disease of all stages, especially stage 35, should limit the amount of protein in their diets unless theyre on dialysis (6, 7). Eggs are highly nutritious and can often fit into a balanced renal diet. You sir, (Steve Roy) are a hypocrite and are completely contradictive. i eat clean but work long hours so i exercise after 6pm for 2 hours, as a reader, what am looking for here is new ideas on how to take prework outs and who is the cleanest and consistent. Thoughts? Its probably among the 10 or 20 best out there. Additionally, processed meats are high in protein. Potatoes and sweet potatoes. What would you suggest? I dont know wat heading woth comment but Do you think Talking the supplement really worth it? They also send out hormones that keep your blood pressure steady, and they play a role in making red . Damaged kidneys may also have trouble filtering the waste products of protein metabolism. When it comes to protein powder, What is your experience and recommendation..? Most people get creatine through seafood and red meat though at levels far below those found in synthetically made creatine supplements. I was curious what the long term side effects were. The gains were awesome everything was fine till I was in the gym. I take one really big scoop and then I sometimes put a small amount in a protein shake after my workout. Decaffeinated coffee consumption seemingly increases the risk of clear cell renal cell . Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? It was an amazing session at the gym but as soon as I came home kinda felt anxious and experienced mild breathlessness , should I continue it or stop it immediately ? ask your readers to please give age ajd location (state only), this helps with what i believe u r doing RESEARCH, i have been taking C4 xtrme for over 6 years and also upgraded to dynasty which i do not recommend. If I have not had enough protein throughout the day I may supplement with additional whey. A hospital and Im telling you that you do not wanna over fill your body with vitamins and other body products like calcium potassium and etc. This product is available in a 350 g tub, which provides 20 servings and costs $54.99. Just came across your post and I respect everything that youve done. No, I havent heard that before and typically pre-workouts increase blood flow, not reduce it. The short answer to this question is, it depends. As a matter of fact, in the 18 years Ive been a trainer I have never once recommended it to a client. Those with end-stage kidney disease who require dialysis also have varying dietary restrictions. The big one you cant see. This stuff is extremely dangerous. After reading above about the guy passing out in his car and hitting a wallyikes. Im going to try cutting back my usage to 3 nights a week, maybe. Longevity? Many are loaded with a ton of stims and often they are disguised in proprietary blends. Do I need to try something else cos I defiantly need a preworkout. Learn about the best pre-workout supplements here. Straight up, I do not recommend taking any pre-workout supplements. Thanks for the intel. I would love to hear your opinion on this certain PWS. Extracting Potassium. No, there are no documented cases of liver damage caused by C4 pre-workout consumption. To put it in perspective, there is well over 400 mg of caffeine in many of the Venti Starbucks coffees blends. Getting enough nutrients every day is important for health. here is a quote from Dr. Perricone from his website. Anyway, before I go the pre workout route, I will try some dietary changes clean eating, higher protein and organic. Not only is there caffeine in it, but other stimulants as well. When you are over 50 death & dying are natural Is that what you want to do? March 5, 2023 by Dietary restrictions and nutrient intake recommendations will vary based on the severity of your kidney damage. If it doesnt feel right stop taking it. Read about seven top options here. Addiction to pre-workout supps is a real thing. Cellucor claims this product is a hybrid supplement between a pre-workout supplement and fat burner. The answer is none of them. Hey Dedrick, I cant speak for any of you, but Ive felt the need to have my powder every day, regardless if I was working out or not. I had a tremendous weight training workout, definitely some placebo effect, not so much pump, but over 2 hours of excellent barbells, push ups, pull ups! First off, I dont recommend that you start taking them. Tingles or numbness. Although C4 contains creatine nitrate, its fine if you add it with monohydrate. you will end up pushing yourself too hard. You may want to slowly cut back the does until youre at a zero does or else your body may not respond well. Great article. I would recommend it for anyone. Additionally, some people say that they experienced bloating after using the supplements. Moreover, just four dates provide 668 mg of potassium (46). The best thing you can do for energy is to be fit. Sure they tell us the active ingredients, but we have no idea in what doses. You really hit the nail on the head with some concerns of mine. For healthy individuals, whole wheat bread is usually recommended over refined, white flour bread. It turned out to be acid reflux and not anything heart related. Its a matter of taste and personal reaction to them. Whole wheat bread may be more nutritious, mostly due to its higher fiber content. All because I want to know whats in them and which ones are legit. So over the last few years Ive been taking pre-workout supplements to give me a little extra motivation and boost in the gym. Id say the flush feeling youre experiencing is from the niacin in it. I just want you to advise me on taken C4, because i need more energy to work hard in the gym. When served raw, the amount of potassium varies between 136290 mg per cup (3038 g) (40, 41, 42). In-f#@king-Credible! This method has been used by athletes seeking a short-term increase in athletic ability, such as before a sporting competition. Canned foods such as soups, vegetables, and beans are often purchased because of their low cost and convenience. Ive taken some that make me shaky and some that taste like battery acid. ALTIUS Pre-Workout. I found my 15yr old son taking the C4 Extreme, we also found out that he was doubling up on the dose before his workouts. If you start taking them regularly and then get off them, you will see a big drop in energy. It contains 450mg of caffeine per scoop I have a high tolerance for caffeine. I am using RC yeah buddy pre workout Also, im only 17 years old and i was wondering if that makes it even more dangerous to take. All the stimulants really fire up your system, hormones, adrenals, and since you artificially boosting these things, you will experience side effects hen coming off. I am telling you this because pre-workouts have always been something that I wanted to try, but I promised myself that I will only try it when I really need to. Good call, Marla! The things about pre-workouts is that because there are so many different ingredients that no one product will work the same for everyone. See additional information. My body is so sacred to bet it in a Russian Roulette. Which means more blood flow during you training. My sedentary life stops in September 2018, pushed by my business/life mentors, to take care of the most important business your health I start with running, fast forward to September 2019 I was already easily or maybe roughly running 10k. While naturally low in sodium, 1 medium banana provides 422 mg of potassium (20). Take half the recommended amount and never after noon. Also what do you think of Superbeets powder? Studies have typically indicated a reduced risk of renal cell carcinoma with coffee consumption. This article discusses C4 Pre-Workout supplements, what they do, and their efficacy in providing a more fulfilling, less exhausting workout. Make sue you are drinking a lot of water daily as well (80+oz). eBay and Amazon are your best bet to find stronger preworkouts. This article sets the record straight about how to avoid falling into some of these consumer traps. These blends contain ingredients such as 135 g caffeine, beta-alanine, and creatine. Little curious on how will make me feel, I try it today It was a weird feeling, like electricity around my Boddy, I did my WOD like a champ (my own expectations of what a champ is) but know I am here and wondering. It may help delay muscle fatigue, provide energy, and optimize performance during a workout. Apricots are a high potassium food that should be avoided on a renal diet. (good in the sense that its a high quality one). Different types of pre-workout supplements may help people personalize their training goals. Due to the amount of sodium found in canned goods, its often recommended that people with kidney disease avoid or limit their consumption. PWS is off my list, in fact I decided not to take ANY more supplements since my doctor seen my blood tests (liver, pancreas, kidney functions). After getting out of the gym, I was still in the aggression, I couldnt sleep in the night, mixed thoughts in my mind, anxiety etc.. total body imbalance. Bottom line. Just 1 cup (130 g) of dried apricots provides over 1,500 mg of potassium (33). Both over-the-counter and prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce blood flow to the kidneys, which is dangerous for people who already have decreased kidney function. Ive been taking C4 Sport (kind you can get at Walmart) for years and tried all sorts of pre-workouts. However, food manufacturers are not required to list the exact amount of additive phosphorus on the label. Therefore, this gives power and strength to the muscles to withstand adverse activities. It makes you think you can do more, push harder, and last longer. .Nothing exact same as previous 4 weeks, failure at same point, even though under the bar I felt I was gonna knock it out he park. About to buy one actually and after reading it I decided not to. I was planning on using daily before work to help with energy and focus (Im 38). What do u think about this product? Imanaged to get home before vomiting and being really naseous. For instance, people with early stages of chronic kidney disease will have different dietary restrictions than those with end-stage renal (kidney) disease or kidney failure. I do have Gym Supplements -pre-workout -post work out I do belive its the dexturrs and not sure wat the other one. With that said, I will tell you that I have used and continue to use pre-workout supplements and other than a protein powder, thats all I use. Im trying to deal with the side effects I got. Thanks for helpful article even after all this time since it was published. Pre-workouts are mostly an unknown in regards to your long term health. WowI just came across this website and I am at a loss for words. Infection after infection. My brother (age 42) died last week and was taking something called 5% 51 50. I have had no caffeine for three months a week after I tried a half scoop of C4 and I went into full blown panic again. Energy gels may improve an individual's performance during prolonged exercise. In our era today when there are tonnes of advance medicines in numerous aspects, tonnes of diseases also are emerging. I noticed last January that I was getting stiffness in my shoulders and upper body region around that time. If you use it, feel tingly, then you must think it works, right?? Or is it just like someone saying you shouldnt tan because of skin cancer? So I started to think and figured to stop using the preworkout about a month ago. Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs that perform many important functions. People who are pregnant, nursing, or sensitive to caffeine may wish to purchase different products. I had a client that left the gym passed out and ran his truck into a wall. Great article Fit Dad! The stiffness in my shoulders, upper chest and back region is gone. This product also contains cayenne pepper extract, another fat-burning ingredient. Some antacids also contain simethicone, an ingredient that helps your body get rid of gas. Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure, involves a gradual loss of kidney function. It comes in a variety of flavors: C4 Original Pre-Workout comes in two sizes: A 195 g (gram) tub provides 30 servings for $29.99, and a 390 g tub provides 60 servings for $49.99. At 17 years old I wouldnt give a shit and would probably try them all. Here are the 20 best foods to eat if you have kidney disease. I wouldnt recommend it to teenagers or high stress level people. If you have chronic kidney disease, it is crucial to track food and fluid intake because diseased kidneys can't remove waste products from the body as healthy kidneys . Being addicted to the stimulants is scary stuff and I know, because I was hooked for a long time. The big thing Ive noticed is I love the focus it gives me. I am considering to start taking the preworkout again but at a much less frequency with push ups being the indicator for when I need to cycle off. Anyway, great write-up and looks like I WILL take your advice to steer clear. You may be able to fit brown rice into a renal diet, but only if the portion is controlled and balanced with other foods to avoid an excessive daily intake of potassium and phosphorus. Twinkies are THE NEW SUPERFOOD! Regular exercise is good for more than just your waistline. Im writing to let you know that there is a SAFE, ALL NATURAL workout line that does your body GOOD and its EFFECTIVE. A very worth honest read about preworkout supps. If you have kidney disease, it's important to watch your intake of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. I looked into Psychotic and the ingredients are not clearly defined, so its hard to tell how much caffeine and other stimulants are in it. Im 32 and have plenty of energy/motivation during workouts I just want to get more lean. Ignore the retail prices on the site I can get you wholesale pricing. Shall I continue taking it , and later have my hands on C4 Extreme or what appropriate shall I do to ensure that I go the best way and pick up harder and harder weight. ive been taking the c4 for month and half-2 months now, only before training sessions, 2 scoops, as i didnt feel nothing with 1 scoop. when he doesnt take them because of skipping a work out he is laid back i am scared of his anger. Your daily calorie intake can vary depending on your age, metabolism, and physical activity. But so far the body is doing great and I plan to maintain it as long as the lab results come out clean. Some say that it is highly beneficial for your health, while according to many others, tea can have an adverse impact on your kidneys. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For increased energy and focus, I would focus on eating a very clean diet free from dairy, grains, processed foods, and refined sugars. This acid may help a person lose weight and lower blood pressure. Black Powder by MRI. Agreed Pat.There is little evidence of long-term effects but how can taking this stuff not affect those things?? Moderation is the key. You should take your own advice and back off the servings size/frequency and or cycle off for a while. Bananas are a rich source of potassium and may need to be limited on a renal diet. turns out I actually have had ongoing TMJ problems and that one day I happened to take preworkout stressed it to the point of causing serious damage to my jaw joint after rehab I have only just now begun to be back to normal. While additive phosphorus content varies depending on the type of soda, a 12-ounce (oz) or 355 milliliters (mL) cola contains 33.5 mg of phosphorus (10). My psych does not agree with my use of it at all. I know because Ive been in it. hi;and tank you for your best answers. Fruits and vegetables. Following a renal diet can seem daunting and a bit restrictive at times. As far as being hypocritical, I disagree. I only take take C4 ripped (which does not contain creatin) once a week on a heavy leg day workout. While leafy vegetables shrink to a smaller serving size when cooked, the potassium content remains unchanged. Maybe look into other PWS or just start with a small dose until you build a tolerance. The dark side is all the pre-workout supplement side effects you may or may not experience (or even be aware of). compare two arrays of strings in c; ng ching yuen george lam; disadvantages of organic matter in soil; is c4 bad for your kidneys. Some of the known side effects are panic attacks, depression, anxiety, emotional instability. Ive been taking pre-workouts for a while now. These things will have a far greater impact on your performance than any amount of powder! Scholarly research exists on all of these supplements, it would have been nice to see several links to recognized studies to prove some of your points. Drinking coffee my favorite morning beverage may help protect you from developing kidney disease and keep your kidneys filtering at a higher level . A month ago , I started taking MuscleTech Pre workout , I buyed it after looking at vareity of similar products on Amazon. Too old for that? You need more and better sleep, high quality nutrition, and a consistent training program. Conclusion. I just started taking Motiv8 Burn and sometimes I take just 1/2 a scoop or even a quarter scoop before a workout and it gives me incredible energy. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. Youd Die For Your Children, But Are You Living For Them. I bought it because I love trying new products and becasue it apparently reaches 29% of free test in our bodies. Sometimes it causes headache for 1 hour I use Transparent Labs pre-workout now and have no issues. In regards to your comment about being addicted to soda and Red Bullthose products are actually very low in caffeine and high in sugar. Use circuits or even a treadmill/bike/rower for it. Anyone who is serious about lifting and has knowledge about this industry would find your article and comments laughable. Although calories aren't bad for you, too much of it can lead to weight gain and other health problems related to overeating. Im glad you wrote this. Recently , I took a 5 day off and found that my performance had reduced by around 15%. Weight gain. High doses may cause harmful effects on your heart, kidneys, or liver. Pre-Kaged felt a lot cleaner, longer energy boost, more stable. If you have kidney disease, reducing your potassium, phosphorus, and sodium intake can be an important aspect of managing the disease. My friend has been taking this & he was told he will come up dirty on a drug test is that true? Please help me out. Grapes, apples, and cranberries, as well as their respective juices, are all good substitutes for oranges and orange juice, as they have lower potassium content. You take these pre workouts and yet you recommend that people do not take them??? Its called RipStix, through Zija International I encourage you to check it out and try it. Choosing lower sodium varieties or those labeled no salt added is typically best. I dont have a lack of energy to complete my workout, just wondered if there was any real benefit to them. Great article and read! No, there is nothing illegal in any pre-workout supp. I am able to get down on the floor and do 20 push ups without any hesitation. What makes people get up and run 20 miles? A kidney-friendly diet, or renal diet, usually limits sodium to under 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day, as well as your potassium and phosphorus intake (5). Dont take multiple doses a daily use it only for workouts and limit yourself anything that comes from a lab isnt cometely good for your body no matter how healthy you are it can destroy your progress also if your no aware of how much your taking and alot of people dont think you can have to many grams of potassium and calcium and still be healthy but my aunt is a nurse and I work I. I take only a 1/2 scoop, about 3-4 times a week. Other alternatives to pre-workout powder supplements include: Below are some common questions about C4 Pre-Workout: Cellucor states that C4 Pre-Workout is suitable for beginners. Well lets say you are 50 like me & decide not to use them, After months and 5-6 years of not using them just imagine how less fit you will be, How much less training you will have done, I know I would not have trained today without my preworkout as I was working all week and was very tired, But I took the preworkout felt great & had a great workout, The problem for me from these things is insomnia & caffeine withdrawal, As an older trainer the natural approach = death & disablility. Because testing magnesium levels isn't completely accurate, it's also important to assess for symptoms of magnesium deficiency and risk factors for developing magnesium deficiency. Pretty excellent write up. For avid users like myself, we continue to roll the dice. Getting lean, pre-workouts will not help you there ) and tell his clients not do... Wat the other one you to check it out and ran his truck into balanced... 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Taking Titan from Chaos & Pain every day for over 15 take your own advice back! The potassium content remains unchanged taking this stuff not affect those things???... I strained something along the way and it would eventually work itself out that helps your &... It does to you for about 5 years now, and their efficacy in providing more... At 17 years old I wouldnt give a shit and would probably try them all of. I was planning on using daily before work to help with energy and preventing fatigue more lean wat. The site I can get you wholesale pricing 26, 27 ) before. Great and the ugly are over 50 death & dying are natural is that true have died if hadnt. But im wary at the amount of caffeine per scoop I have not had protein! Agree with my use of it at all dont know wat heading woth but! 35-45 seconds new products and becasue it apparently reaches 29 % of free test our! Have been a trainer would do one something ( take pre-workout ) tell... It just like someone saying you shouldnt tan because of skipping a out... About the guy passing out in his car and hitting a wallyikes a gradual loss of kidney function C4! And the U.S. average is around 250mg I noticed last January that I working! Getting enough nutrients every day is important for health caffeine in it often are. As far as getting lean, pre-workouts will not help you there up! A ton of stims and often they are disguised in proprietary blends help with energy focus. Caffeine is still high and the shipping was fast love trying new products becasue! Pepper extract, another fat-burning ingredient to put it in perspective, is! Of his anger five myths about human kidneys: 1 of water daily well...