The second color didn't show up until last year. Thanks again for a humorous, well-informed post. If you could train a groundhogs to eat what you don't want, now that I'm all for! Of your list only mint and Virginia creeper are a problem for me. I also have traveled across the country so much that I have This goes to show that what one person considers to be an obvious solution is impossible for others to implement. Birds do not like anything at the bottom of the feeder, not even flowers. I dont understand?! Any plant that resembles a Dandelion in full seed is probably not a good idea. I do believe I have everything growing in my yard, however I However, if those other plants aren't super established, it might take over. This way, they dont get overly bushy. Those are my pains in the garden. I've practically killed myself in this yard and I want someone to continue to love it. You are right. I will make sure to do that when I write a follow up article. Did I miss anything? Tons of blooms. What a fabulous example of using a plant to your advantage! Spa like..check This plant ranges in size from 12 inches tall to 24 inches tall. I also have the yarrow, but it's not over taking it's spot. My concern about the advice here is that many people will be discouraged to try incorporating stunning perennials that may or may not be invasive in their soil/climate. Runners underground shoot up new plants all over the yard. After a two year wait. The entire 3 months of summery weather. (Even if it made the list.) Hi Kristin, this was great - but I think #2 photo is actually of the beautiful Japanese anemone 'Honorine Jobert', which in my zone 5 is a treasured perennial, not invasive at all. We finally put bricks around the feeders and filled in between them with a concrete filler. Just dont. This is click-worthy, but a negative message overall. Our horror story was IVY! We ended up having to clear about 2 acres of dead trees and fallen trees. The seeds get into gutters and streets, wash out to streams and rivers, sprout EVERYWHERE in the wild areas and crowd out native vegetation. I also live in a place with generally fertile soil, so that might also be why some things run wild here that don't do as well in your zone even if it's warmer. I couldn't help but laugh at your list. Cutting off the spent flowers would take hours. May be a noxious weed or invasive. Lucky you. My biggest mistake was planting "obedient", a very pretty plant, named because once cut, you can bend the stems as you wish in a vase arrangement. Creeping Jenny on CLEARANCE. The original 2 plants I put in my garden are long gone but I constantly find new plants yards away from the original spots. The standard purple Violet can be super invasive. They love it. From zone 5 Denver. Bunch by bunch! I like this kind of article; I look for plants people consider invasive because I have a lot of trouble growing things where I am(zone 5 cleared woodland, very rocky poor soil). Hi Kristen! I like it and I've received compliments from a few of my neighbors! No mention of clematis or spiderwort. The little nursery pot looks harmless, but it is super super invasive. Besides bindweed, I have a problem with the neighbors five cats using my garden as their bathroom. It has dainty looking pink flowers, about medium size. They pull out fairly easily. You can put some big pots in the area if it looks bare. . Cut Flowers$100 Cut Flower Garden Update Pulling them out is not the answer.those roots are already traveling!! Be warned, Never plant this beauty! My garden has been on garden tours and I can't agree with you more about some of the plants on your list. Hated by experienced gardeners everywhere, its best to confine this one to a pot if you can. Ivy is the worst thing to plant near a tree or a building. "Canada" goldenrod. It has been 4 years now and it is still only about 9' at it's longest runner and very sparse. I think it's useful to know if plants will invade your garden, no matter how pretty they are. It needs regular water in the summer. I weed it out many places and just let it grow in a few. Tarmac everything. 4 - 9. And so on. So, while pollinating the flowers of your catmint, bees could displace some seeds and spread them around your garden where they'll grow. I bought my current house a couple years ago and and left behind a lot of the problem plants when I moved. Nothing like Spiraea which creates ~100 plants each year. I bought my first home and planted my first garden this summer. This blogger was not influencing anyone. Mine is like a tree now. Your email address will not be published. It's a shame to "weed out" these beautiful flowers b/c they can't be "controlled" you groom your lawns and gardens to look Home&Garden Perfectsurreal? One little root planted take over an entire yard the next year. I actually don't have all of these in my yard, just a lot of ferns and bellflower (which I'd be super happy to share!!). But you have a MUCH colder climate and this Fascinates me! We've tried! I live in Los Angeles along the coast. Just found your site, I look forward to having a good look around! I cite most ornamental grasses in that category that have destroyed some of our wetlands or bogs, displacing bull rushes, etc eliminating nesting sites for many birds. When it rains, it floods. It is quite invasive and has thick finger type suckers that adhere to walls, brick, anything and have to be scraped off. twist it off. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. One gardeners weed is another gardeners favourite flower. Flocks have taken over my beds. I was thinking they would be so pretty, but also wasn't aware they are TOXIC to pets. Beauty in the eyes of the beholder. Azaleas and rhododendron grow great under pinesblueberries and raspberries too though the raspberries can take off if you arent careful toonot hard to research on pinterest in the search lineacid loving shade plants. That seems to keep them under control. Used underneath flowering shrubs or specimen plants, they can be quite lovely and reduce the need for weeding and mulching. I just can't convince any of my neighbors that this is a good thing. Who cares what the neighbours think, I bet its beautiful!! Brimming over with royal blue flowers from late spring to early fall, this charming dwarf variety is just the right stature for edging flower beds and walkways or for use as a long-blooming groundcover. I love sharing bouquets of daisies, irises, roses and day lilies with friends, and some of the plants such as clover and dandelion are pollinators for bees. Catmint is low maintenance and attracts butterflies and does not migrate the way Russian sage does. Avoid it. I spent the last 7 weeks repotting plants into BIGGER pots. She in no way even suggests shes an educated expert. If a plant has mint in its name, chances are it's super invasive. The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova. I have found websites with info for growing raspberries and containing them, but unless one is crazy about them, after my experience, I would advise people against them. Next thing I knew it was growing next to my pool. Faassen's catmint Faassen's catmint (Nepeta X faassenii) is the most commonly grown species. You nailed it! Another plant I'm looking for, for the same reason, is money plant. Thriving in harsh conditions, this durable, rabbit and deer resistant perennial plant is an indispensable for use in xeriscapes. I don't know what zone I'm in, but I'm near the Capitol of NC. From spring (after the last threat of frost has passed) through early fall. Nepeta. Can also be used as a substitute for lavender, since they share a similar color palette. What you show as 'fern' is I believe bracken, not a fern at all. ), ferns, raspberries, etc to go wild. I'm definitely learning that these perennials don't behave the same in all locations. The perennial "Canada" thistle, though, is another matter. Catnip vs. Catmint . It has slightly aromatic gray-green foliage with a delicate, lacy appearance. It can become invasive. I also love hearing what is a problem in other zones than I live in--it helps me be a better writer on this blog and be more sensitive to what might or might not work for all my readers. It gives "bad" animals a place to hide. FREE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: Plants, Design Ideas, Gardening Solutions & More! Fascinating ! Mom told me not to take some from her garden because they spread everywhere. All of them are invasive in our climate. Oh, and the butterflies that feed on my morning glories that climb my chicken pen are such a pleasure to watch. Oh no, that's sound terrible!! I would also add ivy to this list. lily of the valley, mint, oregano, vinca major, raspberries, holllyhocks. The more I pull them up, the faster they spread. Step away from the garden! Im In Zone 3 Alberta and trying to plant a really steep hill. The anemone in the picture is Japanese anemone, often sold as a hybrid ("Honorine Jobert"). I bought a house where mint was planted in the ground. Found it on Pinterest. I don't want to use herbicides in my compost-only fertilized vegetable garden. When I do a second post on the subject, I'll have to include that trick in there. No to mulch. Nepeta racemosa, commonly called catmint, is Native to the Caucusus and northern Iran. Goutweed is everywhere where I live. That's incredible! At one time had them all over my yard. I would plant them in a heartbeat!!! I LOVED my Chinese Lanterns, but they slowly took over my lawn. I suspect some of my nuisance plants wouldnt even grow in your zone. Didn't know they spread. Any advice on clematis, versus hollyhock versus morning gloy against a retaining wall? This beautiful herb is so aggressive it will grow in gravel. Under my deck, in my driveway and completely taken over the 3x8 flower bed. I was shocked. It was wandering everywhere, including into the two neighbouring yards. I hve no dirt because of the swimming pool. All of the biennial types are very beneficial for wildlife. While "catnip" is the most famous type of catmint plant, there are numerous other kinds. Also, a terrible groundcover called adjuga - I think thats how its spelled - anyway, it will get away from you if left unattended and its so ugly its not even worth it! This should only be used where it is not an issue to contaminate the soil. Are you sure that the "Campanula" you have pictured isn't Adenophora, sometimes called False Campanula. I never regretted planting any of these plants. I'll be sure to include it in my follow up article this spring. Noted for its neat and tidy habit, Nepeta faassenii 'Purrsian Blue' (Catmint) is a compact herbaceous perennial forming a dense, rounded clump of small, aromatic, gray-green leaves all season long. I even cut it back in June to try to keep it at a decent height, but it does what it wants.. its crowded everything out. posting! Personally, I think temperature, soil obviously - (I have heavy wet clay most areas or thin soil over bedrock) and a preference to what kind of garden you want, are the major criteria. Finally, no more sprouting seeds. I just don't know what it's called. A very hoity toity landscaping firm planted it my front garden bed as a flowering plant. It pretty quickly became a bush, then a very unruly, woody shrub.. it is too big, with its unattractive, twisty woody parts, for the front of the garden. It is very bright and cheery but definitely needs work to contain. So I need to put them somewhere outside of the yard. Asked several experts and tried it all ugh Best thing to control chives, in addition to container planting, remove ALL the pretty purple flowers before they go to seed. But I live in the city so.. no gun. I'm so glad you found it helpful! While mint invading your garden is a nuisance, its is not so terrible if it invades your lawn unless youre married to the idea of a one-species lawn(not the most environmentally-friendly idea). Thanks! In the purple color spectrum, try pairing catmint with Purple Ruffles basil, drumstick alliums and purple coral bells, such as Heuchera Dolce 'Wildberry'. Roundup does not slow it down and I am Zone 5 so cold winters do not stop either plant. Pretty pink flowers very fragile looking. And the old fashioned orange daylilly but I plant those on a hill well away from my garden and let them run wild into the woods. We live in middle Georgia so they have great growing weather. Preemergents is brilliant! You forgot horseradish. (I'm not being sarcastic.) Is catmint edible? This has been a 10 year project and I figure within 10 years our forest will finally be ivy free and healthy. Dont plant Ivy! They were the start of a butterfly garden and bird haven. They are beautiful but a small 4-5 planting this summer soon becomes 20-25 the next and then you've blinked and that 3rd year they are ALL over the place. I immediately asked management if I could plant a garden as I was use to having a pretty garden at my hone. However, some plants that seem innocent take over the garden and quickly spiral out of control. As you mention in this interesting article, one of the facts that you point out, is the fast and tenasious widespreading of some of this plants. It has beautiful foliage, pink and white with green stripes. I had no clue that irises only last for about two days. Sadly I have a terrible problem with daylillies. From 1 plant. Some in a raised bed and also pots. Yes, they are pretty, but theyll be out of control within 3 years. Photo by: John Richmond / Alamy Stock Photo. . There really should be tighter regulations. Gardeners can learn lots of things through your blog. They make great gifts/sharing.and my "invasive" flowers weed much easier than the real "weeds" Hi, I loved your article. In my butterfly bushes, my lilies. Any new gardener that plants any of these plants will soon hate gardening. Lived on 1 1/2 acres when I first bought it. I have mint in parts of my lawn and quite frankly, I love it.? Beautiful flowers but the vine is impossible to keep under control. Should the bottom be cut out to allow for drainage and to allow for root developement? The reality is that too many people are focused on the beauty of the plant and not how it cooperates in its setting. When I discovered it on our property I didn't know what it was, it is attractive. I moved away from the Trumpet vine but still have trouble with Morning Glory,this plant was at my new place so the fight goes on. Yes I have had trouble with most of these invasive plants listed. Hmm.I'm in zone 6 Michigan and wondered why I have so many beautiful orange day lilies opening up! Talk about work to get rid of. Haha Ive tried to grow nearly everything on your list and most have died. It is the bane of my existence!! Congratulations on going viral :) The comments were great to read also -except for the few naysayers & you handled yourself well! Besides, theyre fairly well behaved and the foliage makes a nice backdrop for annuals. It's easy to hand pull, but I can think of 1000 things I'd rather do! Yes, irises are also short lived, but I really like the deep purple color of my tall Siberian iris. Various shades of lavender-blue, pink, violet, or white, often enhanced by darker calyces. all three of them are terribly invasive and hard as all get out to get rid of though. I'm in zone 4, so growing season is short; I assume that's part of it, but it is odd how plants perform in different neighborhoods even. It was slow to cover but 2 nd year we sprayed the Tunnel it was forming with water on hot air conditioning needed. Japanese knotweed --invasive in zones 5b-6a Detroit MI (no I didn't plant it.) I cut out the bottom and dig that bottomless bucket into the flower bed. 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