To "renew their strength."1. The result will be as it is figuratively expressed: We shall mount up; we shall run; we shall walk.I. The word does not say anything about the rate at which they go, and is used of the flight of the arrow through the air, or of the way of the ship driven before the wind, or of the gait of a swift-footed animal, or of the ordinary pace of man. We are not always faint. Other images are used; those of the runner in the stadium, and the wrestler in the arena; but it is always on the walking that stress is laid. )Strength helping weaknessF. For one to wait upon another implies inferiority, and a desire of protection and assistance. And all our waiting upon God will depend upon one thing the knowledge that we have of Him. This is the mainspring of all spiritual exercises. The contrast is between human weakness and God's strength. You see the eagle mounting up by a power that God has given it. If you want the flash of a new inspiration the man of God will receive it; if you want swift progress the man of God is equal to it; if you want steady perseverance you shall find it in the man of God also. For the old, for the young, for the sick and infirm, and even for such as may be tottering into the grave, he writes for them, and all he says is true and needful for their case. So in religion there often is observed an unnatural energy and enthusiastic vehemence. (b)But a little time, and much time lost already. The justified believer derives strength to advance to closest fellowship with God from the hope that he may meet Him in likeness of character.4. Child of God, that is to be your position. There is the soaring Godward, and there is the common drudgery of daily walk and conversation, the practical common life.(T. 31. 3. To one who thus heroically soars towards God and His light, the things of time and earth seem trivial and contemptible. This large world, the spiritual, into which Isaiah has ushered us, includes all worlds, for it is as limitless as its Ruler. This leads us to notice the three degrees of moral and spiritual activity presented to us in the figurative language of the prophet:. One of the oldest and best tried rules of religion is THE SACRED DUTY OF COMMUNION WITH GOD. 4. Good men have done wonders when their strength has been renewed.III. The Divine Spirit comes into the hearts of men in ways that are inexplicable to the lower understanding, and that, therefore, men who are on the lower plane of life do not comprehend. The whole world is God's; the heaven, even the heaven of heavens are the Lord's and he reigneth among the children of men. )The renewed of strengthJ. Thank God, too, for the running stage. Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Secret of Immortal Youth'Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. Watchfulness is implied in waiting upon the Lord. But whatever is done for right is done for God and endures eternally.3. A. The quotation of Is. A change from one kind of strength to another. "My peace I give unto you," that is the legacy. These are all comprehended in one expression, "waiting on the Lord."III. When the body is debilitated and needs to be strengthened, they spare no pains or expense to recover impaired health. And his incomparableness26. Over 15% of the population in the United States has one or more auto-immune diseases. The word does not say anything about the rate at which they go, and is used of the flight of the arrow through the air, or of the way of the ship driven before the wind, or of the gait of a swift-footed animal, or of the ordinary pace of man. Hast thou not known? Other images are used; those of the runner in the stadium, and the wrestler in the arena; but it is always on the walking that stress is laid. 9. The affections are strengthened by holy exercises on right objects.3. It is the posture of expectancy for every blessing of which we stand in need, temporal and spiritual.II. We like a little bit of excitement or emotion. It is in the period of youth that we have our ambitious dreams, and take our higher flights. L. Wiseman, B. "A deathbed is a detector of the heart." This implies the recognition of God as the supreme Arbiter and Disposer of all human events. And who did it? Who, of all men who ever lived upon the earth, was the One who had the sorrow of the world nearest to His heart? That increased communications of Divine grace shall be made to them.III. In religious experience youth is the time of wings. One part was taken on by the engine to the higher end of the platform, the other and hinder remained where it was. 5 Then at thy feet Isaac WattsHymns and Spiritual Songs, At RestGerhard Ter Steegen Is. They could not suggest to the prophet his religious thought, but his inspired genius laid them under tribute to assist the utterance of a thought of higher inspiration. A. There, throughout, we find the Divine life in man described as a "walk." The Bible speaks about waiting patiently, and also about waiting quietly. This large world, the spiritual, into which Isaiah has ushered us, includes all worlds, for it is as limitless as its Ruler. xl. Then I repaired to one of the tonic springs and "waited" on its bubbling waters, trusting them and taking them into my system. Here is a Christian, bewildered, not quite knowing why he has so perpetually failed. To speak of a man as able to strengthen himself, so as to dispense with Divine aid, is as unreasonable as it is unscriptural As well might you talk of a leafless tree clothing itself with verdure without the vernal sun as well of an enfeebled body recovering tone and energy without the reviving air of heaven. (Andrew Murray. Maybe in revolutions and bloodshed, for the wheels of God grind inexorably and small. Energy properly appertains to the will; indeed, it is nothing else but strong will; and where this exists there will be active exertion. T. Harwood.God: I. 1, 2), the words occur which are quoted by St. Matthew and St. Mark (Is. My soul! Get a renewing of this spiritual strength day by day.(T. Holy gratitude is a wing that will bear the soul aloft to its Benefactor.2. This is not genuine strength, but real disease. It seemed useless to pray further. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.' Indeed I think we poor walkers sometimes make the most progress, for we lean more entirely on God and draw more constant supplies of His grace.(C. "So I saw in my dream that he went from running to going, and from going to scrambling on his hands and knees, because of the steepness of the place." He has powers adapted to this exercise powers with which he can glorify his Maker; and he must not point those eagle faculties to the dust, but let them take wing and rise. The words all comfort admit of no limitation and no deductions; and one would suppose that, Hannah Whitall SmithThe God of All ComfortAppendix xi. again, i would like to welcome all you who are joining us for the first time today in our sunday service celebration. The world expects it of me; Christ demands it of me. (b)But a little time, and much time lost already. )Waiting upon GodAndrew Murray.One brother in the ministry asked me, "Is there not a danger of too great passivity?" The one verse says, 'He is strong in power'; the other, 'He giveth Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureO Thou that Bringest Good Tidings'O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain: O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!' If a number of ships of war were sent out to sea, and were ready to start at any moment, and if the question were asked, what are they waiting for?, the answer would likely be one of two things: either that they were waiting for supplies, or waiting for orders. The bread of life for the hungry, the water of life for the thirsty.II. We are altogether dependent upon God for our natural, as well as for our spiritual strength. They shall walk, and not faint." There is a vast deal of verve in the original Hebrew; it signifies to be strong enough to hold out. But the period comes when these youthful impulsions give place to the more restrained and disciplined energies of life, like those of the runner who has trained himself to maintain his pace, and to maintain it by not exceeding it. One of the oldest and best tried rules of religion is THE SACRED DUTY OF COMMUNION WITH GOD. The elements of this strength are (1) Faith, founded on Divine illumination. And so a human heart which is constantly looking to God will be much more susceptible of all influences that come from God. Finlayson. (1) The motion itself. As bodily health is only found in a well-balanced and healthy state of the corporeal functions, so spiritual strength can only be found in souls into which new life has been infused, and is in vigorous exercise. "They shall mount up," etc.(T. Dickson, D. D.)Strength by patienceT. H. A change from one measure of strength to another. But is not waiting for God cowardly indolence and fatalistic apathy? Spiritual strength especially consists in that exercise of faith called trust or confidence. We must not be biassed by any theory of Church or ordinances, nor by any preaching, to suppose that we are shut up to the dealings of God with us through these channels. "Because of His strength," says the Psalmist, "I will wait upon Him, for God is my defence." He receives strength to confess his sins to the God of truth from the hope of pardon founded on God's merciful promise.2. To "look off" unto the eternal, to get behind the veil into the realm of true being is the need of the fevered and exhausted soul. (1) The motion itself. Soul progress.(D. If then those who run are not weary, the same when they walk shall not faint. 31. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. --ISAIAH xl. Spurgeon. When, again, we think of those whose pleasures are more purely intellectual, we know that an enfeebled memory puts an effectual check on the acquisition of knowledge.3. WHAT A SWEET TITLE: "My people!" The highest strength is not physical nor intellectual, but moral. (1) The eagle is an emblem of strength renewed (Psalm 103:5). Their faith at one time is supported only by the promises,,-at other times by their own experience (Psalm 27:14; Lamentations 3:25, 26; Isaiah 30:18; Isaiah 49:23).3. "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." Write it on a card or . But those who wait upon the LORD will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. 1The Withering Work of the SpiritTHE passage in Isaiah which I have just read in your hearing may be used as a very eloquent description of our mortality, and if a sermon should be preached from it upon the frailty of human nature, the brevity of life, and the certainty of death, no one could dispute the appropriateness of the text. The man who waits upon God has three cardinal qualities which above all others will tend to the conquest of the world buoyancy of spirits, activity, and perseverance; the man who can command these is the man who will win.(F. 2 Here I behold thy distant face, And 'tis a pleasing sight; But to abide in thine embrace Is infinite delight. THE IMPORT OF THE DECLARATION, that they who thus wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; or, as the words might be translated, shall be renewed in strength. Tymms. (Evan H. Hopkins, B. A weak Christian is a burden to himself as meeting with many difficulties which he cannot grapple with, but which prove too hard to him. There must be a regular feeding on God's Word and promises. Tymms. Halsey.We find the same idea also in the New Testament with spiritual applications. V. The Cherubim and Seraphim show that images are not fit to represent divine mysteries. What, then, is meant by this "waiting upon the Lord"? New strength will come to us for all holy enterprise in proportion as we trust in God for results. In so far as the spiritual life is one, it is a life in God. Hocart. When we have done flying, we go on running. The fact is, men are led to think they are going to conquer the whole land in five minutes, and imagine they are going to realise their ideal before they are five-and-twenty; and when they find that the nearer they ought to be getting to their ideal the farther it recedes into the distance, they are discouraged, and, out of sheer despair of ever reaching their ideal, they give it up, and laugh at those who try to pursue it. Beneath that bright beam the moisture that encumbered it is exhaled; its bent stalk raises itself again, its shrivelled petals expand into beauty, and it diffuses around a cheering fragrance in gratitude to the power that has renewed its strength. We belong to a better time, but still we can feel its grandeur. After a brief general preface (Is. A more appropriate beginning of the book of consolations' could scarcely be conceived. Trust in the Lord.II. WAITING UPON GOD HATH IN ITSELF A NATURAL TENDENCY TO ESTABLISH AND STRENGTHEN THE SOUL. Isaiah 40:31 Good Morning Stand with me and lift up your bible and repeat after me. Youth is full of impulses, full of excesses, full of exaggerations. 6. L. Wiseman, B. (2) Earnest desire for God; a keen sense of want. There may he a vigour which is the effect of a disordered state of the corporeal system a feverish or spasmodic action which is much more violent than the strength of a healthy man. WHAT IS THE ISSUE OF SUCH WAITING UPON GOD? It is not a stationary state. There are divers things which we are liable to faint at, which yet the Scripture takes us off from fainting at. To one who thus heroically soars towards God and His light, the things of time and earth seem trivial and contemptible. There are various reasons why we should constantly apply to God for a renewal of our spiritual strength. Cf. M. Donaldson, D. D.No man is as strong as he desires to be. Halsey. "Wait upon the Lord." "So I saw in my dream that he went from running to going, and from going to scrambling on his hands and knees, because of the steepness of the place." Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. But do something else in between. When a soul has its inner life hid with Christ and lives a life of true consecration it is enabled to take wing, and its "citizenship is in heaven." (3) He also regards all the incidents of his outward history in their relation to his eternal future, and glorifies God by steadfastly acting accordingly. This was the strength which was in Paul before his conversion. Third in the order of time, and last, is the spiritual nature. That is the way to finish. A. What a grand triumphal ode! Doubt seems so impossible, and elements of character are forming then that we should be poor indeed without in future time. Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. L. Wiseman, B. "THEY SHALL MOUNT UP WITH WINGS AS EAGLES." Gerhard Ter Steegen Is. This sense of entire dependence upon the grace of God will naturally express itself in prayer, and in a devout and regular use of the appointed means of grace. HOW SPIRITUAL STRENGTH MAY BE ACQUIRED; AND HOW RENEWED, WHEN IT HAS BEEN IMPAIRED. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.' In 1899 he was called to Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, to succeed Dr. Lyman Abbott in the pulpit VariousThe World's Great Sermons, Volume 10Of Loving Jesus Above all ThingsBlessed is he who understandeth what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus' sake. And because the servants of God have gone awfully wrong when it has not been renewed.5. For the old, for the young, for the sick and infirm, and even for such as may be tottering into the grave, he writes for them, and all he says is true and needful for their case. It is a religion of conscience, and not a mere effervescence of pious emotion. That is His great legacy to the Church. Let me translate that last word again, translate it by a word that is about as wide in its English significance as the word used by the prophet in his own time, "They shall mount up, they shall run, they shall go." THE ACTION. Isaiah 40:31. If you and I have this grace, and if we practise it, what may we expect?1. The original is 'lead gently.' And indeed that is a great part of wisdom, to bring forth everything in its season, to discern when and where, and to whom it is pertinent and edifying, to speak such and such truths. Speaking to a huge crowd of black men on the Mall in Washington, DC, she reminded them of their difficult and . 1, 2), the words occur which are quoted by St. Matthew and St. Mark (Is. If we have failed, or have been foiled, God will put us on our feet again. )Waiting upon GodT. (a)Because he has a great way to go, much ground to be despatched; therefore there is need of speed for the passing over it. It's a sorry thing to begin with the eagle's flight and come down to four miles an hour! Renewal often comes to men in their extremity like this.3. By continually waiting upon God. (2) There is a total detachment from all ritual, and the cheerful acceptance of "little sanctuaries," synagogues, or "meeting-houses," and even of quiet spots by the river-side, in place of the gorgeous temple and its arresting and impressive symbolism. When you go into your closet for your morning devotions, do not, as is very often done, read the Bible and think about it and pray about it, and then get up and go. I have often gone to Saratoga, in the heat of the early summer, quite run down, and my vitality burned out as coal gets exhausted in the bunkers of a steamer. We renew the youth of our souls. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength," or change their strength; its measure shall be adapted to their different claims. It is a power that is not your own, a power that comes from no earthly source, a supernatural power, power from on high which the prophet is here offering.(F. And this is done commonly, in the greatest uncertainty whether the means will prove effectual. They that wait upon the Lord shall "change," that is, they shall have another strength bestowed upon them, and such as will be more useful to them. So in religion there often is observed an unnatural energy and enthusiastic vehemence. They could not suggest to the prophet his religious thought, but his inspired genius laid them under tribute to assist the utterance of a thought of higher inspiration. Some carriages standing on the middle line of rails were to be attached to our train. These are the great seers of the human race whose absorbing love and adoration of God has filled them with light and knowledge of Him little dreamed of by the many who have feebler and lower aspiration. It is quite clear that the order in which the prophet wrote was, "They that wait upon the Lord shall walk and not faint, shall run and not be weary, shall mount up with wings as eagles." The passage may be broken into four sections, identified by repeated lines: 1. )The continued renewal of strengthR. "He shall mount up." You see the eagle mounting up by a power that God has given it. THE NATURE OF THIS GREAT BLESSING WHICH GOD HAS ASSURED TO ALL THAT WAIT UPON HIM. The Cherubim belonged to the tutelage of the Law. 1The ConsolationComfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. I do not say "Do not pursue your ideal," but what I say is this, "If you ever really want to make your ideal, you must be endued with the power from on high."(F. "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." What do you say, Christian tradesman you upon whom God hath laid the responsibilities of home and family you Christian citizen-you whom the arrows of affliction have wounded you proclaimer of the Lord's message?2. The Christian makes a hopeful start in his course of service when he clearly realises the spiritual security of his own position.2. This implies a declension of strength, fainting, and fatigue; to all of which the Christian pilgrim is more or less exposed. "They that wait upon the Lord SHALL RENEW THEIR STRENGTH." We traverse the solid unromantic ground of principle, while the ghost of many a shattered illusion haunts our path. Entwisle. Our task of spreading message of Christ to this area seems so impossible. Collins asked the commoner where he was going. A weak Christian will be an uncomfortable Christian.(T. Because they are imperfect.3. Tucker, B. --Isaiah 40:1. But more than all, in view of the great work to which he is calling his countrymen, he writes for those who feel called upon to do something in the world, for those who are conscious of high powers, and are in the purest sense of the word ambitious.(T. Voysey, B. A.I. We like a little bit of excitement or emotion. WHAT IS IMPLIED IN WAITING UPON GOD?1. On the other hand, Divine strength never fails. EXODUS XV. I. Watch the bird in the air. Horton, D. D."Change their strength" (marg.). (2) God invites and encourages the attendance of His subjects. To "look off" unto the eternal, to get behind the veil into the realm of true being is the need of the fevered and exhausted soul. Wesley fashioned modern England by faith. "The joy of the Lord is your strength. Because they are imperfect.3. At the best, however, these lofty flights can only be occasional. They are said, in our text, "to mount up on wings as eagles." A. And away went those weary, dilatory carriages as fast as the rest. But that stage, too, passes. "They that wait upon the Lord. On Him only (Psalm 62:5).2. "I will run in the way of Thy commandments, when Thou shalt enlarge my heart."3. 26 and 29. All your youthful energy will be useful in the service of religion, and you will find it much more happily employed than in the service of the world and of Satan.(F. You see the progression of ideas; it is strength that has to be renewed, and it has to be renewed by God, and God gives it when we wait upon Him. One who waits upon the king behaves in a different way from one who waits upon an ordinary person. A patient continuance in an expecting attitude, until we actually receive the fulfilment of the Divine promise. For the old, for the young, for the sick and infirm, and even for such as may be tottering into the grave, he writes for them, and all he says is true and needful for their case. 5 Then at thy feet Isaac WattsHymns and Spiritual SongsAt RestGerhard Ter Steegen Is. Something more than the decay of our material flesh is intended here; the carnal mind, the flesh in Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 17: 1871, This Sermon was Originally Printed"Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God." He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.' "He is Faithful that Promised." "Waiting is often the only means of receiving fresh energy." Zeal fills the soul with courage to encounter enemies and surmount obstacles.II. There is the eagle again keen-eyed and strong as before, but soaring now into the blue, bearing itself up on exultant wing, and gazing into the heavenly radiance! To do this makes greater demands upon our moral steadfastness than to do either of the before-mentioned stages in our life experience. This large world, the spiritual, into which Isaiah has ushered us, includes all worlds, for it is as limitless as its Ruler. "(1) Thus moved, the believer strives above all things, and in all things, after perfect likeness to his Saviour in personal character. )Standing stillJ. Let us notice: THIS WAITING UPON THE LORD. 2. What cares the eagle, as he bathes his wings in the translucent gold of the upper sky, for all the turmoil, the dust, or even the murky clouds that drift far beneath him? A weak Christian is a burden to himself as meeting with many difficulties which he cannot grapple with, but which prove too hard to him. 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