On its own, BCA provides anise liqueur notes , vanilla, and a mild creaminess. Great for first time smokers. Stays lit easily and smokes cool. It's a wonderful Black Cavendish blend with a nice topping of vanilla and whiskey. I really like this one any time I want to satisfy my sweet tooth, even though it does give me dry mouth and throat when smoked straight. This would bore me as an all day smoker (been loving Lane Black & Burley as my daily lately which is apparently BWTB & BCA) but used as a blender (some white Burley and a touch of Latakia-hello!!) But just a few puffs in, you'll realize why. I will add detail later, but this has become the MOST essential tobacco in my collection. What a great taste and the aroma! so after trying to find a blend close to my beloved midnight from the tinderboxi find out after reading about this tobacco "it is my beloved midnight from the tinderbox"!. This is a very mild smoke that will not offend anyone. It's capable of so much more than just an everyday smoke too. Not too complex, but great for what it is. Once or twice I could've sworn I tasted roses. give it a try it just might be your all day smoke.let me know.p.smoker, update:january 2011just when i thought this tobacco could not get any better! I was too excited to wait that long so I just loaded a bowl in my 9.5" Wellington. This is a very mild, not heavily cased or goopy aromatic. Pouch Note = 8; Smokey-sweet notes and rich tobacco undertones combine, leading to a unique taste that's distinctive and highly enjoyable. I found it most satisfying, so I began to experiment. Nothing special but when a mild, tasty and bite free, outdoor all day smoke is called for, Lane tobaccos like this one, IMO are hard to beat. Typically when this is purchased in bulk, it's usually quite wet and sticky. If you are in doubt about the best , this in my opinion is as good as it gets. Similar Blends: Dream Castle Tobacco Company - Super Value Buttered Rum. of Midnight when I was at the Tinderbox 2 months ago and just received BCA from Cupajoes. A very good after dinner tobacco. Before the H&H had been just okay,and the BCA was way too light to smoke by itself, but blended 50/50 it's a delight! In recent years I have taken to mixing three parts BCA to one part McCelland's 5100 to ramp up the vitamin N a bit. BCA or Bobs Blend is a good smoke. As for the Stokkebye Nougat, years ago after TB Peter had stopped in to visit with us, I was now working for a one shop B @ M and asked Peter, who at the time made about 85% of the TB blends. Although there's probably a lot guys out there smoking 1Q under a house blend name and don't even know it. I like to taste my tobacco not just smell it. olkofri Lifer Sep 9, 2017 Bag 8 oz. Just to give you an idea where I'm at if you've tried them. It does need to dry out a little bit as it can be a little wet but drys pretty quick. o.k. For an aromatic smoke, it is hard to beat Lane's BCA. %TSD-Header-###%[**#I W Aw D@ Q 'P|)\'Ej m5m 7 T: 67 Ez i je . It is really good. Great taste and delightful room note. I could get along happily with BCA alone if I couldn't get any other pipe tobacco, and not feel that I was missing a thing. Next time you order tobacco from Smokingpipes don't forget too ask for a sample. Didn't exactly blow my skirt up It was a nice enough smoke, but I didn't get anything special out of it particularly. Mild, tasty, tongue gently, easy controllable smoke. by itself. Over the past few weeks I've concluded this should be added to my rotation! Good lord, the only thing I could have described it as was a sweet cigarette, like if a Marlboro Southern Cut was dipped in honey. If you're smoking around someone, they'll appreciate the room note. 2000-2023 Laudisi Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. I'm more of a premium natural and light aromatic smoker but I finally got around to trying this and it definitely has merit for an inexpensive black cavendish. I am by no means a fan of aromatics, but there are a couple that I enjoy on occasion. They have a very good company because of the people. It hardly seems to need a relight and has a wonderful room note. Pair this tobacco with an early morning piece of toast or a light glass of warm tea. At that point it does start to show itself. It also works wonders in cooling and sweetening other blends that are harsh/bitter/hot. He knows I am a new smoker so before he mixed me up a blend he said try this. BCA doesn't bite in the least & is not harsh but did have a slight bitterness only during the charring light. Even though I usually smoke mild English through the day - ie Frog Morton or Old Dublin, I love having a big bowl of 1Q each night after supper with my coffee. So this got my attention. Ah, BCA. 6 yr. ago https://speak-easy.club/ Most of the flavor comes from a topping/casing. It's a good smoke, and if it dries out I'm not out much. Lane Limited is on par with drugstore brands such as Captain Black but is even more inexpensive than Captain Black. When I said "OK, well thank you very much" they remembered"Oh, THAT Lane's BCA. This is my first review on tobaccoreviews.com and I am relatively new to the world of pipe smoking. It brings back a lot of good memories. After Taste = 6; It was purchased with the intent to blend it with other stronger tobaccos, but it is a very good aromatic by itself. The tin note is fantastic. I love it on its own and as an additive to other blends. Who doesn't enjoy this stuff? . If proper technique is used, however, aromatic smokers will enjoy it. Good all day smoke you never feel you need to think about. I usually char this one 2 (sometimes 3 for a large bowl) times before lighting for realtake care to pull that flame all the way through the bowl--it'll be worth it later. Appearance: Black Cavendish, medium to fine ribbon cut. Just ordered another 8 oz. I started out with 50/50 then started tweaking it with enough I-Q for burning purposes but to retain the BCA smell. These include 1-Q, RLP-6, BLWB, HGL, and MV-1000. Mac Baren Seven Seas Black --- No bite, good flavor while and after smoking, good room aroma. Everything about this tobacco was great except for the goop. It does require quite a bit of drying time before it's ready to be stoked but it has a surprisingly good burning rate considering the dampness & stickiness while rubbing it between your fingers. It had descent reviews but not for me. Indeed it's worth its weight in gold. This is a well known all black cavendish, sold under just as many names as there are tobacco shops that stock it. Room note is a hint of vanilla. Must try once you may actually like it. How can you not like this If you like sweet aromatics ? Sorry, persons under the age of 18 cannot use this site. Theres a reason why Skand/Lane sells so much of this aromatic. It didn't produce any condensation & burned down to a dry gray ash. I'm an aromatic smoker so frog mortens cellar wasn't a good choice. copyright intellectual property of the reviewer and STC Holdings LLC and may not be of this tuff in a jar for a little over a year and it seems to mellow in taste, while the tobacco itself is a bit stiffer. The 1Q adds a tad of stregnth and coconut flavor. Seems gooey, but light up easy ans is burning well. Ill smoke this by itself or add it to some of my others. Flavoring is leading with Cavendish supporting. I cannot recommend this highly enough. The immediate smell from the tobacco was sweet as expected. I absolutely never have to re-light this tobacco unless I have put my pipe down for a while. --Flavor: Not quite what the pouch aroma advertisesactually, I find it to be better. I've found several other aromatics that I like better than BCA in addition. Beyond the vanilla, there are some other flavors there too that I cant put my finger on. In closing: BCA is in my humble opinion one of the best aromatic blends ever created. Now it's a very nice light English. Upon lighting, I instantly noticed that it was not as vanilla flavored as others I tried. Quick View Wishlist Toggle. And I am willing to lay odds, that as long as you are not a a tobacco snob, who shuns aromatics, you have smoked this tobacco, and liked it. Very light and perfect for an every day smoke. I like a mild tobacco with some flavor, maybe Virginia or burley processed as Black Cavendish, but no latakia or perique. It always provides a cool, smooth smoking experience in virtually any pipe. Mellow in . High availability, low price, stock up! It's smooth on the tongue and the Vanilla that Lane uses always has that nutmeg or cinnamon nuance to it that I appreciate. It is loaded with flavors of vanilla, and nuts. Mild and with a wonderful room odor, I highly recommend this blend if your taste in tobacco leans towards aromatics. Overall it's a good blend that I'd highly reccommend to aromatic smokers. Dark, black and sweet. I absolutely love the fact that even up to three hours later, I was still getting a very pleasant room notes and hints of the wonderful fragrance. If you like capt. Here are my impressions primarily focused on how I like it versus 1Q. Notice | Advertising I've been mixing it to ease into English blends. As another company has said about their tobaccos, often imitated, never duplicated! The flavor isn't too strong, but you can tell it's there. From pipesandcigars.com: Lane's BCA is a fire-cured and steamed Cavendish tobacco with an amazingly rich yet pleasant aroma that is so easy on the tongue that it can easily be smoked all day. This was purchased from Mars the first week of sept 2011. Other then the opening sniff or two, nothing will beat you over the head or antagonize the your significant other if your allowed to puff in your home. No tongue bite here! One of the best sweetened black Cavendish you'll ever get your hands on. BCA was mentioned a couple times in this thread recently. It just taste really good. It smokes cool with no bite. Reccomended to anyone who has a bit of a sweet tooth. Usually, the licorice that's in the pouch aroma pokes its head out a few times in the bowl. Francis Xavier Seelos Shrine I like to visit, in New Orleans, is often found on the front porch enjoying a meditative bowl of 1Q. Note to viewers: this review mainly so I can keep track of the tobacco I like. I prefer to stick to the 1Q for this type of blend sometimes less is more. Not something I reach for very often as it's kinda boring. Notice | Advertising Comment = Very Mild, Smooth, Mellow, good Flavor but a little After Taste. Again, i wish i could describe to you the taste but again, it's just darn good stuff. So, as I was carefully sipping this smooth, creamy, tasteful tobacco, expecting the usual steam and bite that most tobaccos of this type are, I just felt a coolness on my tongue. Shame, too, because it took me quite a while to find something that I liked and didn't cause 'friction' with the wife Another great Lane Limited aromatic. But I do like it by itself. I would never want to be without a supply of Lane's BCA. One is the BCA and the other is simply labeled Black Cavendish. You must log in or register to reply here. Bottom of Bowl: Not much more build up of flavor, ash is suprisingly dry. 4: Lastly I will add a disk of Lane bullsey to equal about 25%. However, I dont typically smoke this straight. Morning cup of coffee kind of smoke for me. This blend is well suited for early morning or late evening smoking. That is a very good questionfor which I don't have an answer?? Lane Limited Lane 1Q Golden Cavendish Blend, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane BCA Black Cavendish, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane Black Raspberry, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane BLWB Pipe Tobacco Light Burley, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane Buttered Rum, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited There is no dominant vanilla or any aromatic that will overwhelm a pipe. Personally some lane blends with 1Q base I find very nice and VERY much smoother than 1Q and not have that sharp pouch smell that 1Q tends to have as well. It is a little more difficult to keep lit. BCA burns very cool, smooth and is quite tasty. Great flavor, great room note, NO bite. I loaded it in a Falcon so I would not have a moisture problem and after an easy pack, I lit it up and sat back to relax with it. I had the chance to visit the Lane factory in Tucker, Georgia a few years ago and learned that Herman Lane developed this tobacco in the early 1970's using only Green River tobacco of the one sucker variety. It looks as thought the previous reviews say it allThis is by far one of the most incredible blends made. I'll be searching for other Black Cavs in the future, but I will always keep some BCA on hand. Better than some tined tobaccos. I will recommend to aromatic fans, but remember to dedicate a pipe to this blend because the flavor stays in the pipe for a long time. I'm not really that much into aromatics but was surprised by liking this as well as I did. You must be 21 years or older to make any selections on this site - by doing so, you are confirming that you are of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories. Either way, you'll find out eventually that BCA is the only "aromatic" tobacco you'll keep coming back to time and time again. Really goopy. Taste is mild to medium and consistent, with notes of toasted bread, wood, mild grass, spices, a caramelized brown sugar background note, and a smooth retro. Whiff on opening pouch more tolerable than Sutliff but still a bit unsettling. They take half BCA and mix it with half Peter Stokebbye Whiskey. Also, this stuff smokes very cool. Some commenters said that their batch was sticky, I did not find it sticky or wet at all. I would recommend this to anyone who is just starting out with pipe smoking, as well as to anyone looking for a very mild tobacco with a barely noticeable nic hit. BAG Save $ 56 02. That being said, it doesn't bite, it smells great and for its one dimensional taste, it taste good. We learned early on we like aromatics, and we figured, after trying to find the perfect one, let's try going back to basics! It is a fantastic smoke when your in the mood for something sweet. The strength is mild, while the taste is just short of the center of mild to medium. I had 2 bowls of 1Q, 1 bowl of RLP6, and a bowl of 50/50 mix of 1q/RLP6 today. It has a little flavor not much. TobaccoPipes.com This is a good well behaved aromatic. If you've ever had anything by Lane that has Black Cavendish in it you'll recognize it right away. I think for a mild, gentle smoke this one knocks it out of the park. This famous blend from Lane is widely distributed. Im used to stronger stuff (although in aromatincs mildness is something to thank for), but still I crave for this one more often than not. I don't smoke this too often, but for a mild, sweet, change of pace it isn't bad. 1q, ENGLISH MIXTURE. Ordered on Monday received on Wednesday. After learning how to properly pack, light and smoke a pipe, BCA will give a pleasant, dry smoke from start to finish, and at the end the gray ash can be emptied out of the bowl by simply turning the pipe upside down. Pipe News |, |About Or throw a dash in whatever your favorite Aro blend might be. This is one I will definitely come back to and can't see myself blending further to improve. Load this in your pipe and enter dream land. I find it works best for me if I put it in a roll-up tobacco pouch and let it sit around for a few weeks. Worried this was a PG-fest. Tobacco is a black course cut and a tad moist, drying may be needed. I mix in some BCA to other blends that need a little sweetness. Want a real conversation with your pipe?, pack it with BCA,it will never interrupt,always eager to please like any friend .Taste is as near to pure pleasure as you can get,vanilla,Carmel maybe a bit of chocolate.mild nic. If you want a nice treat,try mixing a three to one ratio of BCA and a amaretto or frangelico flavored cavendish or burley. BCA is a fine lightweight tobacco. As mentioned above, I doubt there's a single tobacco shop in the country that doesn't have it. On the rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, its usually to mix with a codger like SWR. No tongue bite at all, none! Reply . While I tolerate this blend fresh, it's a favorite of mine after the pouch treatment. No bite and has its own body. I've Never encountered anything like this in a tobacco before or since. One of my favorites! If you get a wet dottle smoking this blend, than I believe it's your technique rather than the tobacco. Refined, yet wild in its own way. We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. I can't seem to agree. A blending blend but not a bad smoke on its own. You can find it anywhere bulk tobacco is sold. :-(. I have tried about all of the sweetened Black Cavs and to me this is the best. http://pipesmagazine.com/forums/topic/my-comfort-blend. Even non-smokers will not flee, proving that not all smoke is burning chemicals (cigarettes) and you'll be happy not to be cast into the rain when smoking your "favorite" black cavendish. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl. Wonderful retrohale. This BCA blend is better than 1Q. I have to be in the right mood for this. The smoke burns evenly throughout, needing very few relights. Leaves a nice white ash. Very easy to light and keep lit. The chocolate seemed to be toned down and hardly noticed. Pipe Used: GBD Virgin Apple, Country Gent Cob. Definitely something for any smoker to try. Nonetheless, its very nice, with a very good quality tobacco. It's that good. The room-note's a winner, and the nicotine's mild. Our Little River, SC showroom, Low Country Pipe & Cigar, is open 10am-7pm US/Eastern Monday - Saturday at 2 Hwy 90 East, Little River SC, 29566. Lane Limited 1-Q Based on Qty Ordered Lane Limited BCA Based on Qty Ordered Lane Limited Black Raspberry Based on Qty Ordered Lane Limited BL/WB Based on Qty Ordered Lane Limited Buttered Rum Based on Qty Ordered Lane Limited Got a couple ounces based on the smell. I recomand for everyo ne who likes strong taste very aromatic you must try this!!! This is a very pleasant tobacco. McClelland's VBC is much better. You will enjoy it, Not much to say, that hasn't already been said. I've tried different bulk blends.. Highly recommended, especially for the new pipe smoker. Smoke you never feel you need to think about, sweet, change pace. I do n't even know it BCA smell someone, they 'll appreciate room... Bulk tobacco is sold, there are some other flavors there too that appreciate. Of stregnth and coconut flavor good quality tobacco tobacco unless I have put my pipe down for sample... To viewers: this review mainly so I began to experiment sweet expected! 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