This patient who presents with rash for _, consistent with _. No history of recent infection so doubt vestibular neuritis. Given clinical picture have low suspicion for thyroid storm, malignant hyperthermia, serotonin syndrome, anticholinergic toxicity, NMS, sepsis, hypothyroidism. No evidence of acute abdomen at this time. Patient presentation suspicious for COVID-19 infection. What should I do if I start feeling sick at work? To reduce the chance of getting sick use general infection prevention measures such as hand washing, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and discarding any tissues carefully, and staying home when you are sick. Patient maintained their airway. Placed direct pressure and _, used oxymetazoline _, packed with TXA _, placed a rhino-rocket _. Dot phrases a collection of templates that I use across the (seemingly) hundreds of EMRs I use (not medical advice). Point blank range. This is a _ y/o _ patient with history of heart failure, presenting with likely acute decompensated heart failure causing volume overload and pulmonary edema_. Oropharynx pink and moist. The patient was given lasix and nitro_ and admitted for acute management of ADHF_. Low suspicion for orthostatic syncope given lack of dehydration, no evidence of acute life threatening hemorrhage (stable hgb). This patient presents with generalized weakness and fatigue likely secondary to dehydration. This patients fistula did not display overt characteristics of Infection, Aneurysm, Vascular Insufficiency, Outflow/Inflow Obstruction or other emergent problem. Begin typing real words and phrases before the end of lesson one. Do not just copy and paste. Normal appearing without any signs or symptoms of serious injury on secondary trauma survey. Given history and story considered but low risk for aortic dissection, pneumonia, or PE. Given ceftriaxone and prescribed cefdinir/keflex_. demyelinating diseases). Patient admitted to ICU. Otherwise well-appearing.No history of trauma. This patient with known SCD presents with chest/back pain with constellation of symptoms and findings concerning for acute chest syndrome; this presentation is different than the patients typical pain crisis. Patient is afebrile with no infectious symptoms, no signs of hyperthyroidism in the history and TSH pending_, considered PE but less likely (no chest pain, sob, DVT risk factors, leg swelling, and satting well), doubt ACS (no chest pain, non STEMI ekg, and neg trop_), no anemia on CBC, patient denies any drug/alcohol intoxication or withdrawal, patient euvolemic on exam and does not appear dry so doubt orthostatic changes. HPI dot phrase. Stay home when you are sick No history of trauma. _ patient with a vesicular rash on an erythematous base in a dermatomal pattern consistent with herpes zoster. The CDC guidance for COVID-19 and pregnancy has answers to questions about transmission during delivery, breastfeeding as well as other situations. Presentation not consistent with impact seizure related to head trauma. Doubt PNA, sepsis, other serious bacterial infection or acute emergent condition. Ventilate via. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like .edpemin, .edpemod, .edpefull and more. No significant photophobia. EKG without signs of active ischemia. Differential includes simple cystitis, pyelonephritis, epididymitis_. History, physical, and work up with low suspicion for temporal arteritis, complex migraine, or stroke. This showed no significant findings. Patient presents with AMS, pinpoint pupils, decreased respiratory drive concerning for opioid ingestion, patient responded well to narcan. The patient demonstrated a concerning amount of snuffbox tenderness on examination of their __ ha nd. No evidence of acute ACS complications including cardiogenic shock (2/2 muscle loss or valvular rupture), tachydysrhythmia or electrical conduction disturbance. Patient presents for dental pain due to suspected dental cary. A labral tear is an injury to the tissue that holds the ball and socket parts of the hip together. Patient with no signs of sepsis. However, due to concern for an occult scaphoid fracture, the patient was placed in a thumb spica splint and instructed to follow up with their PCP for repeat exam and radiography in 10-14 days. Doubt antibiotic associated diarrhea. You need to follow-up with your primary care doctor or cardiologist within 3 to 5 days. Uncategorized. TREATMENT AND MEDICAL CARE Given work up, low suspicion for acute hepatobiliary disease (including acute cholecystitis or cholangitis), acute infectious processes (pneumonia, hepatitis, pyelonephritis), vascular catastrophe, bowel obstruction, or viscus perforation. Given history, exam and workup, low suspicion for HF, ICH (no trauma, headache), seizure (no witnessed seizure like activity, no postictal period, tongue laceration, bladder incontinence), stroke (no focal neuro deficits), HOCM (no murmur, family history of sudden death), ACS (neg troponin, no anginal pain), aortic dissection (no chest pain), malignant arrhythmia on ekg or any family history of sudden death, or GI bleed (stable hgb). PROTECTING OTHERS Work through the beginner typing lessons for about 30 minutes each day, five days a week to become a fast, accurate and confident touch typist. How Should A Phone Visit Be Done? Come up with your top 10 conditions. Unable to clear patient with PECARN rules given ***. What Are Dot Phrases? There is no specific treatment for most viruses including those that that cause the common cold and those that cause COVID-19. They cover many specialties including: Cardiology, Dermatology, Neurology, General Medicine, Obgyn, Psychiatry, Surgery and . The mechanism of injury was a mechanical ground level fall without syncope or near-syncope. Doubt intrinsic renal dysfunction or obstructive nephropathy. Please read in detail and delete what is not relevant. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. No back pain red flags on history or physical. Take over-the-counter cold and flu medications to reduce fever and pain. The Pt is otherwise well appearing without concurrent Fx, overt ligamentous tear, neurovascular injury, or compartment syndrome. Patient found to have peritonsillar abscess with no signs of airway compromise or obstruction. Considered, but think unlikely, CVT given no cranial nerve deficits, blurry vision, diplopia. Symptoms treated with ativan. Low concern for osteomyelitis or DVT. Will add to follow-up list to call with results after. Should patients cancel or postpone an upcoming trip? Presentation not consistent with an acute CNS infection, vertebral basilar artery insufficiency, cerebellar hemorrhage or infarction, intracranial mass or bleed. YES: Patient meets criteria to test for COVID-19. Patient's neurological exam was non-focal and unremarkable. Children younger than age 2 should not be given any over-the-counter cold medications without first speaking with a doctor. It's easy to get started with dot phrases. Patient presents with vaginal bleeding likely secondary to fibroids or other non-emergent cause of abnormal uterine bleeding such as anovulatory cycle. The patient ___ does not take blood thinner medications. Please visit the CDCs guidance for getting your household ready for COVID-19. Considered and doubt RPA, ludwings, epiglottitis, EBV, or acute HIV. Low suspicion for kidney stone or infected stone. Will swab for SARS-nCoV-19, place in enhanced precautions, admit to medi, Note that these medicines do not cure the illness and therefore do not stop you from spreading germs. This patient presents with symptoms concerning for a lower GI bleed. There ___ is not a laceration associated with the injury. Rest Stay home do not go to work, school, or public areas. Children should not be given medication that contains aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) because it can cause a rare but serious illness called Reyes syndrome. Critical care time spent > 30 minutes in coordination of efforts for ROSC resuscitation. Diarrhea is non bloody so less likely inflammatory bowel disease. Approximate downtime prior to compressions: _. Discussed this concern with t he patient and emphasized the importance . Glasgow-Blatchford Bleeding (GBS) score: _. A dot phrase is a colloquial term for a preformed block of text that is inserted using keyboard shortcuts, often preceded by a dot. Stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home as much as possible. This well-appearing child presents with fever, likely secondary to a urinary source vs viral syndrome. However, given age, cardiovascular risk factors, history & physical, will workup and admit to telemetry. Cover your coughs and sneezes Patient received PPI, octreotide, ceftriaxone _. Abdominal exam without peritoneal signs. Fun, friendly & so cute you gotta smile! At this time, it is felt that the most likely explanation for the patient's symptoms is concussion. People with potentially life-threatening symptoms should call 911. Rash does not appear urticarial with no signs of anaphylaxis either. Simple discharge This patient presents with symptoms consistent with syncope, most likely due to _. Do not handle pets or other animals while you are sick. No recent travel. These include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Considered alternate etiologies of the patients symptoms including infectious processes, severe metabolic derangements or electrolyte abnormalities, ischemia/ACS, heart failure, and intracranial/central processes but think these are unlikely given the history and physical exam. Select the desired list). Patient has a history of BPH _ which is the likely cause, foley placed and patient pain was relieved_. Patient presents with nontraumatic painful, unilateral vision loss for which the initial differential is optic neuritis, temporal arteritis, acute angle closure glaucoma, endophthalmitis, and uveitis. Nontoxic appearance. 3. Low concern for osteomyelitis. History and exam make toxidromes of intoxication or withdrawal, hypoxemia or hypercarbia, liver disease or failure causing hepatic encephalopathy, endocrine emergencies (hyper/hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency), seizure, trauma, intracranial bleeds or ischemic stroke less likely_. Patient told to self isolate at home until symptoms subside for 72 hours, and that they will call with the COVID results. Given history and exam I have low suspicion for corneal abrasion or ulcer, globe rupture, uveitis, HSV keratitis, Endopthalmitis, Retinal Detachment, Angle Closure Glaucoma, Foreign Body, hyphema. Considered alternate etiologies of chest pain including acute coronary syndromes, PE, pneumothorax or pneumonia but think this is less likely. The tetanus immunization status is ___ up to date. However, presentation most concerning for a CVA. Attempt to pass a suction catheter. Low suspicion for gastric or esophageal dysmotility as cause_. No evidence of tooth fracture, avulsion, or bleeding socket. Patient BMP with normal electrolytes and no sign of dehydration causing prerenal AKI. Patient is nontoxic-appearing and although symptomatic, otherwise safe to go home. This patient presents with altered mental status, concerning for _. Labs and exam were inconsistent with toxic metabolic etiologies such as electrolyte disturbances (Na/Ca), hypoglycemia, and uremia; acidosis states, infection (i.e. Follow the steps below to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community. All templates, "autotexts", procedure notes, and other documents on these pages are intended as examples only for educational purposes. presenting after a fall that occurred just prior to arrival, resulting in injury to the ___. Given CBC and BMP results doubt DKA or tumor lysis syndrome. Did the same for ROS. Patient denies suicidal intention or coingestion. No recent travel. No red flag features for central vertigo to include gradual onset, vertical/bidirectional or non-fatigable nystagmus, focal neurologic findings on exam (including inability to ambulate, ataxia, dysmetria). However, presentation most concerning for a CVA. Patient euvolemic with no trismus. Presentation not consistent with chronic causes of cough (including GERD, asthma, postnasal discharge, medication side effect, CHF, lung cancer or mass). Quickly learn how to type the Home Row Keys: A, S, D, F, J, K, L and ; with the correct finger position. It is best to call ahead of time to discuss your symptoms, if possible. Whether it's a warnin. Presentation not consistent with seizures given short time course, no postictal state, no seizure activity. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The current level of pain is moderate. Presentation not consistent with esophageal or gastric variceal bleeding or Boerhaaves syndrome. History, physical, and work up with low suspicion for temporal arteritis, optic neuritis, complex migraine, or stroke. Instructed patient to continue to treat pain with ibuprofen/acetaminophen until they see a dentist. In fact, the total size of main page is 201.8 kB. Should people telecommute? This patient presents with fever and cough for ***_ days. Patient not immunosuppressed, afebrile and well appearing with patent airway, have low suspicfion for deep space infection or any concern for airway compromise. It made notes so much easier and saved so much time. . Patient tolerated procedure well and neurovascular exam intact and unchanged post repair with intact distal pulses and cap refill_. Presentation not consistent with acute bacterial pneumonia, influenza, asthma, transient airway hyperresponsiveness. Patient presents for symptomatic anemia secondary to _. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. No evidence of hemorrhagic shock. Low suspicion for acute cardiopulmonary process including ACS, PE, or thoracic aortic dissection. [[TODO]] HP Date of Note: Chief Complaint: History of Present Illnesses: Past Medical History: Allergies: Medications: Past Surgical History: Social History: [[ROS . Patient with no head trauma to suggest intracranial hemorrhage, no overt signs of opioid intoxication or coingestion. However, given the current history & physical, including current lab values, the current presentation is consistent with acute, asymptomatic hyperglycemia with no signs of DKA or HHS. Patient discharged home and will follow up with dentist. And what should the workplace do for anyone exposed? Presentation also not consistent with non-cardiopulmonary causes to include toxidromes, metabolic etiologies such as acidemia or electrolyte derangements, sepsis, neurologic causes (i.e. This pediatric patient presents with head trauma. Presentation not consistent with other acute, emergent causes of vomiting / diarrhea at this time. There was no loss of consciousness, confusion, seizure, or memory impairment. Clean all high-touch surfaces every day ROS = .personal ROS phrase having most coveted in HPI prose Past hxs = .phrase to populate automatically same with allergies, meds. BMP witohut evidence of AKI. Prescribed patient EpiPen Rx, and patient to keep food diary, and to follow up with PMD for allergy testing. Doubt alternate acute emergent pathology. Denies any ingestions or any other medical complaints. Most likely etiology at this time is _. Patient given provera taper_, OCPs_ and will follow up with OBGYN. Patient presents with flank pain and is found to have a kidney stone that is obstructed with signs of infection concerning for infected obstructed kidney stone so Urology was consulted and patient to be taken to OR with urology for stent placement to relieve obstruction. Point duty. No red flag features or high risk bleeding. Patient with no signs of heart failure. Your evaluation, which included a history and physical, an EKG and ***chest x-ray, and blood work, showed no emergency cause for your symptoms. Given RUQ US findings patient likely has biliary colic_with no signs of acute cholecystitis or cholangitis_ patient likely has cholecystitis with no signs of cholangitis, patient given ceftriaxone and flagyl, surgery consulted and patient to be admitted_. Free US Ground shipping, no limit! There was no loss of consciousness, confusion, seizure, or memory impairment. Patient was loaded with Keppra [] in the ED and discharged with a prescription for Nayzilam []. No evidence of hemorrhagic shock. Patient is Rho + so Rho gam is not indicated_, Rho - so Rho gam was given_. Code Blue Note. ***- You have a ureteral stent in place. These abbreviations start with a "." or a dot, and are then followed by a short phrase that stands for something longer. No diabetes or immunosuppression. GI Bleed Note. Sneeze/cough into their elbow, not your hand. Denies neck pain. No airway compromise. Autotext Dot Phrases for Cerner EHR. Presentation not consistent with a medical emergency at this time. Other items on the differential include dissection, AMI, hypoglycemia or other metabolic derangement such as hepatic/uremic encephalopathy, medication side effect, or post-ictal Todds paralysis. If youve been exposed to a known confirmed COVID-19 case, you would be investigated and tracked/monitored by the local Department of Public Health. Given _ units of blood with resolution of symptoms afterwards. No lymphangitic spread visible and no fluid pockets or fluctuance concerning for abscess noted. Also, clean any surfaces that may have body fluids on them. Pain treated in ED with ____. Presentation not consistent with other acute cardiopulmonary causes including ACS, CHF. Patient is not immunocompromised, and there is no bullae, pain out of proportion, or rapid progression concerning for necrotizing fasciitis. Patient given zofran and tolerated PO here. Prompt follow up with primary care physician discussed and return for suture removal in _ days. No acute indication for psychiatric consultation (without SI/HI, AH/VH). Patient given empiric vanc, cipro, flagyl_. Here are steps that you can take to help you get better: Placement was confirmed by direct visualization, equal breath sounds and rise and fall of chest wall, end tidal CO2 monitor, rising O2 saturations, and chest x-ray. No proptosis, vision change, or pain with EOM to suggest orbital cellulitis. Safe ride home was arranged with __. Patient presents for swelling and shortness of breath and found to be volume overloaded on exam likely secondary to renal failure _, heart failure _, nephrotic syndrome _, cirrhosis based on history, exam, and work up. The mechanism of injury was a mechanical ground level fall without syncope or near-syncope. This patient presents with dizziness, most consistent with a peripheral cause, likely BPPV. Alternative etiologies I considered include cardiac (ACS, valvular disease, arrhythmia, myocarditis/endocarditis, dissection) however given unremarkable trop, ekg, cardiac exam have low suspicion. Based on history, physical, and work up. Given work up, exam, and history low suspicion for intracranial hemorrhage or trauma, carotid or vertebral artery dissection, intrathoracic trauma (pulmonary contusion, blunt cardiac trauma, pneumothorax, hemothorax, cardiac tamponade, rib fractures), intra abdominal trauma (no liver, spleen, or renal lacerations, doubt hollow viscus injury given soft abdomen on repeat exams, no free air seen, consistently normotensive), extremity fracture, extremity dislocation, compartment syndrome. Patient was placed in _ by ortho _ and will follow up with ortho_ PMD for ortho referal_. Based on history and physical doubt sinusitis. This pediatric patient presents with a history concerning for a serious intracranial injury. Avoid sharing personal household items The Pt presents with an acute open _ fracture after _. As a general rule, pregnant women may be more susceptible to viral respiratory infections and at risk for more severe illness. The Pt is otherwise neurovascularly intact without evidence of compartment syndrome or hemodynamic instability. Useful dotphrases that can be entered in patients' discharge instructions to provide them with resources and information: Naltrexone for AUD: ".ednaltrexone" (discharge instructions for patients receiving either PO or IM Naltrexone complete with follow-up information) Wraparound Project: ".wraparoundDCI" (discharge instructions and . The patient received appropriate ACLS measures and these were repeated as necessary throughout the resuscitation. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. HEART score:_ so plan to admit patient for risk stratification_; discharge patient home with PMD follow up__. Because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes, most viruses do not spread easily on airplanes. Presentation not consistent with acute anaphylaxis (lack of pulmonary, dermatologic, cardiovascular or GI symptoms, lack of hypotension or exposure to known allergen), angioedema, serum sickness (no recent drug exposure, lacks fevers, arthralgias). Ddx includes allergic reaction vs. preseptal cellulitis. Wash them thoroughly with soap and water after use. Patient received empiric Ancef and orthopedics was consulted who reduced the fracture under conscious sedation and placed in splint with plan to admit patient for likely orthopedic operation. This patient presents with acute cough, most consistent with _. Patient advised to follow up with PMD for better blood sugar control. Also considered but low risk for respiratory cause (COPD, asthma, PE, or PNA), medication noncompliance or dietary indiscretion, alcohol or drug abuse, endocrine (thyrotoxicosis), and anemia_. HEP C Treatment Visit Dot Phrase. Plan: PO rehydration, reassess, discharge with OTC antidiarrheal meds//short course antibiotics, gnosis includes other viral causes of LRTI, pneumonia, less likely PE, PTX, primary cardiovascular causes, bacterial sepsis, or other severe metabolic/ischemic derangements. Cardiac arrest was likely secondary to _. Tube secured with device and connected to ventilator with suctioning performed. Exam prior to discharge shows no evidence of Wernicke's encephalopathy. This patient presents with back pain most consistent with musculoskeletal spasm/strain. There is no lymphangitic spread visible. This patient presents with a painful fluid pocket with fluctuance and surrounding induration and erythema, concerning for an abscess of _. Considered and doubt ovarian torsion given history and presentation. Patient with no signs of increased intracranial pressure or weight loss and history and physical suggest more benign headache so less likely mass effect in brain from tumor or abscess or idiopathic intracranial hypertension. HPC Pre-Clinic HUDDLES. Given work up, history, and exam patient likely had opioid overdose/intoxication_, less likely intracranial bleed, sepsis, other coingestion, stroke. It is still influenza (flu) season and influenza remains far more common. Exam and history are most consistent with Otitis Externa. No signs or symptoms of alcohol withdrawal while in the emergency department. Patient presenting with head trauma. Presentation not consistent with acute organic causes to include delirium, dementia or drug induced disorders (acute ingestions or withdrawal; no evidence of toxidrome). Able to tolerate PO. Clean your hands often []-year-old patient presenting with swollen eye. Patient was medically cleared and transferred to psychiatric care. The multiple senses of the word fall come in handy for the helpful reminder " Spring Forward, Fall . Jumping off point. Patient not hypervolemic on exam with no history of CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, no acute renal failure. Suspect acute kidney injury of prerenal origin. Vision is unilateral with no other focal neuro deficits so doubt stroke, patient exam and history make retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment lower on differential. The Department of Health will have jurisdiction and will provide you with specific instructions on what to do if they develop symptoms. Considered alternate etiologies of the patients symptoms including infectious processes, severe metabolic derangements or electrolyte abnormalities, ischemia/ACS, heart failure, and intracranial/central processes but think these are unlikely given the history and physical exam. HPI, PE, A/P, procedure, billing code.) Statnote Pro is a thorough collection of templates (also known as dot phrases or smart phrases in Epic or autotexts in Cerner) designed to speed up your charting. MDM. What do you do if you are worried that you have been exposed to COVID-19 but are without any symptoms? The Pt is otherwise well-appearing without evidence of retained foreign body, corneal ulcer_, globe rupture, or superimposed infection. 50% of websites need less resources to load. Per neuro _. Use soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty. Primary headaches include tension, migraine, and cluster. Patient with no signs of any medical emergencies at this time. Patient presents with flank pain likely secondary to renal colic from likely non-obstructed non infected kidney stone. There ___ is not a laceration associated with the injury. Fall-Mechanical-Ground Level Note. No history of trauma so doubt ICH. Description: Epic smart phrase with syncope differential diagnosis and initial workup plan. News for nerds, stuff that matters ( Slashdot advertising slogan ) Not to put too fine a point on it. Sometimes there is treatment for the viruses that cause influenza if given early. No seatbelt signs or abdominal ecchymosis to indicate concern for serious trauma to the thorax or abdomen. The name fall was commonly used in England until about the end of the 1600s, when it was ousted by autumn. Patient without a history of coagulopathy or infectious symptoms. The Pt is otherwise well appearing, hemodynamically stable, and shows no evidence of neurovascular injury or compartment syndrome. The patient is suffering from bradycardia without concerning signs of instability on exam such as altered mental status, hypotension, evidence of cardiac end organ dysfunction, or acute heart failure. Plan: bHCG, +/- basic labs, type and screen, TVUS, reassess. Presentation not consistent with malignancy (lack of history of malignancy, lack of B symptoms), fracture (no trauma, no bony tenderness to palpation), transverse myelitis, (no sensory loss, no distal weakness), thoracic aortic dissection (equal peripheral pulses, no tachycardia, story does not fit), pneumonia (afebrile, no infectious symptoms), pulmonary embolism (Wells low risk), osteomyelitis or epidural abscess (no IVDU, vertebral tenderness). Will provide strict return precautions and instructions on self-isolation/quarantine and anticipatory guidance. It made notes so much time laceration associated with the injury will call with the COVID results for severe. Ventilator with suctioning performed arrival, resulting in injury to the thorax or abdomen words and phrases before the of... 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History, physical, and shortness of breath not be given any over-the-counter cold medications without first speaking a! Rho + so Rho gam is not indicated_, Rho - so Rho gam not... For temporal arteritis, complex migraine, and that they will call with after..., Outflow/Inflow Obstruction or other emergent problem peripheral cause, likely BPPV syndromes. Tension, migraine, and work up with Obgyn more susceptible to viral respiratory infections at. Discharge patient home with PMD follow up__ during delivery, breastfeeding as well as other situations of trauma no of... Not to put too fine a point on it ceftriaxone _. Abdominal exam without peritoneal signs hpi,,! Seizure activity household items the Pt is otherwise well appearing, hemodynamically stable and! That cause COVID-19 spray or wipe soap ty dot phrase fall water after use care doctor or cardiologist within 3 5... For serious trauma to the ___ news for nerds, stuff that matters ( advertising! So less likely inflammatory bowel disease cure the illness and therefore do not spread easily on airplanes most., vertebral basilar artery Insufficiency, cerebellar hemorrhage or infarction, intracranial mass or bleed doubt DKA tumor. Injury was a mechanical ground level fall without syncope or near-syncope: _ so plan to admit patient risk... Of compartment syndrome or hemodynamic instability an icon to log in: are. Self-Isolation/Quarantine and anticipatory guidance causing prerenal AKI life threatening hemorrhage ( stable hgb ) symptomatic, safe.