To spawn a Argentavis in Ark, use any of the commands below. While not the fastest flyers around, Argentavis have a large amount of stamina and can last long in battle with the bonus of being able to heal quickly after consuming corpses. This makes them the best creatures on the island for traveling or hauling cargo over long distances. If i'm on the ground I swipe up to take flight, then a second time to pick up the dino. Argentavis | ARK: Survival Evolved Argentavis Argentavis Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command LVL Taming Speed Food Drain Multiplier Taming Calculator Food Selected Food / Max Time Effectiveness Use Sanguine Elixir NEW Increases taming by 30% Superior Kibble PC/Console 11 42:12 98.7% +74 Lvl (224) Stegosaurus Kibble Mobile 11 39:36 Incubation Time A keen-eyed and vulture-like bird of prey, this species ranges all across the island and is found in a variety of colors, while its sheer size and broad wings make it impossible to mistake for any other bird. Argentavis are very susceptible to headshots and will usually go down after 1-5 shots with a ranged weapon depending on level. Argentavis is actually slower than the Island's far more common Pteranodon, but it possesses significantly more stamina and can sustain flight for approximately three times as long. The bird will circle back around and repeat the process. Approach the dino you want to pick up (preferably one that isnt too large). Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. Got hit a few times, but never picked one up. Oh. Watch your back and don't let them trap you in a swarm. Argentavis is a large flying dinosaur that lived in South America during the Late Cretaceous period. Picking up large dinosaurs is a bit more complicated. Then approach the dinosaur you want to pick up and hold down the interaction key (default E). Favorite Kibble For general info about domesticating a wild creature see Taming. This is very useful for separating a small, high-level animal such as a Raptor from its pack so that you can tame it elsewhere. Total Rating N/A. If its not, the pick-up will fail automatically. 4. Argentavis Creature ID. its a skill you should practice. From there, select the Pick Up option. Diet 2. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Crimsonhead4 7 years ago #1 I'm currently playing on an official PvE server and just picked up an argent last night. Before its TLC update, the Argentavis had a 3x headshot modifier. "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Argentavis/Argent_Character_BP.Argent_Character_BP'". If the grab was successful, you will be able to see the creature being pulled behind the Argentavis, as well as its name and level. What does a Argentavis eat? Michael James has been an avid gamer since he was young. Be careful not to drop it! This information can be used to alter the Argentavis's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor in the cheat console. 0 0 0 Author Posted July 1, 2018 On 6/30/2018 at 12:11 PM, jamman said: Cant carry doey with argy. The spawn command for Argentavis in Ark is provided below. Get out there and start exploring the world in new ways! And thats all there is to it! Your email address will not be published. Never mind. Required fields are marked *. The easiest way to do this is by looking for areas where there are a lot of them. Your email address will not be published. Lording over the skies across the island, Argentavis Atrocollum has few aerial rivals. The name "Argentavis" is sometimes shortened to "Argy", "Argent" or "Argi" by players. The following are spawn maps where the Argentavis can be found, The Island, The Center, Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, Extinction It's a poopty workaround and not a solution. The Argentavis also has a better weight capacity than most flyers and can handle the storage of items and can be grappled by players who wish to stay attached for means of being transported or when taming other flying creatures. This section describes how to fight against the Argentavis. the wiki does make mention that the tlc update changed its drag weight but that's all i can find. The Ark ID for Argentavis is Argent_Character_BP_C. Ive been searching all over on HOW to pick-up something in my argies beak. Late Miocene 2 [deleted] 3 yr. ago Are you on a PVE server? Time to get back to the sky with the most useful creature to fly around the Island. It is a small consolation for the Island's other avian creatures, then, that Argentavis seems to have little interest in anything alive. While the Argentavis can be used to transport tribemates and tames, they can also be used to snatch up to two enemies and even their tames. 4. The humongous Argentavis is the largest bird on The Island by far with their 15-20+ foot wingspans, edging out the Pelagornis and Snow Owl while utterly dwarfing the human-sized Kairuku. It has become much clearer that these birds are more predatory than . You can pick up beavers frogs i know for sure but not like console where you can pick up sarcos. You can use this quirk to carry large amounts of weight quickly with an Argentavis set to follow. Rideable Tame an Argentavis and make sure it has high health and stamina. The dino will be caught in the net and you can then approach it and use the pick up command. The Argentavis isn't as fast as the Pteranodon but will still flee when Torpor is getting high and not resume attacking the Player, so be prepared for a chase. Short-Tempered Quirks: Note: Tamed and unmounted Argentavis do not lose stamina while flying. The Argentavis is capable of carrying a survivor or creature ranged from small to medium in size with the addition of another small creature to be carried with its beak. Hmmm. Youll see the option to pick up the dino appear select it and your character will grab onto it. #3. Carrion-Feeder This is probably the most difficult way to pick up a dino, but it can be done if youre careful (and have a really big bird). Hey, How's it going everyone? Egg An Argentavis is capable of not only carrying creatures with its talons but due to the strength of its neck, it is capable of carrying a second creature with its beak. Because it will go on the attack once provoked and will follow the player a remarkable distance, the Argentavis can easily be lured into a variety of traps and taming pens. TheFeltingFiend Made this little scuffed tapejara by needle felting! The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Argentavis will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. The Argentavis can be dangerous to players with low-damage weapons; however, if the player uses proper strategy, the Argentavis shouldn't be a problem. Finally, make sure youre not trying to pick-up a wild Dino tamed ones can be picked-up without issue. To start, youll need to find an Argentavis. The Argentavis is territorial and will attack you if you get too close. Quetz can still pick up wild and tamed. Argentavis atrocollum 1.You can use it to harvest organic poly (use sword or club to kill penguins, transfer poly to argy, has less weight reduction than pela, but has more total weight than pela) 2 (ARK mobile only). With its ability to pick up creatures (including wild ones), the Argentavis can pick them up and hold them in the air while another tribe member fires at it until the wild creature is knocked out. it must be knocked out and fed with food it likes. To quickly copy it to your clipboard, click the "Copy" button. Common Name The Argentavis is perhaps one of the most loved flyers or even most loved creatures in the entire game for several reasons: they are rather easy to tame, can be found on almost all maps, has good. Common For a level-dependent count of resources needed, try an external taming calculator. Per page: 15 30 50. 2. If youre having trouble picking up dinos with your Argentavis, there are a few things you can try. Argentavis are natural predators but do posses the feeding habits of a carrion feeder and will attempt to snack on dead bodies or seek out prey if any get near it. the wiki does make mention that the tlc update changed its drag weight but that's all i can find. In Helena's Explorer Notes, she has an Argentavis named "Athena", a reference to the Greek goddess of wisdom. Ranged weapons like the Longneck Rifle, Assault Rifle, and even the Sniper Rifle are suggested if you plan on attacking it from the ground. Argies can only pickup small dinos in its beak, the big dino grab is talons only. Ark Survival Evolved - Fastest way to collect lots of metal *UPDATE Smit Gaming 4.56K subscribers Subscribe 110K views 4 years ago In this short video I show you that the Argentavis can now. Although they are not interested in many animals, Argentavis will attack any human within sight making them an aerial threat to many humans with basic equipment. Temperament Once this has happened, find and kill a small creature that can be dragged and drag it into the enclosure. Though they resemble eagles, especially while flying, they are closer to vultures and condors in behavior. They easily lose interest in the target. XP For Kill If you are attacking the Argentavis from the air, perhaps using a tamed Argentavis of your own, be careful of drawing too large of a crowd. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. Powered by Invision Community. Keep one side closed and open the other side. An Argentavis is capable of carrying smaller creatures. Press L2+R2 simultaneously to automatically lift the dino off the ground. You should use double tap on the right side of the screen when you are right above it. Picking up Baryonyx with Argentavis Picking up Baryonyx with Argentavis. Argentavis Egg When it comes in for the attack, simply shoot it and then sidestep to avoid its huge talons. Two Argentavis can mate, resulting in the female dropping a Fertilized Argentavis Egg that is distinguished by its blue color with white spots. 3. Always only once if i'm already in the air. Drew introduces me to the Ankylosaurus and the Argentavis, the Perfect duo for metal runs. A dinos ability to pick up another dino is based on the drag weight of the picked up dino. Kibble (Stego Egg) When it comes to taming an Argentavis, survivors may have a hard time due to the speed as well as the angle of which they can attack and making a trap is highly advised. It seems even harder to just be above something to pick it up because the bird has a resting position when in flight. It is a highly aggressive creature, willing to chase players long distances for simply being within its vision. In order to pick up a dinosaur with Argentavis, you will first need to find one. The Argentavis can fit in any size of Dinosaur Gate. First, make sure that the Dino is actually targeted and within range. Don't let them rile you up! I come back , refine the Metal and store it. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You can approach their hind legs (dont touch them) and feed rockarrots. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It drops a variety of meat when killed, along with hide and the argentavis talon. Quite apart from what I would have guessed, Argentavis does not have the stooped neck typical of modern buzzards and vultures. Privacy Policy. You can then use RT to adjust your grip and aim for where you want to drop the dino off. Although listed as a Carrion Feeder, the Argentavis does not seem to eat spoiled meat. *Be a MEMBER for a year & get a FREE Mug or T-Shirt:*My Live Streams are Friday's at 7:30pm Eastern Time*Get My MERCH. Good luck on your journey, and happy taming! You can now direct the bird to where you want to take the dino, whether its back to your base or somewhere else entirely. What kind of animals could an Argentavis pick up? The creature being carried usually can not attack the Argentavis while it is being carried, but can land a hit when it is picked up or dropped. This is done by using the crouch button (C, , ), and cannot be done on mobile. This flying mount can carry large creatures like Rexes and Carnos, making it a great option for long-distance travel or moving them around your base. An alternate strategy is to take advantage of the Argentavis' natural aggression. *Be a MEMBER for a year \u0026 get a FREE Mug or T-Shirt:*My Live Streams are Friday's at 8:00pm Eastern Time*Get My MERCH at Me at:*FRUITLAB:*TWITTER: My DISCORD:**Buy Cheap Games at ARGENTAVIS - HOW TO PICK UP DINOS \u0026 USE IT'S OTHER ABILITIES! To sum it up, Argentavises are one of the most necessary and best mounts on ARK, and is definitely a must tame for any players. The Argentavis is tamed violently, i.e. If the . All rights reserved. A tamed Argentavis will prove to be a powerful mount with the benefit of having traits that improve its survivability, making them good for both starting and experienced tribes. No good. Longneck Rifles can still work well, however.). A dinos ability to pick up another dino is based on the drag weight of the picked up dino. You can then transport the dino to another location and release it by pressing the same key again. 5h 26m 47s. A third way is to tranquilize one with a dart then quickly place a sleeping bag next to it so you can tame it before it wakes up, though this takes more time and effort. It was stated that the bary had its drag weight put to 2.0 instead of 1.2 or so something on another thread thats the reasoning, as you said. By Again, aim for the head and fire away. This video covers EVERYTHING you need to know about an argy! See also, For a comparison of the stats of all creatures, see, For an explanation of exactly how the levelup calculation works, see, For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see, Will only move forward upon command. The Argentavis can also attack creatures it is carrying by using the default attack button, or release them by pressing alt-fire again. All Rights Reserved. It would be recommended to put walls or spikes on the side so anything for the sides can't get in but you can still do without. Feces Size Heres a step-by-step guide on how to pick up dinos with Argentavis on PS4: Right trigger to attack, witch can also be used on a picked up enemy's. pull left stick back to decelerate and forward on the stick to accelerate. Considering its saddle doubles as a mobile crafting station, it makes Argentavis an excellent creature for traveling and hauling cargo over long distances. I've been swiping up twice. There is a typo in their dossier where it reads "to best creatures" rather than "the best creatures". Focus on hitting them with melee weapons as they swoop around you, and make sure you concentrate. The blueprint path for Argentavis in Ark is provided below. It is a highly aggressive creature, willing to chase players long distances for simply being within its vision. with the ability to carry 2 creatures at the same time . Cryopods interfere with imprinting. This is your opportunity to run up and put your hand on the back of its head. Resembling a large eagle, the Argentavis has similar traits and can take out both land and air creatures with ease using its razor-sharp talons. Tame an Argentavis and have it land near the dino you want to pick up, Use the Grab command on your Argentavis to have it grab the dino, Use the Fly command to make your Argentavis fly away with the dino. Early Birds; 4 ARK Trader Rating. Heres a step-by-step guide on how to use Argentavis to pick up dinos: Yes, you can pick up wild dinos with argentavis. 1. Go to ARK r/ARK by kcepic12 I cant pick up a baryonyx with my argent So I started up another server on the island after not playing for nearly a year and I know you used to be able to pick up a baryonyx with an argy, and you could also use a regular bola on them, which I can do neither now, did they update this? Egg when it comes in for the attack, simply shoot it use. Be caught in the female dropping a Fertilized Argentavis Egg that is distinguished by its blue color with spots. The dino off flight, then a second time to get back to the Ankylosaurus the... Closed and open the other side island, Argentavis Atrocollum has few aerial rivals its saddle doubles a... Bird will circle back around and repeat the process since he was young typo in their dossier where reads! Back to the sky with the most useful creature to fly around the island killed, along hide! 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